
May the Devil Take You (2018)

Gênero : Terror, Thriller

Runtime : 1H 50M

Director : Timo Tjahjanto
Escritor : Timo Tjahjanto


Na esperança de encontrar respostas para a misteriosa doença do pai, uma jovem visita a velha casa dele e descobre uma verdade terrível sobre o passado.


Chelsea Islan
Chelsea Islan
Pevita Pearce
Pevita Pearce
Karina Suwandi
Karina Suwandi
Ray Sahetapy
Ray Sahetapy
Ruth Marini
Ruth Marini
The Priestess
Samo Rafael
Samo Rafael
Hadijah Shahab
Hadijah Shahab
Clara Bernadeth
Clara Bernadeth
Alfie's Mother (Intan)
Nicole Rossi
Nicole Rossi
Young Alfie
Daniel Ekaputra
Daniel Ekaputra
Beserker Priestess
Man in the bus
Abimana Aryasatya
Abimana Aryasatya
The Devil (voice)


Timo Tjahjanto
Timo Tjahjanto
Batara Goempar
Batara Goempar
Director of Photography
Arif Budi Santoso
Arif Budi Santoso
Sound Recordist
Teguh Raharjo
Teguh Raharjo
Antonius Boedy
Antonius Boedy
Art Direction
Chali Sakyan
Chali Sakyan
Line Producer
Daiwanne Ralie
Daiwanne Ralie
Associate Producer
Abimana Aryasatya
Abimana Aryasatya
Robert Ronny
Robert Ronny
Executive Producer
Zainir Aminullah
Zainir Aminullah
Executive Producer
Sukhdev Singh
Sukhdev Singh
Wicky V. Olindo
Wicky V. Olindo
Andi A. Manoppo
Andi A. Manoppo
Post Production Coordinator
Aldie Harra
Aldie Harra
Costume Designer
Richard R. Ponda'ag
Richard R. Ponda'ag
Casting Director
Stanley Saklil
Stanley Saklil
Casting Director
Fajar Yuskemal
Fajar Yuskemal
Music Director
Hiroyuki Ishizaka
Hiroyuki Ishizaka
Sound Designer
Timo Tjahjanto
Timo Tjahjanto
Syahlan Abdi
Syahlan Abdi
Jaka Alfari
Jaka Alfari
Shanda Yanni
Shanda Yanni
Unit Manager
Intan Melvina
Intan Melvina
Production Coordinator
Aisha Balinda
Aisha Balinda
First Assistant Director
Michael J. Panggabean
Michael J. Panggabean
Production Coordinator
Riefky Gifari
Riefky Gifari
Second Assistant Director
Stephanie Chrestella
Stephanie Chrestella
Art Department Coordinator
Wahyu Saputra
Wahyu Saputra
Property Master
Abdillah Tachmar Salmun
Abdillah Tachmar Salmun
Set Decoration
Brian Suryajaya
Brian Suryajaya
Graphic Designer
Hanafi Malik
Hanafi Malik
"A" Camera Operator
Hanafi Malik
Hanafi Malik
Steadicam Operator
Ucok Timbul Siadari
Ucok Timbul Siadari
First Assistant "A" Camera
Indra Jaya Mulia
Indra Jaya Mulia
Second Assistant "A" Camera
Drone Pilot
Angela Andreyanti Rikarastu
Angela Andreyanti Rikarastu
"B" Camera Operator
Tezar Samara
Tezar Samara
First Assistant "B" Camera
Danu Prasodo
Danu Prasodo
Digital Imaging Technician
Henry Christianto
Henry Christianto
Sound Assistant
Decky Nelwan
Decky Nelwan
Boom Operator
Rahadian Ridhoadi R.
Rahadian Ridhoadi R.
Boom Operator
Fandi Ahmad
Fandi Ahmad
Casting Coordinator
Maria Arum
Maria Arum
Casting Coordinator
Mizam Faddilah Ananda
Mizam Faddilah Ananda
Script Supervisor
Junian Rizky
Junian Rizky
Production Runner
Lucky Lesmana
Lucky Lesmana
Production Assistant
Catur Jatmiko Singgih
Catur Jatmiko Singgih
M. Yaasin Habibie
M. Yaasin Habibie
Assistant Property Master
Bayu Angkara
Bayu Angkara
Set Designer
Septi Febriana
Septi Febriana
Set Dresser
Enrico Indira Gautama
Enrico Indira Gautama
Set Dresser
Almukalis Farisada
Almukalis Farisada
Set Designer
Agung Khairuddin
Agung Khairuddin
Runner Art Department
Rois Dwi Suci
Rois Dwi Suci
Runner Art Department
M. Aji Ibrahim
M. Aji Ibrahim
Runner Art Department
Upay Maryani
Upay Maryani
Assistant Costume Designer
Yuni Indriyani
Yuni Indriyani
Costume Standby
Yunikawati Sri Rahayu
Yunikawati Sri Rahayu
Costume Standby
Unie Yanti Nurhayati
Unie Yanti Nurhayati
Costume Standby
Novie Ariyanti
Novie Ariyanti
Makeup Artist
Ucok Albasirun
Ucok Albasirun
Assistant Makeup Artist
Anto Bumi
Anto Bumi
Assistant Makeup Artist
Vera Wati
Vera Wati
Assistant Makeup Artist
Edi Purwanto
Edi Purwanto
Location Manager
Sobar Sadirana
Sobar Sadirana
Assistant Location Manager
Agung Setiyono
Agung Setiyono
Assistant Location Manager
Udeh Nans
Udeh Nans
Stunt Coordinator
Jaka Alfari
Jaka Alfari
Rigging Supervisor
Romi Aminnudin
Romi Aminnudin
Nurman Jatmiko
Nurman Jatmiko
Ari Toprak
Ari Toprak
Prosthetic Supervisor
Ewet Akhirwan Nurhaidir
Ewet Akhirwan Nurhaidir
Still Photographer
Fanny Hidayat
Fanny Hidayat
Storyboard Artist
Charlene Ong Chye Leng
Charlene Ong Chye Leng
Sound Editor
Dustin Shahf
Dustin Shahf
Sound Editor
Hiroyuki Ishizaka
Hiroyuki Ishizaka
Foley Artist
Hiroyuki Ishizaka
Hiroyuki Ishizaka
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Joel Lee Zhen Ern
Joel Lee Zhen Ern
Foley Mixer
Alexandra Aubrey Hastono
Alexandra Aubrey Hastono
Visual Effects Director
Henry Habayahan
Henry Habayahan
Visual Effects Producer
Setyo Anggono
Setyo Anggono
Visual Effects Supervisor
Nike Carolina
Nike Carolina
Visual Effects Production Assistant
Swangga Bayu
Swangga Bayu
Visual Effects Production Assistant
Kelik Eko Prasetyo
Kelik Eko Prasetyo
VFX Artist
Zefan Randa Cahyono
Zefan Randa Cahyono
VFX Artist
Risal Syaril Karim
Risal Syaril Karim
VFX Artist
Bandi Suardi
Bandi Suardi
3D Artist
Hendrik Wijaya
Hendrik Wijaya
Graphic Designer
Bayu Surya Prayogie
Bayu Surya Prayogie
Graphic Designer


Contato Visceral
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A Filha da Luz
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A Thousand Little Cuts
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