
Tu brûles... tu brûles... (1973)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 34M

Director : Jean-Guy Noël


A dropout gets the margins of society and resists his father’s pressure to return to the bosom of the village. The film transcends anecdote by diving into a wacky and unusual universe, full of fantasy, imagination, and visual and sound gags.


Gabriel Arcand
Gabriel Arcand
Louise Francoeur
Louise Francoeur
Guy L'Ecuyer
Guy L'Ecuyer
Son père
Raymond Lévesque
Raymond Lévesque
Le curé
Serge Thériault
Serge Thériault
Marie Eykel
Marie Eykel
Janine Lebel
Janine Lebel
Pierre Curzi
Pierre Curzi
Julien Poulin
Julien Poulin


Jean-Guy Noël
Jean-Guy Noël
Jean-Guy Noël
Jean-Guy Noël
René Gueissaz
René Gueissaz
Marthe de La Chevrotière
Marthe de La Chevrotière


What Are We Doing Here?
Long-time friends Yan, Simon, Roxanne, Maxime and his sister Lily are in their early 20s, the age when anything is possible. They are just embarking on their careers. Then one fine summer day, Yan is involved in a fatal car accident. The young man is killed instantly and the rest of the gang is thrown into turmoil.
The Map of Sex and Love
Young Chinese-American filmmaker Wei-ming travels from New York to his childhood home on Lamma Island to make a video documentary about the imminent opening of a Disneyland theme park in Hong Kong. While doing research for the project, he meets Larry, a dancer/choreographer.
My Friend Pierrette
A young man and his girlfriend visit his parents at their lake house for the weekend. While there, the couple meets an eccentric artist who comes between them.
The Marsh
Two social outcasts in 19th century Eastern Europe, Alexandre and Ulysse, become friends and settle down to live alone on the edge of a marsh that is reputedly haunted by demons, monsters and goblins. These two men have been outcasts all their lives. Alexandre was raised in a nomad family that traveled from town to town, being rejected by the people of his homeland. Due to his physical abnormalities, Ulysse has always been pushed aside ever since his childhood. When a strange murder is committed in a nearby village, the peasants turn their suspicions on Alexandre and Ulysse, because they are different. In the eyes of the villagers, they are demons that must be hunted, burned and killed.
Silence Lies
Depuis une sérieuse dispute avec son frère Fred, qui lui servait de modèle, Viviane, photographe professionnelle, a mis en veilleuse ses ambitions artistiques. Or, le hasard lui fait rencontrer Guillaume, un jeune mécanicien dont la photogénie naturelle l'inspire. Réticent, ce dernier se laisse convaincre de poser pour Viviane qui, retrouvant son énergie créatrice, fait de lui le sujet d'un projet d'exposition. Bientôt, l'artiste constate que le jeune homme, qui vit toujours chez ses parents, porte les stigmates d'un douloureuse expérience familiale, qui le rend asocial et autodestructeur. Tout en cherchant à percer le mystère de Guillaume, Viviane tente un rapprochement avec son frère.
The Diary of a Volunteer
Jean-Marc Phaneuf, an unmarried electrical engineer, travels to Burundi as a volunteer for the NGO Radio du Monde. He finds a country ruined by grinding poverty, famine, war, disease and appalling social inequality. At the same time, he meets a joyful, brave people hungry for happiness, knowledge and human dignity. The camera that becomes his personal diary also helps Jean-Marc expose the shaky, ineffective workings of NGOs. His investigations turn up a few praiseworthy examples of international cooperation, but on the whole he finds himself drawn to a terrible, inescapable conclusion: humanitarian aid is a utopian mirage. After falling victim to an attack and losing whatever ideals he still had, Jean-Marc becomes entangled in an impossible relationship. He is ultimately forced to leave Africa in disgrace.
United We Stand
Nine oldtimers come upon a young woman stuck in a swamp.
Angels of Iron
The subject of this historical drama is a splintering Berlin in the years of 1948 and 1949. Played against the backdrop of social upheaval, the characters in the drama come to epitomize the best and worst of each pole of the political sphere. A 17-year-old hoodlum by the name of Gladow works hand-in-glove with a local white-collar criminal to rob and pillage every day and night, defying capture. While he and his gang of thugs are terrorizing the people of Berlin, the Soviets are trying to make the blockade of their region of control impermeable. The future casts long shadows over the drama, as Berlin's problems take the shape of times to come.
Agonizing in Crime
The same day of their marriage, Jean's wife dies of a strange ailment in the middle of surgery. Afflicted by the loss, the young man abandons his medical studies and takes refuge in the memories of his time of courtship. At the same time that this happens, a wave of murders shakes the city with the same pattern of behavior: the victims are surgery students whose bodies have had both hands amputated.
A Montreal man imagines a mermaid in place of the writer whose picture appears on a novel.
O Vendedor
Aos 67 anos, Marcel Léves contabiliza décadas de experiência como vendedor de carros na pequena cidade de Lac Saint-Jean, em Quebéc. Ele é um homem que se define pelo seu trabalho e se orgulha de ter se mantido no posto de vendedor do mês por dezesseis anos consecutivos. Suas únicas outras paixões são sua filha Maryse e seu neto Antoine, um jovem jogador de hóquei. No entanto, quando a fábrica de papéis local entra em processo de falência, a economia da cidade é abalada e a venda de carros cai vertiginosamente. Diante da crise, Marcel é forçado a rever seus planos de vida.
Feuilles mortes
Five years after an economic catastrophe, the government and banks have collapsed. At a fortified village in rural Quebec, three individuals with very different pasts see their destinies unwillingly intertwined. Léon is part of a band of honest scavengers. Following a murderous attack, Léon has a falling out with the surviving members of his gang. Marianne, survivor of a brutal assault and the last living member of her family, is travelling to the village to find her aunt — and is soon to find that her attackers are there too. Old Bob has only one goal, to reconnect and make peace with his brother, since years estranged. During his journey, he encounters Josée, a teen with attitude who sees a father figure in him. After a bloody altercation at a bar, Bob has no choice but to tolerate Joe’s company.
Unterm Birnbaum
Abel Hradscheck, the owner of an inn in the Oderbruch country, faces financial ruin. For this state of affairs, Ursula, his wife and former actress, is by no means free of blame. She is a "newcomer" to the area and even after eleven years in the area, still a "stranger". A Cracow company announces that a money-collector is on his way to the innkeeper. Mr. Szulski arrives and the debts are settled - with money supposedly stemming from an inheritance. The next day, Szulski departs but according to the maid and the stable-boy, behaves in a very strange manner. Soon afterwards, his carriage is discovered in the Oder River, but there is no trace of the drowned man. Hradscheck's neighbor starts casting suspicion on the innkeeper. The Counselor of Justice, who heads the investigations has the spot under the pear tree dug out. A dead body is exhumed...
Ice Kiss
Iskyss is a strong and poetic love story based on Gunvor Galtung Haavik’s double life through 30 years. During the Cold War, she was employed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and assigned to the Norwegian Embassy in Moscow. With the information she had access to in the capacity of her position as interpreter and secretary, she frequently fed the KGB secret information.
Now or Never
A pilot who has not flown in years due to an accident has to deal with unexpected visitors and financial woes on the day he decides to return to the sky.
Don't Let It Kill You
A 30-year old man is forced out of his inert and absent-minded existence when it's complicated by the three women in his life.
The Man with the Objective Lens
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
The Wise Guys
In this French Canadian film, when the provincial government tries to move two young farmers from their land to make way for development, the two fight back, accidentally killing a policeman and becoming outlaws in the process.
Papa à la chasse aux lagopèdes