
Sex Plate 17 (2017)

This isn't a dream. Fantasies come true.

Gênero : Comédia, Drama, Romance

Runtime : 2H 1M

Director : Song Eun-joo
Escritor : Lee Yoon-hyung


A woman who can make all of one man’s fantasies come true moves in next door .


Choi Jae-Hwan
Choi Jae-Hwan
Park Kyoung-hee
Park Kyoung-hee
Jo-hee / Se-yeong
Kim Nam-soo
Kim Nam-soo
Park Ha-on
Park Ha-on
Jo Ah-rang
Jo Ah-rang
Han Sang-gyoo
Han Sang-gyoo


Song Eun-joo
Song Eun-joo
Lee Yoon-hyung
Lee Yoon-hyung


O Virgem de 40 Anos
Andy fica horrorizado quando seus colegas de trabalho descobrem que, aos 40 anos, ele ainda é virgem. Agora, seus amigos tentam ajudá-lo a encontrar uma garota e perder a sua virgindade.
Inimigos Públicos
John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) era um criminoso audacioso e violento, mas que atraía a opinião pública ao seu favor, principalmente, porque dizia retirar das instituições financeiras o dinheiro que elas roubavam do cidadão. Seus assaltos a bancos e fugas rápidas enlouqueciam a polícia que não tinha condições de enfrentá-lo. Assim, prender o assaltante tornou-se uma obsessão do então burocrata J. Edgar Hoover (Billy Crudup), que disposto a tudo para fortalecer o famoso F.B.I., coloca Dillinger como o inimigo público número um. Para ajudar em sua missão, Hoover contrata o policial Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) e o deixa igualmente obcecado pela captura do bandido, que se apaixona por Billie Frechetti (Marion Cotillard) e acaba complicando a sua vida.
The Fluffer
Um jovem empregado como trapaceiro na indústria de entretenimento adulto se apaixona por uma estrela pornô gay que paga, cujo estilo de vida hedonista pode levar os dois à destruição.
Emanuelle in Bangkok
Emanuelle is sent to Bangkok on a journalism assignment. While there, she embarks on her own exploration of the secrets of sensual pleasure. While learning much, she also reveals several secrets of her own.
Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade
While attempting to interview an elusive gangster, photojournalist Emanuelle notices a man pushing a girl in a wheelchair through the airport. Later, in another country she sees the same man and the girl up and walking. Intrigued, she does a bit of investigating and uncovers an organization dealing in the buying and selling of young women. She goes undercover into the organization but finds that getting out again could cost her her career...and her life.
Majorettes in Space
Dimitri, a Soviet cosmonaut of Soyouz 27 likes majorettes. Catherine and Laurent like making love. Jean-Paul II loves airports. Vincent loves boys.
Miranda is a sensual tavern owner with a taste for men of all types. Over a year's time, Miranda copes with the death of her husband by enjoying the talents of a different lover for each of the four seasons. All the men are delightful, but which one is the best lover, and who will make a suitable husband?
Women's Prison Massacre
Emanuelle, a reporter, comes just a little too close to exposing a corrupt official, and is sent to prison on trumped-up charges. In the prison, the inmates are constantly humiliated and tortured by the prison staff. Overly affectionate prisoners are forced underwater, while others are obliged to look on. Emanuelle finds an enemy in the deranged Albina, who "runs the prison." For the pleasure of the warden, Emanuelle and Albina are forced to fight each other with knives. Bad becomes worse when four men awaiting execution escape and take over the prison. Gore flows like water.
O Lado Erótico Da Cinderela
Uma adaptação do conto de fadas, Cinderela traça as desventuras de nossa heroína, que, com a ajuda de sua madrinha "fada" (ou seja, gay), recebe proezas sexuais intensificadas para conquistar o Príncipe Encantado. Depois de uma orgia com os olhos vendados no castelo real, o príncipe nerd deve dormir com todas as mulheres dispostas em seu reino até encontrar aquela amante misteriosa que tanto "se destacou" na noite do baile sexual.
The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire
The Lover’s Guide 3D is the latest in the best selling series of sex education DVDs that help to educate consenting adults in the pleasures of love making. By imparting knowledge of how the body works along with how to stimulate your partners desires by being attentive to their needs, showing you specific techniques and maintaining a clear open approach to the subject matter, the documentary manages to inform and express without the need to be graphic. By advocating safe sex within a loving relationship and an emphasis on increasing desire and sustaining sex, this educational tool should appeal to those starting out or those already in a stable relationship.
Sister Emanuelle
Emanuelle has renounced her life of lust to become a cloistered nun. But when she is assigned to a remote convent school for wayward girls, this delectable Bride Of Christ will face temptations that include a teenage nymphomaniac, a horny escaped criminal, and a class fill of curious virgins eager to experience sins of the flesh. Can Emanuelle resist the erotic pleasures of her past, or will she break her vows and surrender to the ultimate orgy of unholy desire?
Um Filme Doce
A história entreligada de duas mulheres: uma é a vencedora do concurso Miss Mundo cujo prêmio foi se casar com um magnata do petróleo e que foge desse casamento tumultuado para Paris, tem um caso selvagem com um famoso rock star, El Macho e se muda para uma comunidade radical. A outra dirige um barco carregado de doces e açúcar, atraindo homens e rapazes com sexo, morte e conversa revolucionária.
Entre sábanas
Roberto e Paula se conhecem numa boate e depois passam a noite toda juntos em um motel, onde vivem momentos intensos de paixão, amor e drama em apenas algumas horas.
The Head Mistress
A man pretends to be an imbecile so that he may work at an all-girls school.
O Último Trem Para Veneza
The Orient Express, on its night trip from Munich to Venice, is full because of the beginning of the carnival in Venice. Between the passengers are a young writer, an actress, and her daughter, an elderly dancer, five neo-nazi punks, and a strange man that seems to have some kind of influence over them through their dreams.
A Scream in the Streets
Two Los Angeles detectives are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. Their job is complicated by the fact that the killer is able to avoid capture because he can pose as a woman.
...E a Festa Acabou
M.J. vive com suas amigas Amanda e Frankie em uma casa em Bevery Hills. Enquanto tenta deslanchar a carreira, a vida pessoal da moça desmorona cada vez mais. As coisas começam a mudar quando Frankie se envolve com um ex-namorado dela.
História de um pecado
O filme começa com Eva se confessando com um padre e sendo advertida por ele sobre os pecados cometidos pelos pensamentos impuros. Em seguida vemos a família de Eva, em dificuldades financeiras, decidindo alugar um quarto. Lukasz Niepolomski, o inquilino, desperta uma paixão arrebatadora em Eva e os dois se envolvem em um romance proibido já que o rapaz era casado. Impedido de se divorciar, Lukasz passa a viver com Eva. Depois de se envolver numa briga, é desafiado a um duelo onde é ferido no pulmão. Sozinha e sem muitas perspectivas, Eva, que estava grávida, decide afogar o bebê após o parto. A partir deste momento uma sucessão de acontecimentos parecem afastá-la cada vez mais de Lukasz. Passo a passo Eva vai desconstruindo o sonho e mergulhando em um pesadelo sombrio que a levará inevitávelmente à tragédia.
Uma Gatinha Por Dia
An American playwright living in Rome consults a quack psychiatrist to combat his fears of balding and save his failing marriage.
The Surrogate
Frank and Lee have marital problems: he's been impotent for 18 months, she alternates between sympathy and criticism. His temper gets the best of him, so he's seeing a psychotherapist who finds the anger and the impotence related. She recommends that Frank and Lee hire a mysterious European woman to lead them through fantasies intended to unlock passion and help them heal. At the same time this is going on, the police are investigating a series of stabbings: as corpses pile up, we wonder if Frank's temper may be behind this; or perhaps it's Eric, a cross-dressing neighbor and friend of Lee's; it may even be the European woman, who keeps popping up with new fantasies.


Sex Game 6969
Three married women had always been dissatisfied sexually with their husbands, and Hyoji, who recently divorced due to her husband's erectile dysfunction. They gathered after a long time and had a drink complaining to each other, and they received a business card from an unidentified handsome man, saying, "Don't you want to play tteok pounding game?" The four of them head to the meeting place and meet suspicious agents who were waiting for them.
Friend Couples: Swapping
I'm sick and tired of doing it with the same person! We've already seen everything; why don't we swap? Seon-joo and Jae-yong and Tae-gyun and Ga-hee are two married couples from the same university. They go on a trip together and get drunk and talk about the good times they had and the times they had sex with each other's husband or wife. At first, they felt jealous over this but from some point on, they dream of something exciting once again.
Nice Sister-In-Law 3
Jung-tae has become a successful businessman. One day, he calls for a substitute driver, but the driver was Min-goo, the man who married his crush, Yoo-ri. Jung-tae still hadn't forgotten Yoo-ri and learns that life if tough for this couple. Jung-tae suggests something to Min-goo and that is to let him live with Yoo-ri for a year in return for 300 million won and his house.