Vaccine Nation (2008)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 2H 20M

Director : Gary Null


This documentary challenges the assumption that vaccines are safe. The use of heavy metals such as mercury, connections to autism and the high number of vaccines given at a very young age to children are among the arguments presented. The story chronicles the nightmare of parents who lost a child soon after a vaccination series. Government cover-ups and deceptions with corruption in the scientific community are covered in Vaccine Nation.



Gary Null
Gary Null
Gary Null
Gary Null
Zoi Florosz
Zoi Florosz
Richard Gale
Richard Gale
Doug Henderson
Doug Henderson
Associate Producer
Scott Kaufman
Scott Kaufman
Associate Producer
Manette Loudon
Manette Loudon
Richard Polonetsky
Richard Polonetsky
Jennifer Shagawat
Jennifer Shagawat
Associate Producer
David Slater
David Slater
Associate Producer
Rachel Spratt
Rachel Spratt
Henry Yuen
Henry Yuen
Associate Producer
Lindsey Houston
Lindsey Houston
Additional Editing
Christopher Martini
Christopher Martini


Pouco depois de voltar de uma viagem de negócios, Beth Emhoff morre de uma suposta gripe. Enquanto a epidemia mortal se espalha, os médicos precisam identificar o vírus para conseguir combatê-lo e acabar com o pânico da população.
Maze Runner: A Cura Mortal
No terceiro filme da saga, Thomas (Dylan O' Brien) embarca em uma missão para encontrar a cura para uma doença mortal e descobre que os planos da C.R.U.E.L podem trazer consequências catastróficas para a humanidade. Agora, ele tem que decidir se vai se entregar para a C.R.U.E.L e confiar na promessa da organização de que esse será seu último experimento.
O Mau Exemplo de Cameron Post
Flagrada pelo namorado transando com a melhor amiga em pleno baile de formatura, Cameron Post é enviada pela tia para um centro religioso que afirma curar jovens atraídos pelo mesmo sexo, mas para se submeter ou não ao suposto tratamento, a adolescente precisa antes descobrir quem é de fato.
O Segredo
O segredo existiu por toda a humanidade, com alguns dos principais líderes de sua época tendo conhecimento sobre ele. Fragmentos do segredo foram encontrados em tradições orais, na literatura, nas religiões e filosofias ao longo dos séculos. Alguns dos maiores professores da atualidade são reunidos para apresentar o segredo na íntegra.
A Invasão Zumbi
Sobreviventes de uma praga zumbi fogem de seu refúgio na Ilha de Alcatraz quando ele é tomado pelos mortos-vivos, se arriscando no mundo exterior para encontrar um cientista que, de acordo com rumores, encontrou a cura para a doença.
Quem Somos Nós?
Amanda é uma fotógrafa surda, em busca de respostas para a vida e a existência. O espectador acompanha a jornada de Amanda através de conceitos científicos e espirituais, passando pela física quântica e teologia, com a colaboração de especialistas.
The Story of Louis Pasteur
A true story about Louis Pasteur, who revolutionized medicine by proving that much disease is caused by microbes, that sanitation is paramount and that at least some diseases can be cured by vaccinations.
Ira de Mutante
Experiments in biological warfare have destroyed all but a few remnants of the human race. Alone in a lab, eight students work feverishly to create a vaccine before they are forced outside in search for food. It is then that the surviving scientists discover creatures mutated by the plague. Now they prepare to do battle against their worst fear: The Terror Within.
Race for the Vaccine
As news of the coronavirus broke around the globe, a small group of scientists jumped into action to tackle one of the greatest medical challenges of our time: to create a vaccine against a virus no one had ever seen before, and to do so in record time, during a deadly, global pandemic.
HILLEMAN – A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children
A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children tells the inspiring story of Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman, a man with a singular, unwavering focus — to eliminate the diseases of children. From his poverty-stricken youth on the plains of Montana, he came to prevent pandemic flu, develop the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, and invent the first-ever vaccine against human cancer.
The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines
A factual science based review and evaluation of vaccines and their impact on our health. Experts detail how fraught the widespread use of vaccines is for our current and future generations.
The Vaccine: Conquering COVID
