Chris Rock: Tamborine (2018)
Gênero : Comédia
Runtime : 1H 4M
Director : Bo Burnham
O comediante Chris Rock sobe ao palco em Nova York e solta o verbo, com comentários ácidos sobre paternidade, infidelidade e a política americana.
In 'Lazarus' is André Manuel - winner of the VSCD cabaret price 2003 - personally and engaged battle with the thoroughly rotten world. As Manuel would, he wonders how it is that people of the atrocities are able as we daily see and hear. He obviously talks about his hilarious trip to Iraq where he gave a Youp van 't Hek imitation American soldiers the night of their lives. While the late comedian know why life as for him after all worthwhile. André Manuel is an interactive game with audience expects obligation entertainment. Who André Manuel wants to understand this new films. Nothing is too crazy. Hence!
De dvd Typetjes Tour-- Elk typetje is een personage van vlees en bloed... Op veler verzoek haalt Onno Innemee al zijn succesvolle typetjes uit eerdere programma's nog eenmaal uit de kast. Ontroerende, hilarische, herkenbare, levensechte, figuren uit zijn vroegere werk zoals De angsthaas, Conny van Camping, De dove buikspreker en De Dronken vader zullen de revue passeren in deze speciale "De typetjes dvd tour". Voor degenen die niet bij de tv opnames aanwezig waren, kunnen dit nu bewonderen op de dvd
Roseanne Barr is back with an all-new HBO comedy special! Filmed live at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, Roseanne returns to her stand-up roots for the first time in 14 years, as she tackles hot issues of today - from gay marriage to President Bush.
Star actor/comedian D.L. Hughley appears in his first solo HBO special, a no-holds-barred 60-minute routine performed in front of a live audience at The Lincoln Theater, the venerable Washington DC venue. Hughley, seen previously in Russell Simmons' Def Comedy Jam, keeps the crowd roaring with his hilarious take on politics, childhood, challenging your father to a fight, gluttony, impotence drugs, parenthood and more.
Michael Ian Black may be joking, but he is indeed getting very famous. A stand-up comedian, actor, and writer Michael is known for his character Phil on the hit TV show ED, as a member of the cult comedy legends Stella, on VH1's clip series, and in numerous other projects (including the legendary comedy troupe The State and his new breakout podcast "Mike and Tom Eat Snacks")
Still Hungry serves as a follow-up of sorts to Pinette’s previous Comedy Central special, 2007’s I’m Starvin’!
When Jeffrey Ross swaggers onto the stand-up stage, no one is safe.Respected and feared as a result of his show-stopping performances at the Comedy Central Roasts, Ross decided to take his hilarious and heartfelt brand of insult humor on the road.
Comedian Paul Rodriguez brings down the Big House in this live stand-up performance for the inmates of California's San Quentin State Prison. Rodriguez serves up his hilarious commentary on Latino culture, quirky friends and neighbors, embarrassing family members and life's most bizarre situations, and is rewarded with whoops and hollers from some of the country's most dangerous criminals.
O ventríloquo e comediante Jeff Dunham sobe ao palco para apresentar seu novo material humorado com seus fantoches clássicos Walter, Peanut, Jose Jalapeño and Achmed, bem como com dois personagens nunca antes vistos com suas próprias peculiaridades únicas.
Filmed live in Indianapolis in front of a crowd as diverse as her material, Suzanne Fires off hysterical rifts about her quirky family, wild gay cruises and struggles with strap-ons - proving once again why her girlfriend calls her the Mayor of Inappropriate Land. Claiming innocently that she's just talking about everyday things - like what happen when you have sex, what happens when your parents walk in on you having sex - Suzanne's irreverently real style has everyone in the audience - gay or straight - turning to one another and gasping, That's me! Timeless, delicious and always outrageous, Suzanne's broad-based brand of humor crosses over the colorful spectrum of life, covering just about everything that can happen to you when you're living large from the bottom to the top!
Even after Swallow, Slave Or Not Addicted now the third show namely in Holland Mine House Jörgen Raymann. Jörgen has past 2 years this show screened in all theaters throughout the Netherlands. Important detail: All performance were completely sold out! The reactions after the shows were called very good, especially the press was full of praise for the show, which lasts about 2 hours. Jörgen grows after every show he presents. After some years the boards have been able Raymann now like a house on stage. And that's exactly what this show is about. A brilliant show full of humor but also very sharp, serious and politically charged topics. If you have not seen the show in the theater, this is your chance to watch it yet.
From the Union Square Theater in New York City, veteran comic Tom Papa discusses a variety of topics, ranging from living with the worst roommates in the world to the difficulties of keeping up with rapidly changing technology.
Stand-up comedian John Mulaney tackles such red-hot topics as quicksand, Motown singers and an elderly man he once met in a bathroom.
