
The Cabinet in the Woods (2017)

It's waiting for you

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 18M

Director : Andrew Schwarz


Carl (Ignacyo Matynia) is searching for his missing dog in the middle of the woods. After hours of looking and ready to give up, he stumbles upon something incredibly bizarre; a brand new cabinet mysteriously placed in the woods. Carl's curiosity leads to unspeakable horrors that only his wife (Lauren Dougherty) has a chance of stopping! The Cabinet in the Woods is an obscure, daring cult thriller born from the alliance of multi-award winning director, Andrew Schwarz (SEPARATION), and cinematographer/editor, Bob Klein. Featuring thrilling special effects and makeup by Hinano Leung and Cuty Lin, these ambitious filmmakers have created a body horror classic that has to be seen to be believed.


Ignacyo Matynia
Ignacyo Matynia
Lauren Dougherty
Lauren Dougherty
Karen Sweeney
Karen Sweeney
The Carpentress


Bob Klein
Bob Klein
Bob Klein
Bob Klein
Bob Klein
Bob Klein
Director of Photography
Bob Klein
Bob Klein
Cuty Lin
Cuty Lin
Costume Design
Hinano Leung
Hinano Leung
Makeup Artist
Cuty Lin
Cuty Lin
Hair Department Head
Cuty Lin
Cuty Lin
Makeup Artist
Jon Bewley
Jon Bewley
First Assistant Director
Eddy Gomez
Eddy Gomez
Boom Operator
Eddy Gomez
Eddy Gomez
Sound Mixer
Wynton Brewster
Wynton Brewster
Camera Operator
Aiden Ettlinger
Aiden Ettlinger
Still Photographer
Dan Kelleher
Dan Kelleher
Elizabeth Loo
Elizabeth Loo
Script Supervisor
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Production Design
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Production Manager
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Hinano Leung
Hinano Leung
Special Effects Makeup Artist


A Saída dos Operários da Fábrica Lumière
Trabalhadores atravessam o portão da fábrica Lumière para deixarem o local, seguidos por uma carruagem puxada por dois cavalos. Foi exibido em 22 de março de 1895, no Salon indien du Grand Café, quando Louis Lumière fez pela primeira vez uma demonstração pública de seu cinematógrafo. Pode ser considerado como o primeiro filme a ser projetado em público e originou 3 refilmagens dirigidas pelos próprios Lumière.
Noite e Neblina
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Shrek é um monstrinho feio, verde e mal-disposto que recebe no pântano onde vive uma visita inesperada de personagens de contos de fadas, expulsos pelo malvado Lord Farquaad do reino onde viviam. Shrek faz um acordo com Lord Farquaad, compromete-se a convencer a princesa Fiona a tornar-se Lady Farquaad. Como amigos o montro verde conta ainda com um burro, que fala pelos cotovelos!
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Austin Powers: 000, um Agente Nada Discreto
Um playboy de nível internacional e agente especial nas horas vagas, Austin Powers é descongelado depois de 30 anos para combinar sua inteligência com a do Dr. Evil. Com habilidades de espião antiquadas e maneirismos dos anos 60, Austin precisa enfrentar um vilão como nenhum outro e dar um jeito em sua sexualidade fora de moda.
Austin Powers: O Agente Bond Cama
Em sua segunda aventura na tela, o super espião britânico Austin Powers retorna a 1969 porque o seu arqui-inimigo Dr. Evil voltou no tempo após ter roubado o mojo de Austin e criado um laser poderoso que está apontado para à Terra. Com a ajuda da bela agente Felicity Shagwell, o recém-solteiro Austin deve agora não só lidar com Dr. Evil, mas também com o maldoso e minúsculo Mini-Me.
Austin Powers: O Homem do Membro de Ouro
Dr. Evil e seu comparsa conseguem escapar da penitenciária e, juntamente com Goldmember, elaboram mais um arrojado plano de dominação mundial, que envolve uma viagem no tempo e ainda o sequestro de Nigel Powers, pai de Austin e o mais renomado espião de todos os tempos. Austin também viaja no tempo para deter os planos do trio de vilões, reencontrando em 1975 uma antiga namorada, Foxxy Cleopatra. Juntos, Austin e Foxxy devem salvar Nigel e impedir Dr. Evil e Goldmember de dominarem o mundo.
Daybreak Express
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Trilha Errada
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Toy Story Toons: Um Pequeno Grande Erro
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The Breath of a Nation
Prohibition has just gone into effect, and Judge Rummy's wife eagerly throws away all of the Judge's liquor. She also plans to have a temperance lecturer use him as an example of the evils of drink. While waiting for the lecturer, Judge Rummy notices that Silk Hat Harry's Soda Fountain is remarkably popular, so he stops in to see what it's all about. He finds out that Harry has developed a substitute for alcoholic drinks, and that Harry's substitute can have quite an effect on those who drink it. (IMDb)
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics
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Bad Luck Blackie
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In 2005, Ben Hibon, with Stateless Films and Blinkink, created an animation for MTV Asia's weekly film show called MTV Screen. After a very good response, MTV Asia commissioned his company to produce a short film on the back of it. “As I was creating concepts drawings,” explains Ben Hibon, “MTV Asia was starting to plan their annual Music Awards. They then came up with the idea of ‘launching’ our project by using it to brand the show; posters, banners, trophy design and intro/bumper animations. So the brief changed from ‘short film’ to ‘branding package’ for the MTV Awards show.” It formed into a seven-minute prologue / intro animation to the world of ‘Codehunters’, an on-going MTV/BLINKINK project launched around the MTV Asia Awards 2006 in Bangkok.
The Famous Box Trick
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Adventures of William Tell
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