
The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935)

The Greatest Tarzan of All Time!

Gênero : Ação, Aventura, Crime

Runtime : 4H 17M

Director : Edward A. Kull, Wilbur McGaugh
Escritor : Charles F. Royal, Edwin Blum, Basil Dickey, Bennett Cohen


A serial in 12 chapters. Tarzan goes to Guatemala to find his lost friend, D'Arnot. On the way he helps Major Matling search Mayan ruins for hidden jewels and an idol containing the formula for a powerful explosive. D'Arnot and the idol are rescued, but the idol falls into the clutches of the explorer Raglan.


Bruce Bennett
Bruce Bennett
Ula Holt
Ula Holt
Ula Vale
Ashton Dearholt
Ashton Dearholt
P.B. Raglan
Frank Baker
Frank Baker
Maj. Francis Martling
Lewis Sargent
Lewis Sargent
Harry Ernest
Harry Ernest
Gordon Hamilton
Dale Walsh
Dale Walsh
Alice Martling
Jean De Briac
Jean De Briac
Lt. d'Arnot
Merrill McCormick
Merrill McCormick
Bouchart [Ch.1]
Jack Mower
Jack Mower
Ula's Companion at Resort [Ch.1] / Capt. Simon Blade [Ch.11]
Jackie Gentry
Jackie Gentry
Queen Maya
Earl Dwire
Earl Dwire
Expatriate Scientist


Edward A. Kull
Edward A. Kull
Wilbur McGaugh
Wilbur McGaugh
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Charles F. Royal
Charles F. Royal
Edwin Blum
Edwin Blum
Basil Dickey
Basil Dickey
Bennett Cohen
Bennett Cohen
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Ashton Dearholt
Ashton Dearholt
George W. Stout
George W. Stout
Edward A. Kull
Edward A. Kull
Ernest F. Smith
Ernest F. Smith


