Mujeres elefante (2007)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 11M

Director : Adrián Caetano, José María Muscari


Tells the story of a group of female workers who are locked in a factory because of an invasion of wild elephants.


Jimena Anganuzzi
Jimena Anganuzzi
Mimí Ardú
Mimí Ardú
Lola Berthet
Lola Berthet
Celeste Cid
Celeste Cid
Carolina Fal
Carolina Fal
Julieta Vallina
Julieta Vallina
Stella Galazzi
Stella Galazzi


Adrián Caetano
Adrián Caetano
José María Muscari
José María Muscari
Adrián Caetano
Adrián Caetano
José María Muscari
José María Muscari


Nove estranhos, sem quaisquer ligações entre si, são violentamente drogados, raptados e trancafiados numa casa à prova de fuga. As portas estão seladas e as janelas, bloqueadas com tijolos. Todos farão parte de um sórdido jogo mortal em que apenas um participante sobreviverá. Quer eles queiram, quer não... Prepare-se para fazer parte do mais inacreditável ritual de crueldade e morte jamais visto. Os participantes são o policial Jay, o padre Duffy, o compositor fracassado Francis, sua esposa Cynthia, a jovem perturbada Shona, a tenista decadente Claire, o figurinista gay Max, o aspirante a rapper Al-B e a dançarina Lea. Oito deles deverão morrer. O que você faria?
Savage Harvest
A family in Africa is besieged by a group of lions, driven to desperation by the drought.
The Bread of Love
Four Swedish volunteer soldiers are trapped in Russia. In front of them lies the front with enemy outposts and patrols, behind them the enemy minefields. Hope to return to their own lines decreases each day. Corpses of fallen, "dead of cold and hard as iron", forms the macabre landmarks in the winter landscape. Nearby is a burnt Russian village.
Routine tests on a traffic accident victim lead to shocking discoveries when the man's blood is found to be unidentifiable and x-rays reveal a disc embedded in his brain. His fabulous tale of being an escaped prisoner from an alien spaceship takes a turn for the sinister when the hospital staff realise that they're under a state of siege...
It's Christmas Eve, and a soon-to-be-shit-canned maintenance gopher (Dan Palmer) is changing light bulbs and cleaning toilets instead of drinking egg nog and making out with drunk receptionists at the annual office party. Unfortunately for this forlorn floor-sweeper, he chooses to use the ladies restroom the very second a zombie outbreak occurs! Will he bowl us over and flush away the undead or (like in his pre-apocalypse life) simply remain ...Stalled?
Assombrada pelo Passado
O espírito de Lisa está preso a uma casa onde ela e sua família morreram. Quando Olívia se muda para a propriedade, o fantasma de Lisa decide assombrá-la para impedir que o passado se repita.
Maze Runner: Correr ou Morrer
Num cenário pós-apocalíptico, uma comunidade de rapazes descobre que estão presos num labirinto misterioso. Juntos, terão de descobrir como escapar, resolver o enigma e revelar o arrepiante segredo acerca de quem os colocou ali e por que razão.
Jogos de Assassinos
Do nada, cinco estranhos acordam juntos na masmorra de um castelo, presos. Nem a saída, nem água nem comida estão à vista. Nenhum deles consegue se lembrar do que aconteceu ou do que os levou até ali. Até que eles descobrem que precisam se juntar e ir resolvendo uma série de jogos sinistros e mortais e que, se conseguirem, talvez sejam libertados.
After an avalanche of snow crashes into their ski resort, a holiday at a winter wonderland turns into a game of survival for a group of vacationers.
Enter the bizarre world of Thraxton Hall, where Jarvis, Lord of the Manor, indulges in his wildest, darkest fantasies! Part torture chamber, part Turkish bath, part homicidal nightmare, this ramshackle monstrosity is actually his imaginary creation, his escape from a dead-end existence, fueled by his passion for silent horror films. But maybe his fantasies are real… this passive video geek turns out to be a bit more then we bargained for! And to this crazy mix a beautiful, buxom blond, scantily clad in black lace and garter belt, who is terrorizes by Jarvis, and Nightslave explodes into reality with terrifying results. A black comedy with an edge, this is one-of-a-kind thriller takes you on a sexy horror ride you don’t want to miss.
Across the River
After a wildlife biologist (Marco Marchese) becomes trapped on the wrong side of the river while collecting data, he comes across an abandoned village. Taking shelter, he begins to suspect he may be sharing the grounds with more than just boar and deer.
The Boy in the Bubble
Rupert, a ten year old boy, falls hopelessly in love for the first time. When it all goes terribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Turning to a book of magic, he invokes a spell to shield him from emotion forever.
The Box
Several individuals have been packed in a box; they disagree regarding what should be done.
In Between
Three strangers - two women and one man - find themselves trapped inside an unfamiliar house with no recollection of how they got there. They soon discover that the house has been borrowed to serve as a temporary way station between life and death.
Cidade em Chamas
Depois de ser despedido da empresa onde trabalhava, homem provoca criminosamente o vazamento do estoque de óleo de uma refinaria, que escorre em direção às galerias de águas pluviais. O incêndio é inevitável e alastra-se por toda a cidade.
A group of people awaken to find themselves prisoners in a mysterious house with no means of escape. They are each outfitted with electronic devices attached to the base of their skulls. The chemicals that the brain produces when in pain are collected by the devices, and when it collects a predetermined amount, the doors will be opened. In order to escape, they must hurt themselves and each other.
Quando é que uma vida vale mais que outra? Um rapaz (Fábio Santos) e uma rapariga (Cristina Gomes) vão ter de descobrir a resposta em escassos segundos, mas... Nem tudo é o que parece! Uma história de Tony Simões e com realização de Eduardo Rodrigues, chega FIM a nova curta metragem da dupla!
The Phantom Light
Criminals pose as ghosts to scare a lighthouse keeper on the Welsh coast, in attempt to distract him. Jim Pearce deliberately maroons himself on the rock along with Alice Bright. When the light is later smashed, Jim reveals that his brother’s ship is the wreckers’ latest target, while Alice is a detective sent to investigate.
Hush: A Morte Ouve
Depois de perder sua audição quando adolescente, Maddie Young viveu uma vida de isolamento totalmente recuada em seu mundo silencioso. Porém, quando o rosto mascarado de um assassino psicótico aparece na janela de sua casa ela deve ultrapassar seus limites físicos e psicológicos para poder sobreviver uma noite.
The Way of All Men
A variety of broad-painted and unlikely characters are trapped in an underground café when a Mississippi River levee breaks and causes flood havoc above and below.