
South Mill District (2018)

Where the line between human and alien is blurred...

Gênero : Terror, Ficção científica

Runtime : 25M

Director : Joe Meredith


Ten years have passed since the alien war, and now the line between human and alien is blurred. The film follows two vagrants who were once subjects of a dangerous experiment involving the assimilation of alien and human DNA.


Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Cidney Meredith
Cidney Meredith
Toby Johansen
Toby Johansen
Dr. Bottin


Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
James Bell
James Bell
Special Effects
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Special Effects
Toby Johansen
Toby Johansen
Special Effects
Cidney Meredith
Cidney Meredith
Special Effects
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Joe Meredith
Camera Operator
Cidney Meredith
Cidney Meredith
Camera Operator


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