
Dispositif 47 - The Second Death (2010)

Gênero : Drama, Documentário

Runtime : 19M

Director : Thomas Bertay, Pacôme Thiellement


The concept includes a series of shorts titled "Dispositif + No + title". They all deal with subjects mixed in a unique and unusual presentation. It is an inventively surreal image and sound experience. It is Jean Cocteau for the twenty-first century.


Karen Mulder
Karen Mulder
Marie Laforêt
Marie Laforêt
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau
Lionel Jospin
Lionel Jospin
Prime minister France


Thomas Bertay
Thomas Bertay
Thomas Bertay
Thomas Bertay
Executive Producer
Thomas Bertay
Thomas Bertay
Pacôme Thiellement
Pacôme Thiellement
Pacôme Thiellement
Pacôme Thiellement
Gonzague Pichelin
Gonzague Pichelin
Gonzague Pichelin
Gonzague Pichelin
Alain Bertay
Alain Bertay
Associate Producer
Thomas Bertay
Thomas Bertay


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