
Het Doet Zo Zeer (2017)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Heleen van Royen


What’s it like to age with early-phase vascular dementia? And how about your loved ones? Successful author Heleen van Royen has taken on caring for her elderly mother and films their frequent meetings. Increasingly, Mrs Breed’s life consists of confusion and unbearable stabbing pains that she tames with a mantra. She regularly refuses help, good advice and a Zimmer frame, although she is also thankful for her committed daughter’s support.



Heleen van Royen
Heleen van Royen


Relíquia Macabra
Quando a velha mãe Edna inexplicavelmente some, cabe à filha Kay e à neta Sam viajar para a decrépita casa de campo da família para encontrar pistas de sua demência espalhadas pela casa.
Meu Pai
Um idoso sofre com as confusões da própria mente e rejeita qualquer ajuda. Enquanto isso, sua filha tenta lidar com a perda do pai que está vivo, mas cada dia mais longe.
Alive Inside
Five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia—many of them alone in nursing homes. A man with a simple idea discovers that songs embedded deep in memory can ease pain and awaken these fading minds. Joy and life are resuscitated, and our cultural fears over aging are confronted.
A Espiã
Rachel Rosenthal é uma cantora judia que, durante uma tentativa de fuga, perde toda sua família em um ataque alemão. Ela se apaixona pelo oficial alemão que ela deveria espionar e quando suspeitam de um traidor dentro da resistência, ela é forçada a escolher o lado onde a sua lealdade está.
Onde Está Elizabeth?
Quando sua melhor amiga, Elizabeth, desaparece, Maud se convence de que algo terrível aconteceu e começa a resolver o mistério. Porém com o agravamento de sua demência, negócios inacabados são revelados, e o passado e o presente começam a se misturar.
A slightly self absorbed yuppie takes in his parents including his senile father, after their home burns down. But his personal and professional life fall apart soon after.
Soldado de Laranja
As vidas de Erik Lanshof e cinco de seus amigos mais próximos tomam caminhos diferentes quando o exército alemão invade a Holanda em 1940: luta e resistência, medo e resignação, colaboração e alta traição.
Ella e John
​O Caçador de Lazer é o apelido que Ella e John Spencer deram a seu trailer, que usavam para tirar férias com os filhos nos anos 1970. Hoje, já na terceira idade e loucos para fugir de uma vida de cuidados médicos, o casal volta a embarcar no veículo e parte em direção a Key West para uma nova aventura. A viagem por uma América que já não reconhecem mais – misturando momentos hilários com outros de puro terror – é a chance para retomarem uma vida de paixão e devoção, mas também de obsessões secretas que ressurgem abruptamente.
Memória de um Assassino
Um serial killer aposentado, que sofre de Alzheimer, planeja o maior caso de assassinato de sua vida a fim de proteger sua filha, enquanto tenta lidar com suas memórias que desvanecem devido à doença.
Winter in Wartime
Durante a segunda guerra mundial, um garoto de 14 anos chamado Michiel, na sua Holanda ocupada, se junta a resistência britânica após salvar a vida de um soldado ferido em batalha. À medida que o garoto vai crescendo, ele aprende a separar suas fantasias da infância da realidade nua e crua da guerra em andamento.
2018 Oscar Nominated Short Films: Documentary
The year’s most spectacular Documentary short films.
The Best Two Years
Two pairs of Mormon missionaries from America live in a beaten-up apartment in the Dutch city of Haarlem. Their personalities are distinctly different. Elder Johnson is the District Leader and oversees their efforts. His companion, the vain Elder Van Pelt, seeks to become the assistant to the mission president (the top post available) as soon as possible. The capable Elder Rogers has become disillusioned and inattentive to his duties ever since a previous missionary companion returned to America and married Elder Roger's girlfriend. The three meet Elder Roger's new companion, Elder Calhoun, in the train station. This new elder is a nerdy but enthusiastic "greenie" that has just arrived from the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Utah. Unfortunately, his training did not give him much fluency in the Dutch language. But as luck would have it, the first person he approaches to proselytize is a fellow American named Kyle.
Mirror of Holland
In this short film Bert Haanstra gives his vision - from the water – of a tranquil Holland. During filming he held the camera upside down and afterwards put the images ‘up right’ again in the film. By doing this, we see the ‘usual’ waterfront, but transformed by the rippling of the water. In this way Mirror of Holland became a modern looking experimental film. However this did not devalue the Dutch sentiment regarding waterfronts that are so trusted to so many.
Through the Field
In My Room
Feito durante a quarentena, In My Room retrata a história comovente de uma mulher no ocaso de sua vida, por meio de gravações da falecida avó da diretora. Salas se tornam palcos onde a vida é representada. Janelas se tornam portais para as vidas dos outros.
Assisted Living
"Assisted Living" chronicles a day in the life of Todd, a janitor who spends his days smoking pot and interacting with the residents for his own entertainment. Todd's detachment from his surroundings is compromised only by his unlikely friendship with Mrs. Pearlman, a resident who begins to confuse him with her son. On this particular day, Todd must choose whether or not to play the part. "Assisted Living" is shot and staged in a real nursing home and gains much of its unique effect and style from the participation of actual residents and staff members. During much of the film, it is impossible to distinguish between what is real and what is fiction.
Portrait of Arnhem destroyed by war. Citizens and volunteers clear the rubble and start the reconstruction of their city.
Storm in a Teacup
Australian artist Leon Pericles faces his greatest challenge: holding an exhibition of his life's works while facing the mental decline of his wife and collaborator Moira, as Alzheimer's disease turns their world upside down.
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter
This Academy Award-nominated film takes a moving personal story, illuminates it with insight and humor, and makes it universal. In recounting her attempts to come to terms with her mother's advancing Alzheimer's disease, Deborah Hoffmann explores the relationship between mother and daughter, parent and child, and the tenacity of love.
Rotterdam aan den Slag
The ruined harbor of Rotterdam obstructs the recovery of The Netherlands after the war. Rapidly and with borrowed strength the harbor takes its rightful place in the city of Rotterdam.