
Gun Caliber (2015)

Get ready to shoot evil in the dick and steal its wallet!

Gênero : Ação, Comédia, Ficção científica

Runtime : 1H 22M

Director : Bueno


Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.


Soma Kusanagi/Gun Caliber
Sakurako Fujiwara
Sakurako Fujiwara
Izumi Sakurai
Joey Min
Joey Min
Kenji Nishikatsu
Kenji Nishikatsu
Dr. Death
Michael Kinder
Michael Kinder
Blue/Kamen Fighter Bloo


Paul Sullivan
Paul Sullivan
Executive Producer
Fernando Ramos
Fernando Ramos
Koichi Terasawa
Koichi Terasawa
Action Director
VFX Supervisor
VFX Artist


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Slippery Slope
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Wooly Boys
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Temporada Sangrenta
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The Bilbee Boys
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Hey Happy
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O Vulcão Ginostra
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Crepúsculo do Caos
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