
Juana la Cubana (1994)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 40M

Director : Raúl Fernández
Escritor : Carlos Valdemar


The beautiful nightclub singer/dancer Juana the Cuban moonlights as freedom fighter “Commander Zeta”, joining forces with the C.I.A. to overthrow the brutal regime of a military dictator (played by Erik Estrada) who plans to unleash bacteriological warfare on the U.S.A.


Rosa Gloria Chagoyán
Rosa Gloria Chagoyán
Erik Estrada
Erik Estrada
Rolando Fernández
Rolando Fernández
Manuel Ojeda
Manuel Ojeda
Sandra Nori
Sandra Nori


Raúl Fernández
Raúl Fernández
Carlos Valdemar
Carlos Valdemar


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