
That's Black Entertainment (1989)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 56M

Director : William Greaves


This documentary presents clips from black films from 1929 through 1957.


William Greaves
William Greaves
July Jones
July Jones


William Greaves
William Greaves
G. William Jones
G. William Jones
Norm Revis Jr.
Norm Revis Jr.
Executive Producer
David W. Arpin
David W. Arpin
Executive Producer
Fred T. Kuehnert
Fred T. Kuehnert
G. William Jones
G. William Jones
G. William Jones
G. William Jones
Raymond Fielding
Raymond Fielding
Technical Advisor
David W. Jones
David W. Jones
Director of Photography
W. M. White
W. M. White
Michael Haines
Michael Haines
Production Sound Mixer
Sandra Kuehnert
Sandra Kuehnert
Production Manager
David Leavell
David Leavell
Post Production Supervisor
Keith Risinger
Keith Risinger
Sound Mixer


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42 Up
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