
El hechizo del trigal (1939)

Gênero : Drama, Romance

Runtime : 1H 12M

Director : Eugenio de Liguoro


A country boy loves the daughter of his boss and godfather. An engineer who comes from the city is interested in the young woman who corresponds to him against his will.


Alejo Álvarez
Alejo Álvarez
María Loubet
María Loubet
Mario d'Alba
Mario d'Alba
Elma Demetrio
Elma Demetrio
Carlos Danilo
Carlos Danilo


Eugenio de Liguoro
Eugenio de Liguoro
Eugenio de Liguoro
Eugenio de Liguoro
Orlando Arancibia
Orlando Arancibia


Tom na Fazenda
O último trabalho do incansável, criativo e provocativo Xavier Dolan, canadense (“Eu Matei Minha Mãe” e “Laurence Anyways”) segue um homem aflito que visita os pais de seu amante morto – apenas para descobrir que eles não tinham conhecimento da orientação sexual de seu filho.
As Pessoas que Conhecem o Azul do Céu
Quando seus pais morreram, Akane permaneceu em sua cidade natal para cuidar de sua irmã mais nova, Aoi. Anos depois, o ex-namorado de Akane, Shinnosuke, retorna à cidade para se apresentar em um festival de música. Ao mesmo tempo que o reencontro entre os dois ex-amantes, Aoi encontra o eu adolescente de Shinnosuke, que viajou no tempo, e ela se apaixona por ele. A equipa da comovente O Hino do Coração regressa com uma surpreendente história cheia de romance e saudades da juventude.
Olhos Famintos
Ao voltarem para casa por uma estrada sem movimento, os irmãos Trish e Darry veem um vulto atirando o que parece ser um corpo embrulhado. Parando para investigar, eles descobrem centenas de corpos mutilados, pendurados embaixo de uma antiga igreja.
A Entidade 2
Courtney, uma jovem mãe solteira e superprotetora de dois gêmeos de 9 anos, se muda com os filhos para uma casa em uma área rural de uma pequena cidade. Logo, ela descobre que o local foi palco de estranhos acontecimentos e que sua família está marcada para morrer.
O Bosque Maldito
Tentando escapar de seu passado , Sarah O'Neill está construindo uma nova vida na periferia de uma cidade rural backwood com seu filho Chris. Um aterrorizante encontro com um misterioso vizinho quebra sua segurança frágil, jogando Sarah em um pesadelo em espiral de paranoia e desconfiança, enquanto ela tenta descobrir se as mudanças perturbadoras no filho dela estão conectadas a um buraco sinistro enterrado nas profundezas da floresta, que faz fronteira com sua casa.
The Dark and the Wicked
Dois irmãos retornam à isolada fazenda da família para acompanhar os últimos dias de vida de seu debilitado pai. O que a princípio parece ser um ritual de perda e consideração se transforma em algo bem diferente.
La détresse au bout du rang
The Water Diary
A story through a child's eyes about living through a drought.
Scotch Tension
A sweeping small town romance exploring the grit of craft, the heart of family, and the pains of love, told over the span of several years.
Cotton Wool
A single mother suffers a devastating stroke leaving her teenage daughter and 7-year-old son to care for her, testing the family's strength to hold things together as their roles are reversed.
Old Tree
A peasant family composed of Don Juan de la Cruz Pizarro, his wife Doña Juliana and their six children who, like the branches of a tree, grow and detach from the trunk that gave them life ..
Sheep Skin
María lost her husband in the cristero civil war. Her son Benito and a spanish priest are her only support. The loss of a minor puts María on alert.
A Menina do Outro Lado
Em um mundo dividido entre Interior e o Exterior, os que vivem em ambos os reinos são instruídos a nunca atravessar para o outro lado, para que não sejam amaldiçoados. Uma jovem chamada Shiva mora do outro lado, em uma aldeia vazia com um guardião demoníaco conhecido apenas como Professor. Embora os dois sejam proibidos de se tocar, eles parecem compartilhar um vínculo que transcende suas aparências díspares. Mas quando Shiva deixa o cuidado do Professor para procurar sua avó, o segredo por trás de seu misterioso arranjo de vida vem à tona.
Solid Ground
The unique journey of three reserved and endearing teens as they test their limits, discover the meaning of strong connections and live and learn in synch with the natural rhythms of the land and its animals.
Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel
Juan Martin, a young boy from San Sebastian, decides to spend the summer in a remote hillside farmhouse to improve his Basque. But there he discovers that the language they use has little in common with his classroom learnings.
Santa Fiesta
SINOPSIS / SYNOPSIS Every year in Spain, some 16,000 Fiestas are organized, during which animals are used. Honoring the Holy Virgin and the Patron Saints, and with the blessing of religious and political authorities, entire towns -including children- are involved in celebrations of unbelievable cruelty. 60,000 animals are hence abused each year during these “Fiestas of Blood”.
Rural Mexico
A Traveltalks visit to some small towns in Mexico. In Mazatlán, away from the tourist spots, we see a small village where fishing, growing coconuts, and gathering large sea turtles are the main pursuits. We then visit Toluca on market day, where people sell produce and pottery. The last stop is Taxco, where the Castilian influence of the Spanish conquerors is still prevalent.
The Cheese & The Worms
A documentary that records the daily life of a mother with a limited life expectancy and a grandmother, directed by the daughter, Haruyo Kato.
A vicious Slasher pursues his next victim in the rural Midwest.


