
Next (2016)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 7M

Director : Elena Brodach
Escritor : Elena Brodach


Another night, another naked body in her bed. She feels no love, just passion. A sharp lancet in her hands and a hidden box with her secrets. Only she knows how it all will end and who will be her next victim.


Miriam Sekhon
Miriam Sekhon
Denis Bondarenko
Denis Bondarenko


Elena Brodach
Elena Brodach
Elena Brodach
Elena Brodach


Kickboxer 5: O Desafio Final
África do Sul. O Sr. Negaal, ao saber que David Sloan se recusou a se filiar na Federação Negaal de Kickboxing, ordena sua morte, o que acontece em 48 horas. Neegal, um ex-kickboxer que foi banido por conduta anti-esportiva, quer impôr uma norma na qual só conte pontos no ranking aos filiados à sua federação. Vários campeões estão aderindo, alguns por medo de Negaal. Em Los Angeles, um exímio lutador de kickboxing, Matt Reeves, fica triste ao saber da morte de Sloan. Quando Johnny Sayles, outro amigo de Matt, se torna campeão, recebe a mesma proposta, recusa e acaba morrendo. Matt ainda tenta salvá-lo, em vão, então decide ir até à África do Sul se vingar de Negaal. Porém antes de partir Paul Croft, um kickboxer que passou 3 anos na cadeia e foi solto em razão de suborno pago por Negaal, alerta Matt do perigo que o espera. Croft foi contratado por Negaal para matar Matt, mas se recusou a cumprir o acordo.
Corações em Alta
Três dias depois da sua lua-de-mel em Miami, um judeu de Nova York chamado Lenny encontra uma linda e alta mulher loira chamada Kelly. Ele decide ficar com ela no lugar de sua esposa Lila.
Quartos e Corredores
Por sugestão de um amigo hétero, o gay Leo se junta a um grupo de homens, onde provoca alguns transtornos ao declarar sua atração por um de seus membros.
Mansão da Morte
A universitária Beth e suas irmãs da fraternidade são perseguidas por um assassino psicopata fugitivo. Ele compartilha com ela uma estranha ligação telepática.
Denok & Gareng
In the constant stream of hoping, failing and making new plans, Denok and Gareng stay united in their passionate struggle to make it up the hill one day. In the modest house of Gareng’s mum, these young, ex-street urchins Muslim couple starts a small pig business, looking for the lucky streak to come over the family. But new challenges constantly arise, putting their cheerfulness and patience on trial. In an entirely observational approach, ‘Denok & Gareng’ explores a strong loving relationship inside a strikingly vivid family that sticks together, fights back and laughs, about what others would call a Sisyphus fate.
Dark Star: H. R. Giger's World
An account of the life and work of Swiss painter, sculptor, architect and designer H. R. Giger (1940-2014), tormented father of creatures as fearsome as they are fascinating, inhabitants of nightmarish biomechanical worlds.
Flag Wars
Filmed over four years, this documentary focuses on the impacts of gentrification as gay white professionals move into a largely black working-class neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio.
Morgen gehört der Himmel dir
Dich schickt der Himmel
Wie buchstabiert man Liebe?
Anna is illiterate. Her patronizing husband Rolf has always taken advantage of this to patronize his wife. But that is over now. Anna took the difficult step and moved into her own apartment with the children. Fortunately, her best friend Maria lives next door to help Anna read important forms. Anna also found a job through Maria's mediation. Anna waits in a bistro in which the eccentric best-selling author Tom Dellwig is one of the regulars. The vain writer always expects everyone to dance to his tune.
Plain Devil
On the tough streets of Seattle, a girl gang of she-devils takes on an Eastern European immigrant, in the style of John Waters-meets-Perfect Strangers. A new girl must prove herself worthy of joining the ranks of the ferocious gang by prevailing in cat fights and wars of words. Jam-packed with tattoos, street cred, arcade brawls, hater shades, astounded immigrant parents, bow-tied nerds, matching jackets and loitering, for a camptastic good time.
The Finger
Two brothers. One sister. One dead: their father. His funeral. The opportunity to settle accounts, and maybe more…
The Deal
Stop-motion animation on the arranging of marriages in 1950/60s set in the Eastern-Polish borderland. The script is based on a part of Mikołaj Smyk's diary, the director's grandfather. The biographical objects used in the animation, such as an authentic headscarf, Polish and Russian books, the copy of Mikołaj Smyk's diary and photographs help situate the story in its original environment.
Um retrato das relações entre as raças ambientado nos Camarões antes da sua independência, na perspectiva de uma garotinha branca e seu empregado negro. A estreia de Claire Denis como diretora.
A Vida e a Música de Thelonious Monk
O cineasta Bruce Ricker não podia acreditar na sua sorte. As imagens filmadas por Michael e Christian Blackwood sobre o compositor e pianista de jazz moderno, Thelonious Monk, em 1968, estavam em excelente estado. Incluindo cenas de Monk fora dos palcos. Os rolos estavam, Ricker disse, "apenas lá, esperando para serem descobertos e revelados ao mundo". aaRicker, como produtor, junta-se a diretora Charlotte Zwerin ("Gimme Shelter"), ao produtor executivo Clint Eastwood e outros para trazerem esse material à vida. "A Vida e Música de Thelonious Monk" combina imagens dos Blackwood como Thelonious no estúdio, durante a turnê e cenas por trás das câmeras, como novas entrevistas, fotos de arquivo e mais para criar um marco visual na história do jazz moderno.
A series of interviews are conducted concerning people's beliefs towards the possibility of an afterlife. The interviews are filmed against a set of strange backdrops, and are intercut with clips from classic films and a variety of stock footage.
Marcas de uma Paixão
American Claire wakes up blood-soaked and bruised at the end of a runway in Spain. As she tries to account for her state, she has flashbacks from the past few days. She thinks she's killed someone, but isn't sure, and now she's wandering the Spanish streets without money or a clear memory.
A Hora da Estrela
Macabéa has just moved to the big city after her aunt, who raised her, died. She gets a job as a typist and moves into a boarding house with three other women. In her spare time, she listens to a radio station called Time; on Sundays, she likes to ride the metro. Then she meets Olímpico, a northeasterner like herself, who has dreams of becoming a congressman.
Angry Harvest
In the winter of 1942-43, a Jewish family leaps from a train going through Silesia. They are separated in the woods, and Leon, a local peasant who's now a farmer of some wealth, discovers the woman, Rosa, and hides her in his cellar. Leon's a middle-aged Catholic bachelor, tormented by his sexual drive. He doesn't tell Rosa he's seen signs her husband is alive, and he begs her to love him. Rosa offers herself to Leon if he'll help a local Jew in hiding who needs money. Leon pays, and love between Rosa and him does develop, but then Leon's peasant subservience and his limited empathy lead to tragedy. At the war's end, a ray of sunshine comes from an unexpected place.