
Granular Film - Beirut (2016)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 7M

Director : Charles-André Coderre


The capital of Lebanon burns through photo-chemical manipulation, specifically variations on Mordançage and Chromaflex film processing techniques. Still, the images from one of the oldest cities in the world remain recognizable... The footage is almost entirely edited in camera. The sound design includes field recordings, modular synthesizers, and Buzuk samples by Bob Lachapelle.



Charles-André Coderre
Charles-André Coderre
Charles-André Coderre
Charles-André Coderre


Syriana: A Indústria do Petróleo
Muito petróleo significa muito dinheiro. Muito dinheiro mesmo. E este fato libera um esquema de corrupção que se estende desde Houston, passando por e Washington, até o Oriente Médio. E envolve industriais, príncipes, espiões, políticos, exploradores de petróleo e terroristas em uma teia mortal de ações e reações enganosas. Este thriller de ação inteligente e envolvente exige toda a atenção e os nervos do espectador, em intensidade narrativa que não permite descuido por um segundo sequer.
O governo israelense envia uma missão secreta de retaliação para matar onze pessoas ao redor do mundo depois que terroristas palestinos assassinam onze atletas israelenses nas Olimpíadas de Munique em 1972.
Aos doze anos, Zain carrega uma série de responsabilidades: é ele quem cuida de seus irmãos no cortiço em que vive junto com os pais, que estão sempre ausentes graças ao trabalho em uma mercearia. Quando sua irmã de onze é forçada a se casar com um homem mais velho, o menino fica extremamente revoltado e decide deixar a família. Ele passa a viver nas ruas junto aos refugiados e outras crianças que, diferentemente dele, não chegaram lá por conta própria. Sobrevive graças à sua esperteza nas ruas, cuida da refugiada etíope Rahil e seu bebê Yonas. É preso por um crime violento e, enquanto cumpria uma pena de cinco anos, ele processa seus pais por negligência.
Um diplomata americano foge do Líbano em 1972 depois de um trágico acidente em sua casa. Dez anos depois, ele é chamado de volta para a cidade de Beirute para negociar a vida de um amigo que deixou para trás.
Valsa com Bashir
Em um bar, um amigo conta ao diretor Ari Folman sobre um sonho constante que tem, no qual é perseguido por 26 cães ferozes. Através da conversa, eles concluem que a imagem tem ligação com sua missão na 1ª Guerra do Líbano, no início dos anos 1980, quando defendia o exército de Israel. Como Ari nada se lembra do evento, ele passa a buscar e entrevistar seus velhos companheiros da época.
Naomi, an Israeli Mossad agent, is sent to Germany to protect Mona, a Lebanese informant recovering from plastic surgery to assume her new identity. Together for two weeks in a quiet apartment in Hamburg, the relationship that develops between the two women is soon exposed to the threat of terror that is engulfing the world today. In this game of deception, beliefs are questioned, choices are made, and their fate takes a surprising turn.
Out of Life
Patrick Perrault, a photo-journalist covering the war in Beirut in the late 1980s, is himself caught up in the hostilities when one day he is picked up and bundled into a car at gun-point. Blind-folded, he is taken to an unknown location where he discovers that he is being taken hostage by Lebanese guerrillas.
Leba is a music instructor who lives in a small Lebanese town. Social pressure leads him to get married and have children. Lara, his beloved wife, births a girl, later other one and finally Ghadi, a boy with special needs related with Down Syndrome. Ghadi could have been a burden, but he is a cause of pride and joy for all of them —but a test too that proves the intolerance of other people.
Jenny was made for love and Lana for gambling. In this old-fashioned country, Lebanon, women have no say. Defying everyone and everything they will fight for their freedom whatever the cost.
Onde os Espiões Estão
A local doctor is recruited as a cold war spy to fulfill a very important secret mission in the Middle East, only to experience that his mission is complicated by a sexy female double agent.
West Beirut
In April, 1975, civil war breaks out; Beirut is partitioned along a Moslem-Christian line. Tarek is in high school, making Super 8 movies with his friend, Omar. At first the war is a lark: school has closed, the violence is fascinating, getting from West to East is a game. His mother wants to leave; his father refuses. Tarek spends time with May, a Christian, orphaned and living in his building. By accident, Tarek goes to an infamous brothel in the war-torn Olive Quarter, meeting its legendary madam, Oum Walid. He then takes Omar and May there using her underwear as a white flag for safe passage. Family tensions rise. As he comes of age, the war moves inexorably from adventure to tragedy.
The Sell Out
This action drama centers on a former CIA operative who grudgingly rejoins the spy game due to the machinations of his one-time student - a screw up who goes to work for the Soviets. As his job drags him deeper into a dangerous and under-handed world, the student wants out of the agency and oout of the U.S.S.R. But the man's choices have made him a target and now both the United States and Russia want him dead, sending their mos able hit men to do it.
Still Burning
Still Burning tells the unexpected reunion in Paris in June 1998 of André, a Lebanese filmmaker living and working in France, and Walid, the very close friend he has not seen for years. In their youth, in Beirut, during the civil war, they were both possessed by the same artistic vocation: Cinema, but also by the same woman: Amira. Their reunion, all night long, will not fail to awaken their old repressed demons for better or for worse.
Under the Bombs
In the wake of Israel's 2006 bombardment of Lebanon, a determined woman finds her way into the country convincing a taxi driver to take a risky journey around the scarred region in search of her sister and her son.
Hands Up!
The reunion of a group of former medical students results in a flood of bitter memories.
Agent 505 - Death Trap Beirut
A couple of beautiful girls are murdered while sunbathing at a luxury hotel. The killer too is murdered, but able to reveal – before dying - that they were disposed of because the “knew too much”. Something bad is being planned in Beirut, and it has something to do with a man called The Sheikh, who has only four fingers. It seems this isn’t a lone incident. The Sheikh is also thought to be behind the assassination of several prominent scientists.
I Want to See
July 2006. Another war breaks out in Lebanon. The directors decide to follow a movie star, Catherine Deneuve and a friend, actor and artist Rabih Mroue;, on the roads of South Lebanon. Together, they will drive through the regions devastated by the conflict. It is the beginning of an unpredictable, unexpected adventure...
This Is Not a Movie: Robert Fisk and the Politics of Truth
For more than forty years, British journalist Robert Fisk has reported on some of the most violent conflicts in the world, from Northern Ireland to the Middle East, always with his feet on the ground and a notebook in hand, travelling into landscapes devastated by war, ferreting out the facts and sending reports to the media he works for with the ambition of catching the interest of an audience of millions.
Adel Karam: Live from Beirut
Which part of a sheep is tastiest? What's so funny about funerals? A Lebanese comic answers your burning questions!
Yallah! Underground
Yallah! Underground follows some of today’s most influential and progressive artists in Arab underground culture from 2009 to 2013 and documents their work, dreams and fears in a time of great change for Arab societies. In a region full of tension, young Arab artists in the Middle East have struggled for years to express themselves freely and to promote more liberal attitudes within their societies. During the Arab Spring, like many others of this new generation, local artists had high hopes for the future and took part in the protests. However, after years of turmoil and instability, young Arabs now have to challenge both old and new problems, being torn between feelings of disillusion and a vague hope for a better future.