Guns for Hire: The Making of 'The Magnificent Seven' (2000)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 45M

Director : Louis Heaton


A documentary about 'The Magnificent Seven'.


Bob Benecke
Bob Benecke
Narrator (voice)
Maria Palacios de Erickson
Maria Palacios de Erickson
Narrator (voice)
Chazz Palminteri
Chazz Palminteri
John Carpenter
John Carpenter
Lawrence Kasdan
Lawrence Kasdan
James Coburn
James Coburn
Lou Morheim
Lou Morheim
Doris Kleiner
Doris Kleiner
Walter Bernstein
Walter Bernstein
Walter Mirisch
Walter Mirisch
Robert E. Relyea
Robert E. Relyea
Neile Adams
Neile Adams
Horst Buchholz
Horst Buchholz
Eli Wallach
Eli Wallach
Robert Vaughn
Robert Vaughn
Rosenda Monteros
Rosenda Monteros
John A. Alonzo
John A. Alonzo
Brad Dexter
Brad Dexter
Elmer Bernstein
Elmer Bernstein


Louis Heaton
Louis Heaton
John Halliday
John Halliday
Director of Photography
Jules Cornell
Jules Cornell
Glenn Erickson
Glenn Erickson
Michael Arick
Michael Arick
Paul Kerr
Paul Kerr


A Forbidden Orange
Spain, 1970s. A Clockwork Orange, a film considered by critics and audiences as one of the best works in the history of cinema, directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1971, was banned by the strict Franco government. However, the film was finally premiered, without going through censorship, during the 20th edition of the Seminci, the Valladolid Film Festival, on April 24, 1975. How was this possible?
O espírito desbravador de Michael Schumacher deixou sua marca na história da Fórmula 1, e serve como guia para este documentário revelador.
Justin Bieber: Nosso Mundo
O especial leva o público aos bastidores e ao mundo privado da superestrela enquanto ele se prepara para seu show no Ano-Novo de 2020. Bieber dá uma performance eletrizante no terraço do Hotel Beverly Hilton para 240 convidados — e milhões de fãs em todo o mundo que assistem a transmissão ao vivo. O filme também apresenta momentos íntimos filmados por Justin e sua esposa, Hailey.
Diego, O Último Adeus
O último ano na vida do Diego Maradona relatado por amigos, familiares e ex-colegas que revelam a sua grande humanidade. No contexto da pandemia da Covid-19, um funeral maradoniano o despede com choradeiras, cantos e gases lacrimogêneos.
BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE” an online live-streaming event held on Sunday, October 24th 2021. Wherever you are, that’s where our stage will be! Join in and dance together! We don't need permission to dance ~
We Are Nothing
La Polla Records, one of the most legendary punk bands, returns to bid its farewell. To celebrate the group's last tour, its singer, Evaristo Páramos, revives 40 years of history from his town in the Basque Country. This is the extraordinary tale of villagers who revolutionised incensed music with songs turned into hymns by their thousands of followers.
14 Montanhas, 8 Mil Metros e 7 Meses
Nimsdai Purja, um destemido montanhista nepalês, embarca numa jornada aparentemente impossível: conquistar, em sete meses, todos os 14 picos de 8.000 metros do mundo.
Let Me Be Me
This coming-of-age story focuses on Kyle Westphal, an isolated autistic boy who’s fascinated by fabric and emerges from an experimental autism treatment program to become a fashion designer. Westphal’s family looks back on twenty years of his development with candor and humor. The film combines observational footage, archival material, and animation to chronicle how a passion for fashion transformed Kyle and his family.
El tiempo del no tiempo
One hundred years since the Mexican Revolution and two hundred years since the independence. Thousands of victims from drug trafficking in a country amongst the most dangerous in the world. Indigenous peoples struggling for dignity, Marxists against imperialism, pharmacies selling cigarettes, 50% of the population dying of starvation, the Zapatista Movement shuts itself off from the outside world, the left is fragmented, the jeopardized right governs. The mixture of vitality and atrocities mark a volatile and yet brewing social situation. Crossing Mexico becomes a political reflection in a sense, both historical and anthropological. Without stopping, the words and images of this film are woven into concepts and feelings, creating a continuous flow, a domino effect in the chain of the contemporary human condition.
O Golpista do Tinder
Ele se passava por um magnata do ramo dos diamantes, conquistava mulheres na internet e roubava milhões de dólares delas. Agora, algumas vítimas querem vingança.
Comemoração de 20 anos de Harry Potter: De Volta a Hogwarts
Uma encantadora história de making-of contada por meio de novas entrevistas em profundidade e conversas com o elenco, convidando os fãs a uma jornada mágica em primeira pessoa através de uma das franquias de filmes mais amadas de todos os tempos.
See You Never Ever
The film begins with closing of the oldest prison in Latvia – the Brasa Prison was built in 1905 and cannot ensure normal functioning. Inmates are leaving the place that has long been their only home. Our protagonists reside in Ward 207. They have really inhabited it – there is even a fish tank in the ward! They are not from a different planet. Humanity of the inmates may contrast with their records of committed crimes. All have their small pleasures and big plans. All are longing for changes and being afraid of them. Likewise, the term of imprisonment is running out for several of our protagonists. They are getting ready for life at large. They know how to survive in extreme circumstances but are unprepared for living a normal life. One’s return to the big world is one of the most accentuated marginal situations.
Russian Georgians. Part 2
The second part of Leonid Parfyonov's project "Russian Georgians" will begin with a story about Stalin's design of the Russian patriotic upsurge in the Patriotic War, after which it will capture the post-war period - the Stalinist Russian style and the short-lived tandem of Beria and Malenkov. Then it will take us to the "thaw". The period of new heroes - a poet with a guitar Bulat Okudzhava and film directors Mikhail Kalatozov (Katalozishvili), Marlena Khutsiev (Khutsishvili) and Georgy Danelia. The journey will end with the stories of post-Soviet stars - Tsereteli, Tsiskaridze, Leps (Lepsveridze), Tutberidze and Akunin (Chkhartishvili).
Nos Bastidores de Gavião Arqueiro
Junte-se a Jeremy Renner, Hailee Steinfeld, Florence Pugh e Vincent D'Onofrio enquanto revelam como "Gavião Arqueiro" da Marvel Studios foi concebido e criado. Veja em primeira mão o que foi necessário para montar as grandiosas sequências de ação. E descubra como personagens icônicos dos quadrinhos da Marvel como Kate Bishop foram adaptados e trazidos à vida nessa série de seis episódios.
2022 OSCAR Nominated Short Films
For more than fifteen years, ShortsTV has proudly brought the Oscar® Nominated Short Films to audiences across the globe. This special release features the year's most spectacular short films and for a limited time is available to watch on the big screen. Each nominee is released in one of three distinct feature-length compilations according to their category of nomination: Live Action, Animation or Documentary.
O Fascinante Mundo dos Corais
Acompanhe a odisseia de um pequeno baiacu por um micromundo maravilhoso em busca de um lar na Grande Barreira de Corais da Austrália
Querido Rider: a História de Jake Burton
Documentário original da HBO que enfoca a história real de como Jake Burton transformou um passatempo infantil em um fenômeno cultural.
Caixa Postal 1142: O Campo Secreto para Nazistas nos EUA
Neste curta documental, veteranos da Segunda Guerra revelam um campo militar secreto nos EUA onde soldados judeus interrogaram prisioneiros de guerra nazistas.
Os Reis da Fraude
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Sorrow Tamers
Sorrow Tamers is a documentary about people who have chosen to face sorrow without avoiding it or running away from it. The film is about love, change, sorrow and abandonment.