Mila Tu. Becoming a Massaï woman without mutilation (2009)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 52M

Director : Charlotte Bruneau, Laurène Lepeytre


Evokes the personal trajectory of a Tanzanian Massai woman refusing genital mutilation. Directed by two NGO volunteers from Luxemburg working on a development project in Tanzania. Released in 2009, this film has been broadcasted since in various film festivals in Europe, on the occasion of different AR actions in Luxemburg and on national television (RTL).



Charlotte Bruneau
Charlotte Bruneau
Laurène Lepeytre
Laurène Lepeytre


Uma Aventura na Africa
O African Queen é o pequeno, mas estimado, barco de Charlie (Humphrey Bogart). Durante a Primeira Guerra, na selvagem África, ele assume a responsabilidade de levar a irmã do recém-falecido reverendo Samuel, Rose (Katharine Hepburn), para a civilização, através do rio, utilizando o barco. Mas existem dois problemas: Rose e Charlie não combinam em nada e as margens do rio estão cheias de alemães.
Grande Balé Vermelho: O Mistério dos Flamingos
Uma selva remota e esquecida revela um dos maiores mistérios da natureza: o nascimento, vida e morte de um milhão de flamingos rosados. Em um cenário espetacular e com paisagens jamais filmadas, as enigmáticas aves lutam para sobreviver e se impor aos perigos e ao destino.
Jane: A Mãe dos Chimpanzés
O documentário retrata o estudo pioneiro de Jane Goodall com chimpanzés no Parque Nacional de Gombe, na Tanzânia, usando principalmente mais de cem horas de gravações inéditas feitas pelo cinegrafista Hugo Van Lawick, a serviço da National Geographic Society, nos anos 1960. Considerada a maior especialista do mundo na espécie, Jane teve seu primeiro contato com os animais sem qualquer experiência anterior em trabalho de campo e dedicou sua vida inteira às pesquisas.
As Neves do Kilimanjaro
O escritor Harry Street (Gregory Peck), ferido gravemente durante um safári na África, aguarda a chegada de ajuda médica aos pés da montanha de Kilimanjaro, na África. Enquanto o auxílio não vem, ele relembra à esposa Helen (Susan Hayward) suas frustradas aventuras amorosas e seus fracassos como escritor. Em estado delirante, ele revive seu único romance verdadeiro, com Cynthia Green (Ava Gardner), cuja paixão ele deixou escapar devido à obsessão em viajar pelo mundo em busca de temas para seus livros.
Uma Aventura Animal 2
Duas crianças e seu cão deve usar todas as suas habilidades para sobreviver no mato Africano depois de um acidente de avião.
The Serengeti Rules
Exploring some of the most remote and spectacular places on Earth, five pioneering scientists make surprising discoveries that flip our understanding of nature on its head, and offer new hope for restoring our world.
For years, Doug Collins has been wading through a routine unsatisfying job and an increasingly miserable relationship. After his girlfriend moves out, Doug pushes himself to live a more fulfilling life starting with a trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Kilimanjaro - To the Roof of Africa
Follows five trekkers and a local Chagga guide to the top of Kilimanjaro, the largest freestanding mountain in the world. Along their journey this diverse group of trekkers encounter strange landscapes and endure harsh conditions as they travel through five climate zones ranging from the lower rainforest reaches of Kilimanjaro to the summit's arctic glaciers.
O Pesadelo de Darwin
Na Tanzânia, nos anos 60, a Perca do Nilo, um predador voraz, foi introduzida no lago Vitória, como experiência científica. Depois, praticamente todas as populações de peixes indígenas foram dizimadas. Desta catástrofe ecológica nasceu uma indústria frutuosa, pois a carne branca do enorme peixe é exportada com sucesso em todo o hemisfério norte.
The White Masai
Carola Lehmann (Nina Hoss) está em férias no Quênia. Quando faltam poucos dias para retornar ela conhece Samburu (Jacky Ido), um guerreiro Lemalian que usa armas e roupas tradicionais. Fascinada, ela logo se apaixona. Carola decide cancelar o vôo de volta e mandar Stefan (Janek Rieke), seu namorado, retornar sozinho, enquanto ela própria percorre o Quênia tentando reencontrar Samburu.
Five Kiwis take on a paragliding adventure in Tanzania, with the ultimate aim to fly from the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro.