Louie Anderson Live at the Guthrie
In a year of sports highlights, political upheaval, orange offspring heatwave and there are only two men who dare to continue pushing the throbbing finger on the fragile minds of society: Lebbis and Jansen! And on this DVD, they are at the tops of their power: a good & 235; peerless waterfall topgrappen over the viewer through sprayed the energy pounding through the wide as the AIDS virus through a condom, the satire is buitengalacties level, the mimicry brilliant (Lebbis!), the movements are inimitable (Jansen !!) and it's not for nothing that the entire European press over each other's gebuiteld to this DVD to praise in heaven. And rightly so, because this DVD go Lebbis and Jansen once and for all competition away, and they settle on the highest peaks of the concept Oudejaarsconference. Beautiful! Nice ...? Fanfukkin tastic!
"To offer a counterbalance to the ever-hardening society make Lebbis and Jansen this year once a very different New Year's Eve ... no hard jokes, no insults, no shouting together, and certainly no links to all these terrible events of 2004. Lebbis Jansen and choose this year for poetry, for the warmth of the fireplace fire, for the touching story and especially to respect. "And this is absolute nonsense. Bullshit. Bullshit. Blah Blah Blah. A vergaderig of the LPF. A tactical discussion with the county. The setlist Gerard Joling Lebbis and Jansen go to this New Year's Eve DVD over everything that you can go over it. Now even harder! Now even higher! Now even funnier! Now oudejaarser, of course, but also a timeless document of two men in a turbulent time, two stand up comedians respects absolutely nothing and nobody, two well-built men who bear politically correct wristband as a cock ring. Because they can!
De cabaretiers Hans Sibbel (Lebbis) en Dolf Jansen maken al jarenlang oudejaarsconferences waarin persoonlijke en maatschappelijke gebeurtenissen uit dat jaar de revue passeren. De persoonlijke rode draden in de oudejaarsconference van 2006 zijn Lebbis' reis door Nieuw-Zeeland en Australië en Jansens zes maanden durende reis door de Verenigde Staten en Canada (mèt vrouw en kinderen). Naast anekdotes over die reizen, al dan niet begeleid door Lebbis' spel op de banjo, bood 2006 meer dan genoeg boeiende gespreksstof. Een greep hieruit: de angst voor islamisering, de wederopbouw/oorlog in Afghanistan, de kwestie Ayaan Hirsi Ali, het sullige imago van Balkenende, de hardvochtige Rita Verdonk, de Schipholbrand, de geheime CIA-vluchten, het gifschip, Lingo en de zielige paarden van Marrum. Met als uitgebreide extra's: Fotopraat, Dolf Leest Voor, Lebbis En Jansen Voorspellen en een Try-Out Audio.
When Bússi, Iceland's toughest cop, is forced to work with a new partner to solve a series of bank robberies, the pressure to close the case as soon as possible proves too much for him.
Para investigar a morte do melhor amigo, um ex-policial vai trabalhar numa escola para investigar a gangue local.
Uma jovem influenciadora digital bate o Mustang de colecionador do avô ao tirar uma selfie e é enviada para a fazenda dele para tentar consertar o carro, mas com um detalhe crucial: ela não pode usar o celular…
Uma adolescente perde o amor da sua vida em um trágico acidente. Arrasada, a jovem começa a achar que ele está se comunicando com ela do além.
Comedy legend Dave Chappelle returns to his roots with an all-new stand-up special filmed at the Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Jeanne (Sophie Marceau) é uma jornalista que tenta escrever seu primeiro romance autobiográfico, mas não consegue se lembrar de nada do que viveu antes dos oito anos de idade. Aos poucos, as pessoas à sua volta aparecem diferentes: seu marido, seus filhos e sua mãe aparecem como outras pessoas.
Após dois anos espreitando as ruas como Batman, Bruce Wayne se encontra nas profundezas mais sombrias de Gotham City. Com poucos aliados confiáveis, o vigilante solitário se estabelece como a personificação da vingança para a população.
Em 2029, Logan ganha a vida como chofer de limousine para cuidar do nonagenário Charles Xavier. Debilitado fisicamente e esgotado emocionalmente, ele é procurado por Gabriela, uma mexicana que precisa da ajuda do ex-X-Men para defender a pequena Laura Kinney / X-23. Ao mesmo tempo em que se recusa a voltar à ativa, Logan é perseguido pelo mercenário Donald Pierce, interessado na menina.
O príncipe T'Challa retorna a Wakanda para ser coroado rei. Assumindo o manto de Pantera Negra, ele vai à caça de um vilão que roubou um precioso metal de seu país.
Thor encontra-se preso do outro lado do universo, sem o seu martelo poderoso, numa corrida contra o tempo para voltar a Asgard e impedir Ragnarok - a destruição do seu mundo e o fim da civilização Asgardiana – que se encontra nas mãos de uma nova e poderosa ameaça, a implacável Hela. Mas primeiro, Thor precisa de sobreviver a uma luta mortal de gladiadores, que o coloca contra um seu ex-aliado e companheiro Vingador – Hulk.