Hur tokigt som helst (1949)
Gênero : Comédia
Runtime : 1H 26M
Director : Rune Redig
"How crazy!" A man and a woman watch episodes from Nils Poppe movies outside a cinema Maxim in Stockholm. Poppe represents, among other things, a poor composer who vainly tries to get a tune adopted by a publisher. The failure makes him depressed, but he is living it up by meeting a good friend Calle, who invites him home. Poppe stays for a few days as a male housewife. Calle has a music store and there the two friends can go crazy among all the instruments.
Após uma tentativa de resgate atrapalhada, o ingênuo segurança John Brown tem seu corpo dividido em mil pedaços pelo perigoso dr. Claw. Vendo a oportunidade como uma chance de demonstrar sua nova criação, a dra. Brenda reconstitui o corpo de John, tornando-o agora um robô. Nasce então o inspetor Bugiganga, que logo se torna a mais importante ferramenta de combate ao crime na cidade.
Kevin McCallister, de oito anos, torna-se, da noite para o dia, o homem da casa! Deixado acidentalmente para trás pela sua família nas férias de Natal, Kevin ocupa-se a decorar a casa, mas não com luzes e azevinho. Dois ladrões desastrados tentam assaltar a casa e Kevin monta uma quantidade impressionante de armadilhas para lhes dar as boas-vindas!
Kevin McCallister está em Nova Iorque com dinheiro suficiente para tornar a Grande Maçã no seu recreio! Mas Kevin não estará sozinho por muito tempo. Os infames Bandidos Molhados, Harry e Marv, ainda a recuperar do último encontro com Kevin, também se dirigem para Nova Iorque e planeiam um enorme golpe de Natal. Kevin está pronto a recebê-los com um conjunto de armadilhas que os ladrões desastrados nunca esquecerão!
Em Edge City vive Stanley Ipkiss, um cara decente que trabalha em um banco, mas é socialmente desajeitado e sem muito sucesso com as mulheres. Após um dos piores dias da sua vida, ele acha no mar a estranha máscara de Loki, um deus escandinavo. Quando Stanley coloca a máscara, se transforma em "O Máskara", um ser com o rosto verde que possui a coragem para fazer as coisas mais arriscadas e divertidas que Stanley receia fazer, inclusive flertar com Tina Carlyle, a bela e sensual cantora que se apresenta no Coco Bongo, a discoteca do momento. O Máskara tem velocidade sobre-humana e um humor não-convencional e, enquanto isto, o gângster Dorian Tyrrell, que namora Tina, se esforça para destruir o Máskara e se apoderar da máscara para usar seus poderes para o mal.
Francis Bigger, a notorious charlatan who tours the country lecturing on the subject of mind over matter, slips off the platform in the middle of his performance and ends up in hospital under the care of Dr Tinkle. The hospital is about to enter a period of total chaos.
Os azarados irmãos Lars e Ernie Smuntz não pensam muito na velha mansão que herdaram... até que descobrem que sua dilapidada propriedade vale milhões. Mas antes de entrar no dinheiro, eles precisam se livrar do único e teimoso morador: um minúsculo e resistente ratinho. E então o que parecia brincadeira de criança torna-se uma batalha de desvairadas proporções.
A cat steals the headpiece of a dog to deceive the bulldog Spike and get a chance to eat the canary Spike is guarding.
A few moments before Charley is going to marry, a friend, gives him an anonymous note, stating that the bride has a wooden leg.
Stationed in a Latin American country, sailor Stan is lonely and wants company. He tries to get his Chief to bring him along to a dinner the Chief has been invited to, but the Chief wants nothing to do with Stan.
Two rich capitalists want to marry their children, but they don't like the idea at all. She tries to run away, and meets him at the station. They fall in love, unbeknownst to their real identities, and decide each on their own that they have to wreck their parents plan.
Dance hall Romeos and an irresponsible father create comic complications in the life of a nickel-per-whirl taxi dancer.
Hotel Deluxe is basically "All's Well Ends Well 2013", with almost the same cast and crew, and some new faces added in. It tells the story of a team of hotel management trying their best to score a 5-star rating for their hotel, with some supporting characters and stories added in along the way.
Larry going investigating an Oriental opium den. And opium is to Larry what spinach is for Popeye!
Robinet gets punched by a boxer in the ring and decides to challenge him for a match. To win, he needs to train as much as he can.
A young man, heir to his misogynistic and millionaire uncle, and in love with a nurse, gets in trouble when he gives advice on marriage to his girlfriends.
This film was not intended to stand by itself, but was designed as the cinematic aspect of Welles' Mercury Theatre stage presentation of William Gillette's 1894 comedy about a New York playboy who flees from the violent husband of his mistress and borrows the identity of a plantation owner in Cuba who is expecting the arrival of a mail order bride. The film component of the performance was ultimately never screened due to the absence of projection facilities at the venue. Long-believed to be lost, a workprint was discovered in 2008 and the film had its premiere in 2013.
A woman passes a construction site and gets dirt in her eye, which causes her to wink involuntarily. Soon she has a trail of suitors.
Stan is Jimmy Smith, a salesman who is trying hard to pitch his Napoleon book to an uninterested customer as they stand in front of some iron gates. When an elderly gentleman approaches the two men he uses sign language to communicate to the 'customer' and they leave together. This is when Stan sees the sign for the Deaf & Dumb Institute that his subject was standing in front of. An elderly lady then walks out of the gates and Stan uses sign language in an attempt to talk to her. Of course, she is not deaf or dumb and gives him some verbal abuse for assuming so.
Harry is a barely functional human. He meets an old friend who is having marital problems as Harry is about to leap off of a bridge. His friend decides that Harry is the man to take his wife away from him so that Milt can be with his girlfriend. Ellen and Harry have an instant attraction and in a short while Harry is wearing Milt's suits and Milt is free. But, Ellen soon discovers that Harry is the world's worst roommate.
This Pirates of Penzance is primarily a historical document, part of the Broadway Theater Archive television series. It presents, with some inevitable, tiny technical shortcomings, a live 1980 performance in Central Park, not the 1983 movie of the same name that also starred Linda Ronstadt and Kevin Kline. Those who remember that film, which had the benefit of retakes and editing, a lavish production budget, and the spaciousness of a Hollywood studio, may find this video less polished. On its own terms, it is nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable.