Pinóquio (2022)
O clássico atemporal.
Gênero : Fantasia, Aventura, Família
Runtime : 1H 51M
Director : Robert Zemeckis
Escritor : Robert Zemeckis, Chris Weitz
O conto do boneco de madeira em uma arrepiante aventura para virar um menino de verdade, recontado.
A região de Azeroth sempre viveu em paz, até a chegada dos guerreiros Orc. Com a abertura de um portal, eles puderam chegar à nova Terra com a intenção de destruir o povo inimigo. Cada lado da batalha possui um grande herói, e os dois travam uma disputa pessoal, colocando em risco seu povo, sua família e todas as pessoas que amam.
A GI on furlough attends a Folies-Bergères show. He falls in love with a dancer, Claudie, the star of the theater.
Two best friends, Johanna and Jeanne, live in the small town of Decazeville, a mining town in France and sing in the music group "The Sirens". Suddenly their paths in music and in life drastically change...
When Shura's sister dies, Shura starts taking care of her newly orphaned niece. Her fiancee, Grisha thinks the child may be Shura's own, and his suspicions estrange them. This leaves the way clear for a shy neighbor who has loved her from afar to gain points as a potential mate. Stenberg's design is simple and effective - a strongly-colored portrait of the pensive heroine at a table that provides space for the title and limited credits.
The lives of two local professional dancers change suddenly as American soldiers stop in their town hoping to be entertained in accordance with the Broadway style. Effectively, they perform up to their expectations. However, as the army men have to march northward, their moment of glory finishes heartlessly.
Blonde goddess Marika Rökk plays Julia Koster, a ravishing red-headed musical revue star and her opening number, "At Night It Isn't Right To Be Alone", playing to a packed theater, is both an eye-popper and a jaw-dropper.
UNIVERSALOVE is a global love story. Six episodes in six different places of the world are told in a symbiosis of modern story-telling and popular music. UNIVERSALOVE is an experiment - a global love story. The interwoven storylines are located in Brooklyn, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Belgrade, Marseille and Luxembourg. The laconic narrative style captures moments that set the viewer on a journey around the globe and deep into the emotional worlds of very different characters affiliated with different cultural spheres and languages.
A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City's elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making jealous to each other. The drifter and the mate get involved themselves in a fight to become the winner of conquering ladies and performing unit acrobatic tricks, interfering with their friendship and profession.
This is Mylène's 2006 concert tour in support of her sixth studio album, Avant que l'ombre.... It was the fourth tour of the singer.
Com a ajuda de Xuxinha, sua anjinha da guarda, Guto, um menino de 7 anos, enfrenta terríveis monstros comedores de lixo de um planeta chamado XYZ, que fica numa galáxia distante da nossa.
É a sequência de Era Uma Vez em Hollywood, de 1974. A produção mostra uma retrospectiva dos principais filmes produzidos pela MGM dentre os períodos de 1930 a 1950. Neste segundo documentário, arquivistas destacaram números musicais pouco conhecidos dos arquivos da MGM, e também tributos a alguns dos times de comédia mais famosos da MGM, como os Irmãos Marx, e Laurel e Hardy, duplas românticas como Spencer Tracy e Katharine Hepburn, e uma montagem de estrelas icônicas como Clark Gable, Mickey Rooney, John Barrymore, Wallace Beery, Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow, James Stewart, Lana Turner e Greta Garbo. Gene Kelly e Fred Astaire apresentam o filme e Kelly dirigiu as cenas introdutórias, como a volta dele à Paris, na qual foi rodada dois dos filmes mais famosos da MGM "Sinfonia de Paris" e "Gigi".
Ignace Boitaclou, although sympathetic, is not very intelligent. Upon his arrival at the barracks to perform his military service, he was appointed colonel and had to take care of the latter's terrible wife.
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo battle evil Imperial forces to help Chewbacca reach his imperiled family on the Wookiee planet - in time for Life Day, their most important day of the year!
The wintry mountainscapes of Bavaria provide the backdrop for this airy German comedy. The story is set in motion when young clerk Boenecke (Richard Romanowsky) accidentally delivers a check to the wrong bank. Boenecke's boss Schumann (Walter Steinbeck) suspects the clerk of embezzlement -- especially since our hero has taken off on an extended Alpine vacation with his sweetheart Hilde (Magda Schneider). Before this comic chain reaction can be straightened out, hero and heroine have become entangled with a gang of female pickpockets. Essentially a "moonlight and strudel" confection, Winterachtstraum was perfect escapist entertainment for Magda Schneider's legions of fans.
A poor composer who should buy a property for his ambitious father-in-law finances with the money, nevertheless, an opera. Together with his friend who must play a husband to his strict rich aunt, he makes to himself a fun from the mistakes which cause her feints.
An army musician is mistaken for a company manager and fall in love.
Alan Arkin interpreta o Captain Invincible do título, um super-herói que caiu em desgraça durante o McCarthysmo e foi viver para a Austrália. Trinta anos mais tarde, o governo dos EUA volta a chamá-lo para combater o seu arqui-inimigo, Mr. Midnight (Christopher Lee), que reapareceu. O problema é que, entretanto, o outrora paladino do bem só pensa na bebida.
A musical fairytale based on the poem "The Tale of the Dead Princess" by Alexander Pushkin.
1952, Québec - Alys Robi, vocalist at the top of her popularity and recognized worldwide, was interned in spite of herself, by her father. Medical authorities prescribe her the only cure for a possible cure: the lobotomy. Under the bright lights of the operating room, Alys sees her 28-year life flash before her eyes.
Freddie the Freeloader sets out to have Xmas dinner in a very expensive New York restaurant with his good friend, the Professor. Along the way he stops in a hospital to entertain some children on Xmas. Red Skelton does a couple of songs on his own & a duet with Vincent Price.
Todo mundo precisa de um tempo sozinho para relaxar e se lavar, mas as coisas são um pouco diferentes quando se é um bebê Flora Colossi. Suas tentativas de usar brinquedos, velas e bombas de banho acabam levando a uma bagunça folhosa de proporções épicas. E depois que suas folhas crescem quase na proporção de um arbusto, Groot decide fazer um corte de cabelo com as próprias mãos e dar uma renovada em seu penteado.
Por amor à velocidade, aos sonhos e ao dinheiro, uma equipe de pilotos se envolve na investigação de uma figura poderosa das Olimpíadas de Seul de 1988.
Becky e Hunter são duas amigas que buscam aventura e enfrentam grande alturas em suas escaladas. Depois de um grande drama vivido por elas, as duas decidem escalar uma remota torre de rádio abandonada com mais de 2000 pés de altura. Parecia a aventura perfeita para desligar a mente do trágico acontecimento que vivenciaram com o namorado de uma delas. Elas não contavam que ficariam presas e isoladas naquele lugar sem sinal de celular, sem energia e sem pessoas por perto.
Pilot for a TV series. In the pilot Hiroshi Tachi is a lower ranked samurai investigating the the murder of Tanuma Okitsugu's son Mototomo by Sano Masakoto. Those events are a matter of history but the plot that Hiroshi unveils and is eventually killed for is fictional.
Through his computer Hilo finds a lover. Decomposes on the fissures of the machine to go to meet him.
O Dr. Nate Samuels é um homem que perdeu a mulher recentemente, e decide fazer uma viagem com as filhas para uma reserva na África do Sul, onde conheceu a esposa. Mas o que começa como uma viagem tranquila, acaba se tornando um pesadelo quando eles passam a ser perseguidos por um leão.
Filip is a middle-aged man. He works as a professional film extra, and his specialty is the roles of dead bodies. On the set of a historical film, he meets Łucja, who plays the role of a dead woman.
Thor parte em uma jornada de autodescoberta, diferente de tudo que ele já enfrentou. Mas seus esforços são interrompidos por um assassino galáctico conhecido como Gorr, o Carniceiro dos Deuses, que busca a extinção dos deuses. Para combater esta ameaça, Thor pede a ajuda da Rei Valquíria, Korg e da ex-namorada Jane Foster, que, para a surpresa de Thor, inexplicavelmente empunha seu mágico martelo, Mjolnir, como a Poderosa Thor. Juntos, eles embarcam em uma angustiante aventura cósmica para descobrir o mistério da vingança do Carniceiro dos Deuses e detê-lo antes que seja tarde demais.
Buddy King, um bilionário excêntrico, passa seu tempo caçando pessoas em sua propriedade escondido nas montanhas nevadas. Mas sua última vítima, Ava Bravo, não será um alvo fácil.
Acompanhe a última missão da jornada épica dos irmãos Elric: enfrentar uma ameaça nacional de outro mundo.
Lena Klammer orquestra uma fuga brilhante de uma unidade psiquiátrica russa e viaja para os Estados Unidos, representando a filha desaparecida de uma família rica. Mas a nova vida de Lena como "Esther" vem com uma ruga inesperada e a coloca contra uma mãe que protegerá sua família a qualquer custo.
Grodno, the eastern border of pre-war Poland. On September 1, 1939, German planes bomb the city. One of the bombs hits the school of Leoś, Ewelina and Tadek. Literally and symbolically, the world of a carefree childhood, fun and first crushes ends.
Andrzej is a quiet and secretive chair tester with incredible power that helps him in his work work in a small factory. He secretly has a crush on the secretary, and his life is being made difficult by the chief chair designer. The situation changes when the plant is to produce a new model of the chair.
A drop of sweat from a stranger man changes the life of teenage Alice, protected so far by a prudish mother from access to moisture, which causes the fruit to become covered with mold, and the girl's head to be haunted by disturbing dreams.
Tymek, a young pianist, student of the Warsaw University of Music, returns to his provincial town on vacation, where his mother, younger brother and friends from the neighborhood are waiting for him. The central meeting point for local youth is the newly opened kebab bar. Tymek witnesses a spiral of tensions between the employees of the Arabian kebab and his buddies.
Bored with his job, an office clerk accidentally finds a passport hidden in the toilet, which leads him to start an investigation.
A carefree summer vacation turns into an inescapable terror trap for a group of young students who buy a vintage instant camera from a mysterious local shop owner...
Twelve-year-old Noura dangles uncertainly in that difficult netherworld between childhood and adulthood. His growing libido has gotten him banned from the women's baths, where his mother took him when he was younger, but he's not yet old enough to participate in grown-up discussions with the men of his Tunisian village. Noura's only real friend is a troublemaker named Salih -- the village political outcast.
Krypto, o Supercão, precisa convencer um grupo excêntrico de animais a dominar seus novos poderes para ajudá-lo no resgate da Liga da Justiça.