Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders (1953)
THRILL-A-MINUTE ACTION IN THE FROZEN NORTH...As The Mounties Track Down Enemy Agents! (original poster)
Gênero : Ação
Runtime : 2H 47M
Director : Franklin Adreon
A villain named Marlof attempts to set up secret missile bases inside Canada so he can launch missiles at the U.S. The Canadian Mounted Police dispatch agents to try to stop him.
Líder de uma quadrilha, Dr. Mabuse planeja um grande golpe: o roubo de informações privilegiadas da bolsa de valores. Depois de usar seus poderes psíquicos em um golpe no jogo de cartas, Mabuse começa a ser investigado pelo Comissário Von Wenk. Mas as poucas pistas fazem com que o comissário procure alguém para ajudá-lo no caso.
This 15-chapter serial pits Batman and Robin against The Wizard, who uses a device that allows him to control machinery to hold the city hostage.
Flash Gordon, Dale Arden e Dr. Alexis Zarkov visitam o planeta Mongo para frustrar os planos malignos do Imperador Ming, o Impiedoso, que colocou seu planeta em rota de colisão com a Terra.
Superhero Captain America battles the evil forces of the archvillain called The Scarab, who poisons his enemies and steals a secret device capable of destroying buildings by sound vibrations.
Uma misteriosa praga, a Morte Púrpura, devasta a Terra. Dr. Zarkov, investigando em sua nave espacial, encontra uma espaçonave do planeta Mongo lançando um pó na atmosfera. Com certeza, Ming, o Impiedoso está de volta com seus velhos estratagemas. Então retornam Mongo, Flash, Dale, e Zarkov, desta vez com aliados esperando: Prince Barin de Arboria e Rainha Fria das terras do norte congeladas de Frigia; onde, é encontrado o Polarite, antídoto para a praga. Mas Ming vai usar todas as suas forças para impedir os nossos heróis de frustrar seus planos de conquista.
Commando Cody, 'Sky Marshal of the Universe', works with American scientists Joan Gilbert and Ted Richards in the development of a flying suit and a rocket to the Moon. When the nation's defences are being sabotaged and destroyed, Cody learns that an atomic-gun is being used and that the men on the moon are the culprits.
Para proteger um talismã mágico de ser usado para o mal, um adolescente chamado Billy Batson é dado o poder de se tornar um super-herói adulto, Capitão Marvel, com uma única palavra mágica: "Shazam!"
Em Gotham City, Batman (Lewis Wilson) luta contra Dr. Daka (J. Carrol Naish), um japonês mentor de um grupo de espionagem que sabota instituições. Daka tem um aparelho que pulveriza uma radiação mortal, tendo assim, muita facilidade de destruir seus inimigos, além de poder recrutar homens, fazer uma lavagem cerebral neles e transformá-los em seus servos. Batman precisa usar todo o seu poder de morcego para enfrentar este inimigo.
When an unscrupulous banker ruins his family, a young man swears to bring him to justice, so he adopts a new identity, the mysterious Judex, and ominously disguised and sunk into the muddy path of vengeance, punishes the crooks and protects the innocents. (Originally a twelve-part epic serial.)
American, Chinese and Australian agents join forces to stop the Nazis from obtaining the formula for synthetic fuel.
Superman comes to Earth as a child and grows up to be his home's first superhero with his first major challenge being to oppose The Spider Lady.
The mysterious Don Del Oro ("Lord of Gold"), an idol of the Yaqui Indians, plans to take over the gold and become Emperor. Francisco was put in charge of a legion to combat the Yaqui tribe and protect the land, but when attacked Zorro came to his rescue. Francisco's partner recognized Zorro as the hidalgo Don Diego Vega, then ask him to take over the fighting legion as his alter-ego Zorro.
Prof. Millard pretends to be dead and helps Jeff King ferret out Vulcan, the evil traitor at the science academy. Donning his Rocket Man costume King goes from one hair raising rescue to the next in order to keep the newly invented Decimator out of the clutches of Vulcan and his minions.
A mad scientist named Dr. Satan plots to steal key pieces of technology to enable him to build an army of robots based on his prototype to conquer America. The only one standing in his way is Bob Wayne, who fights Satan as the enigmatic Copperhead. Mysterious Doctor Satan is a 1940 film serial named after its chief villain. Doctor Satan's main opponent is the masked mystery man, "The Copperhead", whose secret identity is Bob Wayne, a man searching for justice and revenge on Satan for the death of his step-father. The serial charts the conflict between the two as Bob Wayne pursues Doctor Satan, while the latter completes his plans for world domination.
Buck Rogers and Buddy Wade are in the middle of a trans-polar dirigible flight when they are caught in a blizzard and crash. Buddy then releases a special gas to keep them in suspended animation until a rescue party can arrive. However, an avalanche covers the craft and the two are in suspended animation for 500 years. When they are found, they awake to find out that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Along with Lieutenant Wilma Deering, Buck and Buddy join in the fight to overthrow Kane and with the help of Prince Tallen of Saturn and his forces, they eventually do and Earth is free of Kane's grip.
Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely get away with their lives when they escape a tower of Atlantis raised to the surface for the sole purpose of dominating or destroying the Earth (Which one depends on the compliance of the upper world dwellers.)
Professor Campbell's expedition into the hills of Libya obtains a papyrus which might reveal the hiding place of the Golden Tablets of Hippocrates, containing lost medical secrets. Also in the region is intrepid Nyoka Gordon, still seeking her father, lost on a previous expedition. She alone can translate the papyrus, which directs our heroes through deadly perils (including the Tunnel of Bubbling Death) into the land of the Tuaregs. Opposing them are Vultura, Queen of the Desert, and her Arab ally Cassib, both greedy for the treasure...
Serial - sequel to Superman (1948); Superman faces off against Lex Luthor.
Hank Davis, foreman on a huge dam project, enlists the aid of his two flyer friends when a sinister figure known as The Black Ace leads his Mystery Squadron of masked pilots in an attempt to destroy the dam.
A mad scientist attempts to rule the world by creating various elaborate inventions.