Then I See Tanja (2010)

Gênero : Família, Drama, Animação

Runtime : 33M

Director : Juraj Lerotić


Željko (16) and his younger brother have been living on their own since their mother ended up in hospital. Željko has set his mind on two things: he has to finally take the initiative to meet Tanja and earn some money to buy his Mum a wig. A real one, made from human hair. If he achieves these two goals, the things might turn for the better.


Niko Gamulin Vilogorac
Niko Gamulin Vilogorac
Tajana Jovanović
Tajana Jovanović
Ena Mašić
Ena Mašić
Marin Radman
Marin Radman
Mirjana Rogina
Mirjana Rogina


Juraj Lerotić
Juraj Lerotić
Juraj Lerotić
Juraj Lerotić


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Esposas Ingênuas
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Praça Pública
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Carry On Don't Lose Your Head
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Then I See Tanja
Željko (16) and his younger brother have been living on their own since their mother ended up in hospital. Željko has set his mind on two things: he has to finally take the initiative to meet Tanja and earn some money to buy his Mum a wig. A real one, made from human hair. If he achieves these two goals, the things might turn for the better.
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