An in-depth look at the race to develop, manufacture and distribute a vaccine for Covid-19 - which may be the most monumental scientific achievement in modern history. Interviews with some of the main players take you inside the real-life drama as it unfolded.
Blood Arrow
Phyllis Coates, TV's erstwhile Lois Lane, essays one of her largest film roles in Blood Arrow. Coates is cast as a devout Mormon girl whose mission is to transport smallpox vaccine to her friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, this requires her to journey through hostile Indian territory. Appointing themselves as the girl's unofficial protectors are Indian scout Scott Brady, trapper Don Haggerty and (reluctantly) gambler Paul Richards.
Alice's Birthday
Adapted from a novel from sci-fi series by Kyr Bulychev about a little girl Alice. It's Alice's birthday and as a present she is invited by an old alien friend archaeologist Gromozeka to join him on an expedition to an alien planet Coleida which population was destroyed by a space plague a hundred years ago. Arriving at the planet they decide that Alice, using a time-traveling device, will go back in time to the day when the plague was brought in by their space expedition to try and save the planet from destruction by spraying the astronauts with a vaccine. To achieve that, she and another alien scientist professor Rrrr, who looks just like a cat, must make a long and perilous journey to the planet's spaceport.
Defense Against Invasion
A doctor persuades a group of boys to be vaccinated by explaining how it will protect them against disease. Animated sequences depict the body metaphorically as a city, defended by the blood cells, which are stimulated by vaccination to amass arms and ammunition, in order to defend the city when it is invaded by germs.
Malcolm Is a Little Unwell
Charts the descent into madness of veteran foreign correspondent Malcolm Brabant after a routine yellow fever vaccine for an assignment in Africa.
The Greater Good
The film looks behind the fear, hype and politics that polarize people into emotionally charged pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine camps with no room for middle ground. Verite stories of individuals and their families, whose lives have been forever changed by vaccine choices, interwoven with interviews from leading experts in the field, will re-frame the vaccine debate and offer, for the first time, the opportunity to have a rational, scientific and factual discussion on how to create a more effective vaccine program in America today.
Super Juice Me!
The world is facing a “pandemic” of chronic disease – heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, asthma, kidney and liver disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, allergies and skin conditions and many, many more. This year more than 36 million people will die from degenerative conditions – more than from all other causes put together*, and that number is expected to rise to over 50 million within 15 years. At the same time, the amount spent trying to treat these diseases with pharmaceutical drugs is expected to rise by 50% to more than $1.2 trillion! One summer Jason Vale took eight people who collectively suffered from 22 different chronic diseases and put them on his ‘Juice Only’ diet for 28 days. Could these different diseases with their many different prescribed drugs be improved and even cured by one thing? Maybe it’s time to get Super Juiced!
Science Moms
This is a film that will give a voice to the science-minded moms - the women who are too often drowned out by the fear mongers, the shamers, and the CelebMoms. Through interviews with "science moms" who are on the front lines of this struggle, we’ll dissect the bogus claims of these celebrities one by one and explain in simple language what the science really shows about GMOs, vaccines, homeopathy, and any of these topics that are often in the headlines, yet even more often are misunderstood. We can’t change everyone’s minds, but we can make our voices heard. One mom at a time.
For over 80 years, Merle Hayden has crusaded to recruit members to the utopian movement Lawsonomy. Founded by aircraft pioneer Alfred Lawson, Lawsonomy advocates for economic reform and clean, communal living that transforms followers into a "New Species" that will benefit the human race either in this life or the next. Merle joined Lawson as a teenager and never looked back. His high school sweetheart Betty Kasch, however, is tired of Lawson coming between them. Reunited after over 60 years apart, non-believer Betty wants Merle to join her in Florida. Merle's commitment to preserving Lawson's legacy, artifacts currently rotting in a barn alongside a Wisconsin highway, has Betty worried Merle may leave her for Lawson once again.