
Pistolteatern (2004)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 0M

Director : Anders Wahlgren


Pistolteatern in Stockholm, Sweden, was a leading experimental scene in the mid 1960s, comparable to the Living Theater in New York. In the years 1964-67. Pistolteatern produced theatre plays, exhibitions and happenings at a very high pace. The name, Pistolteatern, comes from two of creators, PI Lind and STaffan OLzon.


Åke Hodell
Åke Hodell
Pi Lind
Pi Lind
Staffan Olzon
Staffan Olzon
Anders Wahlgren
Anders Wahlgren
Bengt af Klintberg
Bengt af Klintberg
Evan Storm
Evan Storm
Claire Wikholm
Claire Wikholm
Sten Elfström
Sten Elfström
Sören Brunes
Sören Brunes


Anders Wahlgren
Anders Wahlgren


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