
The Last Continent (2007)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 2H 0M

Director : Jean Lemire


In 2005, a small group of scientists and filmmakers agreed to leave everything behind for more than a year to sail to the Antarctic and live in isolation. Following in the path of the greatest explorers, expedition leader Jean Lemire and the crew of the Sedna IV dedicated themselves completely to measuring the threat posed by global warming in a place where Earth is particularly vulnerable. The resulting film, is a record of their incredible 430-day journey that inspires equal measures of fear and admiration. Alternating between captivating images of beauty and serenity, and spine-tingling sequences where the ship's crew finds itself on the edge of catastrophe, this is an expedition where danger and wonder are inextricably linked.


Jean Lemire
Jean Lemire
Mariano Lopez
Mariano Lopez
Mario Cyr
Mario Cyr
François Prévost
François Prévost
Stevens Pearson
Stevens Pearson
Joëlle Proulx
Joëlle Proulx
Amélie Breton
Amélie Breton
Serge Boudreau
Serge Boudreau
Pascale Otis
Pascale Otis
Sébastien Roy
Sébastien Roy
Marco Fania
Marco Fania
Damian Lopez
Damian Lopez
Gaston Arsenault
Gaston Arsenault


Jean Lemire
Jean Lemire
Caroline Underwood
Caroline Underwood
Jean Lemire
Jean Lemire
Michel Grou
Michel Grou
Simon Leclerc
Simon Leclerc
Original Music Composer
Jean Lemire
Jean Lemire


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