Guitarras lloren guitarras
Juan from Altamira, Tamaulipas, arrives at the train station in the capital and is assaulted by Gus. As he finds only ten dollars in his wallet, he believes that Juan brings more money and offers him accommodation in his room to pay the rent. Juan is dedicated to singing and Gus makes his representative. Juan is successful singing together with Susana on stage and radio Azteca, but she does not correspond to his love. As she wants to succeed alone, she goes to Guadalajara but without success. Juan helps her and when she gets a heart illness, she agrees to marry him.
Cape Horn
The whaling captain, Antonio Grez, meets in a bar in the port of Valparaiso a very beautiful woman who lives haunted by the tragic premonition that fate will give her a violent death. Grez takes command of a whaler bound for Cape Horn and Antarctica. In Punta Arenas, the owner of the whaling company embarks on together with his fiancee, who is none other than the mysterious woman with whom Grez has fallen in love. The final route of the ship is the 'Land of Desolation', a place on which there is a curse and everyone knows that, for centuries, is has been fulfilled inexorably.
Gomar, O Monstro Assassino
A mad scientist terrorizes a city by kidnapping young women with his ape-man Gomar and then using them as subjects in sadistic brain transplant experiments. A female wrestler whose sister was one of the victims swears vengeance against the Mad Doctor.
Santo vs. The Riders of Terror
After a group of violent lepers escapes from a sanitarium, - robbing several farms, residents of the town demand the the sheriff - take action. Meanwhile, a local criminal joins forces with the lepers - to commit even more robberies. As the disfigured madmen keep the - entire town indoors with its reign of terror, the sheriff has no - choice but to call on the only man who can help--legendary wrestling - superhero, Santo!
Boom in the Moon
An American soldier (Keaton) during World War II escapes from an airplane crash over the Pacific Ocean. He arrives on a beach believing he has landed in Japan, but he is actually in Mexico. He wanders into a fishing village and is arrested under the mistaken belief that he is a wanted serial killer. Keaton and another prisoner are put in the custody of an scientist who is planning to launch a manned rocket into outer space. The two prisoners, along with the scientist’s assistant, are blasted into space but their craft lands in an isolated portion of Mexico instead. They mistake a beekeeper wearing protective headgear as an alien, while the beekeeper believes the trio (who are wearing wizard robes) are escaped lunatics. The prisoners and the scientist’s assistant are apprehended by the local police, and the matter is quickly settled. The film is notable both as Keaton’s only Mexican production and as the last time Keaton had star billing in a feature film.
Nostradamus and the Destroyer of Monsters
A professor and a vampire hunter join forces to destroy the murderous vampire Nostradamus and his minions.
Hollywood Talkies
Hollywood, 1927. The talkies have just been born and the big movie studios, responding to the demand of millions of Spanish speakers, begin to produce Spanish versions of their most ambitious productions. It is when a group of Spanish directors, screenwriters and actors decide to settle in Los Angeles in order to make a name for themselves among the biggest stars.