Ensina-me a Viver (1995)
Love is a chain of love... as nature is a chain of life.
Gênero : Comédia, Drama, Família
Runtime : 1H 47M
Director : Charles Matthau
Escritor : Stirling Silliphant, Kirk Ellis
Based on the novel by Truman Capote, this often-witty coming-of-age drama looks at a young man growing up with an unusual family in the Deep South in the 1940s. Becoming an orphan in 1935, Collin moves to his dad's cousins Verena and Dolly. Verena is a rich, bossy businesswoman. Dolly, Collin and the maid revolt, moving to a tree house.
For the construction of the plant comes a team of ironworkers, they will carry out the installation of the blast furnace according to the new method.
A film about the difficult characters of ordinary Soviet people who know how to work, dream, love - to build a great human happiness.
Bianka and Paulina are two teenage girls watching a video on the sexuality of people and animals. They are surprised by Bianka's farther and change to another channel. They suddenly find themselves in the same house in the 1920's. The girls are totally immersed in problems associated with puberty and reaching adulthood. The atmosphere of the house is imbued with eroticism. Bianka is sensitive with a poetic nature, shocked at the role that tradition has mapped out for her, terrified by the marriage which is being planned for her. Paulina is an extrovert, well adapted to face every situation, who accepts the amorous advances made at her. Based on the 1975 Tadeusz Różewicz play called Białe małżeństwo.
A young woman in search of a lost identity, her long lost mother who abandoned her soon after her birth.
Na futurística cidade de Chicago, ao completar 16 anos, Beatrice precisa escolher entre as diferentes facções em que a cidade está dividida. Cada uma representa um valor diferente e, ao contrário de sua família, a jovem opta pela facção dos destemidos, a Audácia. Ela então se torna Tris e inicia uma jornada para afastar seus medos e descobrir quem realmente é. Durante essa jornada, acaba conhecendo o jovem Quatro, um rapaz experiente que tem o dom de intrigá-la e de encantá-la ao mesmo tempo.
The seventeen year old Stach is faced with five impossible assignments he has to complete in order to become king. Things do not go as easily as the boisterous Stach had expected, especially when he is confronted with matters of life and death.
A World War II-style "war game" setting the wealthy customers against skilled mercenaries goes awry when the simulated war gets too real.
A porn-store owner orders some new stuff from his supplier, but the delivery address gets mixed with the address of the local Barclays Bank. Here, David (the bank's assistant manager) and his new wife are shocked when photos, then films and finally two girls are sent to them in their bank-supplied flat. They and the banks' head cashier then hatch a plan to get rid of the porn—without letting their boss, the local police and David's mother in on what is happening.
Resgatada da arena, Katniss Everdeen dá por si própria junto a um movimento militar, a Resistência. Afinal, tudo era mentira: ainda existe um Distrito 13, ainda existem guerrilheiros e a guerra civil, dada como ganha há mais de setenta e cinco anos, nunca chegou a terminar. Mas a presidente Coin, líder da Resistência, não salvou Katniss para a pôr a lutar. Ela precisa de um símbolo, uma mascote para a sua causa, e Katniss é a pessoa perfeita. Entretanto, o destino de Peeta permanece incerto e nas mãos do regime ditatorial da Capital.
Com Panem em guerra, Katniss decide ir além do que lhe é pedido pela Resistência: em vez de fazer propaganda e ficar em segurança, ela vai tomar a dianteira do conflito, e engajar-se na batalha decisiva pela Capital no desejo de matar Snow, cada vez mais obcecado em destruir Katniss e aniquilar a resistência.
In 1921, the Cheka became aware that gold and jewelry were stolen from the treasury of Gokhran, and that a special organization was involved in transporting the stolen to Estonia. Scout Maksim Isayev is sent to this country. He establishes that the cipher of the Soviet embassy Olenetskaya works for the German resident Nolmar, with whom employees of Gokhran Kozlovskaya and an appraiser Yakov Shelekhes are associated. As a result of the provocation, Isayev was arrested. In the prison cell, he finds himself together with the famous Russian writer Nikandrov, who could not find himself in post-revolutionary Russia and went abroad. Released soon by the efforts of his comrades, Isayev continues the struggle for the fate of Nikandrov — for his return to his homeland.
O Bom Soldado Shweik é uma aventura animada que segue a vida do soldado Shweik. Shweik Josef, um empresário checo que tem de partir para o exército e se tornar um soldado. Apesar de seus esforços e intenções, suas aventuras engraçadas parecem levá-lo só para uma morte certa. No entanto, Shweik tem outras ideias, muito melhores do que morrer em uma batalha pelo imperador.
The classic tale of a young woman's erotic awakening is transplanted to swinging '60s Stockholm...
A young girl and her father are kicked out of their house by a cruel noblewoman, and the girl's heart is broken when her sweetheart, the noblewoman's son, won't go to Paris with them. After becoming an opera star in Paris, the girl returns to her homeland and finds her romance with the nobleman rekindled.
A fantasy film based on Louis Cha's novel "The Other Tales of the Flying Fox". Leon Lai plays the swordsman Wu Fei who is hunting down Master Fung who is responsible for killing his uncle Ping and their friend Chung. During his travel he gets caught between the two women Yuen (Sharla Cheung) and Ling (Michelle Reis) one whom he has fallen for an another who wants him.
Penelope, an American tourist cat who's gotten a white stripe of paint down her back, is pursued through the Casbah by the amorous skunk Pepe Le Pew, who woos her with his rendition of "As Time Goes By".
O filme começa com Eva se confessando com um padre e sendo advertida por ele sobre os pecados cometidos pelos pensamentos impuros. Em seguida vemos a família de Eva, em dificuldades financeiras, decidindo alugar um quarto. Lukasz Niepolomski, o inquilino, desperta uma paixão arrebatadora em Eva e os dois se envolvem em um romance proibido já que o rapaz era casado. Impedido de se divorciar, Lukasz passa a viver com Eva. Depois de se envolver numa briga, é desafiado a um duelo onde é ferido no pulmão. Sozinha e sem muitas perspectivas, Eva, que estava grávida, decide afogar o bebê após o parto. A partir deste momento uma sucessão de acontecimentos parecem afastá-la cada vez mais de Lukasz. Passo a passo Eva vai desconstruindo o sonho e mergulhando em um pesadelo sombrio que a levará inevitávelmente à tragédia.
After a mild heart attack at 63, Penelope Keeling is not ready to be an invalid yet...despite her children's attempts to take control of her life. She's given them everything she could over the years, but now they want Penelope to sell her most prized possession. Torn between the selfish demands of her children and her desire to hold onto cherished mementos of the past, Penelope must learn what is really important to her. She returns to the seashore, the only place she was ever truly free, in an unforgettable odyssey that will take her back to her home, her heart and another chance for happiness.
Joe Toy é um adolescente que não aguenta mais viver com o pai autoritário. Quando seu amigo Patrick também briga com os pais, os dois decidem se mudar para a floresta, junto de um garoto estranho que os segue, e viverem sozinhos, longe da presença de adultos. Logo, eles aprendem como cuidar da própria comida e como construir uma casa para os três.
When Scottish young gentleman David Balfour's father dies, he leaves school to collect his inheritance from uncle Ebenezer, who in turn sells the boy as a future slave to a pirate ship. When staunch Stuart dynasty supporter Alan Breck Stewart accidentally boards the ship, he takes David along on his escape back to Edinburgh. They part and meet again repeatedly, mutually helpful against the Redcoats and respectful, although David is loyal to the English crown, but learns about its cruel oppression. Both ultimately face their adversaries.