Rumo ao Paraíso
Paul Gauguin (Kiefer Sutherland) é um bem-sucedido corretor de ações, que vive feliz ao lado de sua bela esposa Mette (Nastassja Kinski) e seus quatro filhos. Colecionador de quadros, ele resolve abandonar sua profissão ao ter um de seus trabalhos elogiados por Camille Pissarro (Alun Armstrong), um bom pintor que ainda não tinha tido seu trabalho reconhecido. Entretanto esta opção de Gauguin faz com que ele e sua família passem privações. A chegada da pobreza obriga Mette a partir com os filhos para Copenhague, em busca de ajuda da família.
Uma onda gigantesca faz com que um luxuoso transatlântico, chamado Poseidon, tombe e fique de cabeça para baixo em alto mar. Poucos são os sobreviventes, que precisam se unir. O capitão Michael Bradford (Andre Braugher) sugere que todos aguardem por socorro no local em que estão, mas John Dylan (Josh Lucas), um jogador profissional, prefere buscar um lugar que lhe dê maior segurança. A atitude de Dylan atrai outros sobreviventes, que decidem segui-lo. Entre eles está Robert Ramsey (Kurt Russell), que está desesperado por não conseguir encontrar sua filha, Jennifer (Emmy Rossum), e o noivo dela, Christian (Mike Vogel). Também se juntam a eles Maggie James (Jacinda Barrett) e seu filho Conor (Jimmy Bennett), a passageira clandestina Elena Gonzalez (Mia Maestro) e Richard Nelson (Richard Dreyfuss), um homem que embarcou no navio em dúvida se queria viver. Desperados em encontrar uma saída, o grupo se embrenha no aço retorcido enquanto o navio cada vez mais vai se enchendo de água.
O Destino do Poseidon
Em virtude de um maremoto, um transatlântico de luxo é atingido na véspera de Ano Novo por uma onda gigantesca, fazendo-o virar totalmente. Os sobreviventes do choque inicial são liderados pelo reverendo Frank Scott e tentam escapar de qualquer maneira da embarcação.
Um terrível ataque a banhistas é o sinal de que a praia da pequena cidade de Amity virou refeitório de um gigantesco tubarão branco, que começa a se alimentar dos turistas. Embora o prefeito queira esconder os fatos da mídia, o xerife local pede ajuda a um ictiologista e a um pescador veterano para caçar o animal. Mas a missão vai ser mais complicada do que eles imaginavam.
Um artista pobre e uma jovem rica se conhecem e se apaixonam na fatídica jornada do Titanic, em 1912. Embora esteja noiva do arrogante herdeiro de uma siderúrgica, a jovem desafia sua família e amigos em busca do verdadeiro amor.
Nascido Para Matar
Um sargento treina de forma fanática e sádica os recrutas em uma base de treinamentos, na intenção de transformá-los em máquinas de guerra para combater na Guerra do Vietnã. Após serem transformados em fuzileiros navais, eles são enviados para a guerra e quando lá chegam se deparam com seus horrores.
Granito: How to Nail a Dictator
A story of destinies joined by Guatemala's past, and how a documentary film intertwined with a nation's turbulent history emerges as an active player in the present.
Panama Lady
A weary dance-hall girl in a Panama saloon is given the choice of jail or going with a rough-and-tumble oil driller's jungle oil-field in order to pay him back for being slipped a mickey and robbed.
Maldita Aventura
In colonial Malaysia, British big game-hunter Otto Abbot and American trapper Harry Stanton clash over the ethics of catching versus killing animals and over Abbot's mistress, Anna.
The Lost Volcano
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Tiger Shark
Realizado pelo cineasta John Farrow, a partir de um roteiro escrito por Jonathan Latimer, “O Tigre dos Mares” é um bom filme produzido pela Paramount Pictures em 1951. Sua trama, baseada numa estória do próprio Latimer, é marcada por uma boa dose de ação, própria dos filmes de guerra.
White Cannibal Queen
A man is on safari in the jungle with his wife and daughter when the wife gets eaten and the daughter is captured by cannibals. Several years later he goes back to see if his daughter is still alive.
The Master Mystery
In this action-packed serial, government agent Quentin Locke infiltrates a corrupt patents company, only to run into the gleaming terror of its robot protector, the Automaton. In order to save the beautiful Eva Brent and find a cure for the dreaded Madagascar Madness, Locke suffers an inhuman array of tortures and physical restraints. He is chained, tied with barbed wire, padlocked in a crate and thrown in the water, tied beneath a descending elevator, strapped to an electric chair, and bound in an elaborate Oriental torture chamber.
The plot concerns a small group of people who are forced to flee from their base (which happens to be a Mission) in an old school bus when the VC launch a vicious assault upon it. Along the way they are joined by a group of three battle hardened American Special Forces soldiers and together they desperately fight to make it to safety.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
The New Adventures of Tarzan
A feature film. Tarzan, who has returned to Africa after living in England, sets off to Guatemala in search of an old friend who may have survived a plane crash there. Also in Guatemala are Ula Vale and Major Martling who are out to find the riches of the Green Goddess. They join forces after they learn that a competitor, Raglan, has already set out ahead of them. Tarzan has to rescue everyone after they are taken prisoner. When they get to the hidden city, Tarzan finds his friend alive and the fabulous treasure.
The Showdown
Passions run hot in the tropics as men fight over oil wells and a woman.
Wonder Women
Dr. Tsu is a brilliant surgeon with her own exotic island off the coast of Manila. Using her sexy, all-girl army of martial-arts experts, Tsu kidnaps some of the world's greatest athletes. She is able to transplant any body part, so she uses the athletes for spare parts to sell to the world's richest men. Mike Harber is a womanizing, wise-cracking insurance investigator for Lloyd's of London sent to Manila to investigate the disappearance of a jai-alai player, and becomes involved with Dr. Tsu's mad mission.
Checkered Flag Or Crash
Hard-charging race car driver "Walkaway" Madden (Baker), nicknamed that because of his history of walking away from car crashes, just wants to win the big Manilla 1000 off-road race. Photojournalist C.C. Wainwright (Sarandon) intends to ride with him in that race. But Walkaway just wants to get rid of her. Fast-talking promoter Bo Cochran (Hagman) wants the race completed by any means necessary.
The Lost Jungle
Clyde Beatty, an animal trainer and circus star, leads a search for his missing girlfriend and her father who were on an expedition looking for a lost tropical island. Using a dirigible as his mode of transportation, Beatty and his band head off in search of the missing explorers only to crash their airship on the same island their friends are located. Battling wild animals and a gang of greedy men searching for gold, Beatty and his party must rescue his girlfriend and father all the while trying to escape their jungle island. Feature version of the same-title serial of the same year, with refilmed sequences substantially altering the plot and characters of the original chapterplay.