Iran: The Hundred Year War (2009)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 32M

Director : Jean-Michel Vecchiet


What kind of world power is Iran becoming, and how will Western countries deal with it?


Abbas Abdi
Abbas Abdi
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Zbigniew Brzezinski
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
Charles Cogan
Charles Cogan
Richard Dalton
Richard Dalton
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
Mohamed el Baradei
Mohamed el Baradei
Jean Francois-Poncet
Jean Francois-Poncet
Mohammad Sadegh Karazi
Mohammad Sadegh Karazi
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Mohammed Mossadegh
Mohammed Mossadegh
Shimon Peres
Shimon Peres
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Javier Solana
Javier Solana
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Samule Labarthe
Samule Labarthe


Jean-Michel Vecchiet
Jean-Michel Vecchiet
Jean-François Colosimo
Jean-François Colosimo


Honra & Coragem - As Quatro Plumas
Em 1898, no Sudão, Harry Faversham (Heath Ledger) inesperadamente pede baixa de seu posto no exército britânico, pouco antes de uma importante batalha contra os rebeldes locais. Por sua atitude sua noiva Ethne Eustace (Kate Hudson) e seus três melhores amigos entregam a Harry uma pena branca cada, símbolo do que acreditam ter sido uma atitude covarde. Decidido a reconquistar a confiança perdida, Harry decide partir para o Sudão após saber que Jack Durrance (Wes Bentley), seu melhor amigo, está em apuros.
A Espiã Vermelha
Em 1938, a britânica Joan Stanley estudava física em Cambridge quando se apaixonou por um jovem comunista. Na mesma época, ela foi convocada pelo Comitê de Segurança Russo (KGB) para atuar como espiã do Governo de Stalin no Reino Unido. Depois de mais de cinquenta anos de serviço muito bem sucedidos, ela foi descoberta e presa pela Serviço de Inteligência Britânico (MI5).
O Jovem Ahmed
Ahmed é um jovem muçulmano de 13 anos que vive na Bélgica. Seguindo as palavras de um imã local, e inspirado nos passos do primo extremista, ele começa a rejeitar a autoridade da mãe e da professora. Quando se convence de que a professora é uma pecadora por ministrar um curso de árabe sem utilizar o Corão, Ahmed decide matá-la para impressionar os líderes religiosos e agradar a Alá.
Maomé - O Mensageiro de Alá
Handsomely-mounted historical epic concerns the birth of the Islamic faith and the story of the prophet Mohammed.
A Jihad for Love
A documentary on gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims across the Muslim and Western worlds.
Islam and the Future of Tolerance
In the thick of a controversial war of ideas, two enlightening figures, Sam Harris, an atheist and a critic of religion, and Maajid Nawaz, an Islamist-turned-liberal activist, partake in an engaging dialogue on the state of Islam, its potential reform, the militant ideology of Islamism, and where all this lays in a secular world.
Inside Mecca
The events of the hajj have long remained veiled from non-Muslims, who are forbidden even to enter the holy city of Mecca. A team of Muslim filmmakers gained access to Islam's holiest place at the peak of the pilgrimage to document the holy event for National Geographic Television.
Words with Gods
The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
Maomé, o Mensageiro de Deus
Na Meca do século VI, vemos através dos olhos do profeta Maomé, desde o seu nascimento até os seus 13 anos, a época de tirania e opressão na qual viveu. A trama envolve a tentativa de ataque à Meca que aconteceu um mês antes do nascimento do profeta, uma investida do rei de Habasha para destruir a Kaaba, lugar sagrado para os mulçumanos.
1979: Big Bang of the Present
Deng Xiaoping's economic and political opening in China. Margaret Thatcher's extreme economic measures in the United Kingdom. Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Revolution in Iran. Pope John Paul II's visit to Poland. Saddam Hussein's rise to power in Iraq. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The nuclear accident at the Harrisburg power plant and the birth of ecological activism. The year 1979, the beginning of the future.
Camp Century: The Secret City Under the Ice
How in 1959, during the heat of the Cold War, the government of the United States decided to create a secret military base located in the far north of Greenland: Camp Century, almost a real town with roads and houses, a nuclear plant to provide power and silos to house missiles aimed at the Soviet Union.
Winston Churchill: A Giant in the Century
A new look at the public and private life of one of the most important statesmen in the history of Europe: Winston Churchill (1874-1965), soldier, politician, writer, painter, leader of his country in the darkest hours, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, a myth, a giant of the 20th century.
Thomas Sankara: The Upright Man
Thomas Sankara, former president of Burkina Faso, was known as "the African Che", and became famous in Africa due to his innovative ideas, his devastating humor, his spirit and his altruism. More than a classic biography, this film sheds light on the impact that this man and his politic made on Burkina Faso and Africa in general.
Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
Stronger Than a Bullet
Iran, January 16th, 1979. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi flees after being overthrown. Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Tehran and proclaims the Islamic Republic on April 1st, 1979. In the same year, Saddam Hussein seizes power in Iraq and, after several border skirmishes, attacks Iran on September 22nd, 1980, initiating a cruel war that will last eight years. Since its outbreak, correspondent Saeid Sadeghi documented it from its beginning to its bitter end.
Midday Event
In the the tumultuous neighborhoods of Tehran, in the winding streets and alleys and displaced and confused in every little houses... Does this the rummage will be the end?
Tunnel 18
Tunnel 18 (Persian: تونل 18‎‎) is a 1997 Iranian Historical drama film written and directed by Hossein Shahabi (Persian: حسین شهابی)
The Sale
Forough is a middle aged woman whose husband has temporarily married with another woman. Even though that was kept secret from her, but his action is considered legal in Iran. Now the husband is in prison, due to not being able to pay second wife’s “Mehrieh” (the bride’s marriage portion).The second wife intends to receive her Mehrieh by asking the court’s permission to sell his house. Forough, the first wife, in order to not lose her home, intends to sell all she has to pay for her husband’s debt and release him from the jail.
Ghost (Persian: شبح‎‎) is a 1998 Iranian drama film written and directed by Hossein Shahabi (Persian: حسین شهابی)