
Crapshoot: The Gamble with Our Wastes (2003)

The Gamble with Our Wastes

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 52M

Director : Jeffrey McKay


A hazardous mix of waste is flushed into the sewer every day. The billions of litres of water - combined with unknown quantities of chemicals, solvents, heavy metals, human waste and food - where does it all go? And what does it do to us? Filmed in Italy, India, Sweden, the United States and Canada, this bold documentary questions our fundamental attitudes to waste. Does our need to dispose of waste take precedence over public safety? What are the alternatives?


Ruth DeGraves
Ruth DeGraves


Jeffrey McKay
Jeffrey McKay
Graydon McCrea
Graydon McCrea
Executive Producer
Joe MacDonald
Joe MacDonald
Jeffrey McKay
Jeffrey McKay
Ruth DeGraves
Ruth DeGraves
Linda Danchak
Linda Danchak
Camera Operator
Jerry Turchyn
Jerry Turchyn
Location Sound Recordist
Jeffrey McKay
Jeffrey McKay
Camera Operator
Jeffrey McKay
Jeffrey McKay
Production Manager
Jeffrey McKay
Jeffrey McKay
Ruth DeGraves
Ruth DeGraves
Joe MacDonald
Joe MacDonald
Amanda McConnell
Amanda McConnell
Story Consultant
Saul Henteleff
Saul Henteleff
Sound Editor
Tony Wytinck
Tony Wytinck
Online Editor
John Schritt
John Schritt
Mixing Engineer
Rolande Petit
Rolande Petit
Production Assistant
Cyndi Forcand
Cyndi Forcand


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