
The Death of a Horse (1992)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 21M

Director : Saimir Kumbaro
Escritor : Nexhati Tafa


During a political purge, the Albanian government orders the disbanding of a military unit whose horses are also considered traitors.


Timo Flloko
Timo Flloko
Agron Kurti
Rajmonda Bulku
Rajmonda Bulku
Niko Kanxheri
Niko Kanxheri
Fitim Makashi
Fitim Makashi
Tinka Kurti
Tinka Kurti
Meri's Mother
Luan Qerimi
Luan Qerimi
Meri's Father
Luljeta Sallaku
Luljeta Sallaku
Darling Çapeli
Darling Çapeli
Roma Soldier
Ferdinand Radi
Ferdinand Radi
Roma Soldier's Father
Xhemal Koçi
Xhemal Koçi
Doctor Aliu
Harilla Vjero
Harilla Vjero
Milto Mima
Milto Mima
Haki Kurti


Saimir Kumbaro
Saimir Kumbaro
Bardhyl Martiniani
Bardhyl Martiniani
Director of Photography
Neriman Resuli
Neriman Resuli
Nexhati Tafa
Nexhati Tafa
René Aubry
René Aubry
Original Music Composer
Vladimir Marko
Vladimir Marko
Camera Operator
Ilir Gjata
Ilir Gjata
Sound Engineer
Arben Vehbiu
Arben Vehbiu
Production Director
Arben Basha
Arben Basha
Production Design
Albert Xholi
Albert Xholi
Assistant Director
Ylli Beqiri
Ylli Beqiri
Costume Designer


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