Africa: The Serengeti
Africa the Serengeti takes you on an extraordinary journey to view a spectacle few humans have ever witnessed: The Great Migration. Journey with more than two million wildebeests, zebras and antelopes as in their annual 500 mile trek across the Serengeti plains.
Na estação seca, as fontes de água são armadilhas para as manadas sedentas. Durante um incêndio florestal, Bakari retorna para salvar o filhote adotado das chamas.
The Carnage Collection
With channels that can't be found on any other cable package and a special offer including a lifetime of free service, one homeowner doesn't think twice before signing on the dotted line and settling in to check out his new programs. But when the salesman said that these shows couldn't be seen anywhere else, he wasn't kidding... These series are all a part of something more vicious... Something more vile... They're all a part of THE CARNAGE COLLECTION
The Wildebeest Migration: Nature's Greatest Journey
Every year, on the steppes of the Serengeti, the most spectacular migration of animals on our planet: Around two million wildebeest, Burchell's zebra and Thomson's gazelles begin their tour of nearly 2,000 miles across the almost treeless savannah. For the first time, a documentary captures stunning footage in the midst of this demanding journey. The documentary starts at the beginning of the year, when more than two million animals gather in the shadow of the volcanoes on the southern edge of the Serengeti in order to birth their offspring. In just two weeks, the animal herd's population has increased by one third, and after only two days, the calves can already run as fast as the adults The young wildebeest in this phase of their life are the most vulnerable to attacks by lions, cheetahs, leopards or hyenas. The film then follows the survivors of these attacks through the next three months on their incredible journey, a trip so long that 200,000 wildebeest will not reach the end.
Serengeti Shall Not Die
The film tells of the beginnings of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. At the end of the 1950s, the Tanzanian National Park Administration wanted to fence in the protected area around the Ngorongoro Crater. Bernhard and Michael Grzimek were invited by the national park administration in 1957 to get a precise picture of the animal migrations and to provide the national park administration with the values ​​they needed for their project. Using a new counting method with two airplanes, the Grzimeks found out that the migration of the herds was different than assumed.
Serengeti Symphony
Serengeti Symphony is a breathtaking look at the astounding landscape and exotic animals that make up the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. The film accounts the daily lives and intricacies of animals such as giraffe, flamingos, leopards and cheetahs, each vivid scene flawlessly paired with a musical score written by Laurens van Rooyen. Serengeti Symphony brings the beauty of Africa to life like never before, with close up colourful images of the terrain and unimaginable glimpses of the wildlife, allowing the true character of the landscape, and the grace and spirit of every animal, to shine through.
Wings Over the Serengeti
Any unlucky carcass is dispatched in a matter of minutes by a feeding frenzy that attracts jackals and hyenas along with vultures. Scavenging insects swarm over the remaining bones and horns. While this film focuses primarily on the griffin vulture (“nature’s undertaker”), it considers the role of all scavengers in this harsh ecosystem. Generally despised as harbingers of death, they actually help maintain the health of the savannah by disposing of waste and returning nutrients to the soil.
Serengeti Stories
"Serengeti Stories: The Work of Hugo van Lawick" follows the famed wildlife filmmaker and includes clips of his masterpiece, "People of the Forest," about chimpanzees and their social relationships. Also: clips of "Wild Dogs of Africa" (1972), a heroic story of survival.
Fair Sex
Would-be filmmaker Sophie left Africa for Canada as a child. After graduating, she films the daily doings as part of a summer job at a fair. When pointing the camera at herself, she reveals painful secrets from the past.