Quo vadis Zivorad!? (1968)
Gênero : Comédia
Runtime : 1H 24M
Director : Milo Đukanović
Zivorad, unassuming young man from the village, is 'pushed' from his uncle to high positions, becoming a police inspector who is looking for hashish, a scientist, a man who rises agriculture land and whatnot...
Um playboy de nível internacional e agente especial nas horas vagas, Austin Powers é descongelado depois de 30 anos para combinar sua inteligência com a do Dr. Evil. Com habilidades de espião antiquadas e maneirismos dos anos 60, Austin precisa enfrentar um vilão como nenhum outro e dar um jeito em sua sexualidade fora de moda.
Em sua segunda aventura na tela, o super espião britânico Austin Powers retorna a 1969 porque o seu arqui-inimigo Dr. Evil voltou no tempo após ter roubado o mojo de Austin e criado um laser poderoso que está apontado para à Terra. Com a ajuda da bela agente Felicity Shagwell, o recém-solteiro Austin deve agora não só lidar com Dr. Evil, mas também com o maldoso e minúsculo Mini-Me.
Dr. Evil e seu comparsa conseguem escapar da penitenciária e, juntamente com Goldmember, elaboram mais um arrojado plano de dominação mundial, que envolve uma viagem no tempo e ainda o sequestro de Nigel Powers, pai de Austin e o mais renomado espião de todos os tempos. Austin também viaja no tempo para deter os planos do trio de vilões, reencontrando em 1975 uma antiga namorada, Foxxy Cleopatra. Juntos, Austin e Foxxy devem salvar Nigel e impedir Dr. Evil e Goldmember de dominarem o mundo.
Um ex-presidário é chantageado por um casal rico para descobrir os detalhes da alquimia de Leonardo da Vinci.
Em Gotham City, Charada, Pinguim, Coringa e Mulher-Gato roubam uma invenção secreta e planejam usá-la de forma maléfica. Além disto, planejam também destruir o Homem-Morcego e o Menino-Prodígio.
Pen and Jake have to rescue Princess Bubblegum from the antagonistic Ice King.
Nesta nova comédia de Wes Anderson, Bill Murray é Steve Zissou, um azarado mas persistente oceanógrafo à procura de um tubarão extremamente raro que comeu o seu parceiro enquanto estavam a filmar um documentário da sua última aventura.
Num fim de tarde, algures no nosso hemisfério, tem lugar uma estranha série de acontecimentos ilógicos: um amanuense é despedido de modo degradante; um imigrante perdido é atacado violentamente numa rua movimentada; um ilusionista comete um erro no seu número... Pelo meio de toda esta loucura, há uma pessoa que se destaca: Karl, coberto pela fuligem do incêndio que ateou para destruir a sua loja de mobiliário e ficar com o dinheiro do seguro. O sono não vem calmamente esta noite aos cidadãos desta cidade. No dia seguinte, os sinais do caos começam a instalar-se, com a loucura a manifestar-se num conselho de administração, e a própria cidade estrangulada por um engarrafamento terrível.
Jesús Quesada, an incompetent executive, is appointed as the new director of a company in decline whose survival will now depend on both the ingenuity and ambition of his former colleagues.
In the year 2043, an evil crime lord (The General/M. Bison) is trying to take over the world. Only one government official stands in his way, and plans to send him to prison, so The General and his minions Kent (Ken), Thai King (Sagat), and Toyota (E. Honda) travel to the year 1993 to kill the official before he has a chance to get into office. During a battle with The General's minions, the Future Cops Lung (Ryu), Broom Man (Guile), Ti Man (Vega), and Ah-Sing (Dhalsim) hear of their evil plan and devise a plan of their own to travel back in time to protect the official.
Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a child of their own more than anything else in the world. Years of trying, however, have left them with nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in the spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?
Funny adventures of the clumsy fellow whom his wife dispatched to the forest to bring home a New Year tree...
Palermo, Sicily, Italy, 2017. Twenty-five years after the murders of anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone, on May 23, 1992, and Paolo Borsellino, on July 19, 1992; and on the occasion of the tributes held in memory of both heroes, skeptical photographer Letizia Battaglia, chronicler of their titanic combat, criticizes the opportunism of shady characters who, like businessman Ciccio Mira, profit from the commemoration of both tragedies.
This is the tragicomic story of two lovers who cannot ever get together.
Short animation of a Russian folk tale, made in 1981. A parody of the fable by Ivan Krylov "The Crow and the Fox".
A young woman who works in a beauty parlor discovers that she has a unique and special talent, which causes her no end of trouble.
A family lives in a house that teeters precariously on the very tip of a mountain. The balance of the house is affected not only by the family that lives inside, but also their cow, dog, cat, a passing bird, and a man with a couple of sheep who returns in a car. The slopes of the hill themselves also seem rather slippery at times.
Distracted by life, Mr. Makkonen misses his engagement party by decades. From the cradle to the grave, life keeps interrupting, not only him, but a tired mother, a doomed superhero and the rest of the comrades in this uncontrollable world. Mixing comedy and fantasy with dark stories, Distractions will deliver the laughs with strings attached.
A bus conductor gets dressed for work in the morning, goes to the toilet, where he is killed by a bomb. The Commissioner and his fat, bumbling assistant, Inspector Charbonnier are put on the case. After interviewing friends, wives, colleagues, and spying on strangers who might be connected, our heroes trace the assassin down to a mental institution where, it seems, the murder victim has been an inmate for the last three years...
A well meaning math teacher finds herself trumped by a post-fact America.