
Damagers 2 (2017)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M





Em 1981, Jean-Michel Basquiat passou de um desconhecido pintor de graffiti de 19 anos, que vivia nas ruas de Nova Iorque, a um dos artistas mais controversos e famosos do mundo, pelas mãos de Andy Warhol. As suas exposições tornaram-se o acontecimento artístico da temporada e os seus quadros foram adquiridos pelos maiores coleccionadores e museus. Em Andy Wharol, Basquiat encontra alguém que também está ali não pelo sucesso ou dinheiro, mas pela cumplicidade com a arte. A amizade de ambos é interrompida pela morte de Warhol.
Beat Street
An aspiring DJ, from the South Bronx, and his best friend, a promoter, try to get into show business by exposing people to hip-hop music and culture.
Bomb It
Through interviews and guerilla footage of graffiti writers in action on five continents, the documentary tells the story of graffiti from its origins in prehistoric cave paintings thru its notorious explosion in New York City during the 70’s and 80’s, then follows the flames as they paint the globe.
A year in the life of troubled Australian graffiti artist Justin Hughes.
Unlike U
UNLIKE U melts into a scene, which for outsiders, is hard to comprehend. The world of trainwriters, those spray paint artists who specialize in painting trams and underground trains. Extremely undercover. Extremely criminal. Extremely forbidden. UNLIKE U portrais four generations of sprayers in Berlin, of which the oldest of the hardcore artists is already over 40 years old, while the youngest are around 17. All protagonists have one thing in common. Each one has sprayed countless trains in their lives, some of them even over a 1000.
Writers : 1983-2003, 20 ans de graffiti à Paris
Paris 1983: They are between 14 and 18 and write their names on the walls of the city. Inspired by the New York phenomenon, they do not simply reproduce the forms. They create their own style, their required letters and inspire an entire generation. They communicate through letters of their name. They are called Writers.
Os Garotos do Grafite
Dois jovens se conhecem por acaso,são grafiteiros e tendo isso em comum acabam sendo companheiros,o tempo passa e as diferenças sobre política,amor e sexo acabam vindo a tona . um belo filme de descobertas,desejo de tudo que é proibido na adolescência.
Fúria dos Pixadores
Apesar da trágica morte de seu irmão mais velho, durante uma noite de pichação, Anthony (Mark Webber), com Justin (Gano Grills) e Kevin (Jade Yorker), deixa nos muros de Nova York a sua assinatura: "BLEST".Todas as noites eles marcam presença ao som de muito Hip-Hop e drogas para decidirem onde vão atacar.Quando um dos pichadores da gang é agredido por policiais um grupo BLEST declara guerra e resolve pichar a cidade toda. O clima de revolta vai ficando cada vez mais quente até o inveitável confronto. Agora Antonhy precisa tomar uma decisão que pode mudar o rumo da história Fúria dos Pixadores, um retrato da quase mal-entendida cultura e arte dos pichadores e grafiteiros.
Bansky Pinta a Parede
Banksy is a graffiti artist with a global reputation whose work can be seen on walls from post-hurricane New Orleans to the separation barrier on the Palestinian West Bank. Fiercely guarding his anonymity to avoid prosecution, Banksy has so far resisted all attempts to be captured on film. Exit Through the Gift Shop tells the incredible true story of how an eccentric French shop keeper turned documentary maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner.
Turk 182!
After New York City firefighter Terry Lynch is unable to receive any compensation for an injury incurred during the off-duty rescue of a young girl, he grows suicidal. Furious, his brother Jimmy attempts to have Mayor Tyler intervene, but the corrupt politician instead denounces Terry as a drunk. Determined to get justice, Jimmy begins a graffiti campaign of embarrassing slogans mocking the mayor, which soon captivates the city.
Pinóquio 3000
Ano 3000. Em Scamboville, uma cidade governada pelo malvado Scamboli vive Gepeto, um inventor genial que criou algo muito especial: Pinóquio, um pequeno robot com muita personalidade e um sonho particular, tornar-se menino. Alegre, imaginativo e curioso ele é muito teimoso e inocente o que lhe vale por vezes entrar em grandes sarilhos. Mas como o pequeno robot é para Gepeto o filho que ele nunca teve, ele vai tentar protegê-lo a todo o custo de Scamboli que vê nele uma oportunidade para concretizar os seu planos malvados - transformar todos os meninos em robots! Com a ajuda dos seus inseparáveis amigos, Spencer, um pinguim muito divertido e Cyberina, uma fada muito especial, Pinóquio vai procurar tornar o seu sonho realidade. Será que vai conseguir?
Beautiful Losers
This documentary follows the lives and careers of a collective group of do-it-yourself artists and designers who inadvertently affected the art world.
Style Wars
Tony Silver and Henry Chalfant's PBS documentary tracks the rise and fall of subway graffiti in New York in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
De Repente, Califórnia
Zach abandona o sonho de estudar artes plásticas para cuidar de sua família desestruturada. Entre um trampo num diner e o sobrinho de 5 anos, Zach mal encontra tempo para se dedicar ao que mais gosta: grafitar e surfar. Tudo muda quando Zach conhece Shaun, um escritor gay de 30 e poucos anos, com quem passa a surfar. Quando a paixão transborda para além das ondas do mar, Zach descobre o desejo e terá de aprender que é possível conjugar responsabilidade, amor e ambição.
Pure Hate
Day and night, wholecar or end-2-end -- get involved when Berlins craziest aerosol junkies visit their iron favorites, and the camera won't leave their side. Pure Hate is an explosive mixture of Berlin’s graffiti scene and shows 70 minutes of the hardest stuff writers from the capital of Germany have to offer. This masterpiece of underground graffiti videos sets new standards and will kick your ass!
City of Paranoia
City Of Paranoia is a film about London, a documentation of the activities of a bunch of men who dedicated a section of their lives to painting. The film tries to showcase what they have done whilst giving the viewer an insight to the emotions and feelings that come with this lifestyle...
Rash is a contemporary story of Melbourne Australia and the artists who make it a living host for illegal artwork called street art.
Metagraffiti is a series of short films about graffiti - but from very surprising and different angles. The films comes from some of the most interesting and creative graffiti writers from Stockholm, Berlin and Copenhagen. They range from the cute to the provocating. Yesterday's graffiti writers are today's film producers and tomorrow's super stars.
Quality of Life
Celebrated graffiti artists 'Heir' and 'Vain' are superstars in the underground world of San Francisco's Mission District; urban outlaws always on the run. After a clash with the law, they find their lives spinning out-of-control with explosive consequences.
Gimme the Loot
Malcolm and Sofia, two determined teens from the Bronx, are the ultimate graffiti-writers. When a rival gang buffs their latest masterpiece, they must hatch a plan to get revenge by tagging an iconic NYC landmark, but they need to raise $500 to pull off their spectacular scheme. Over the course of two whirlwind, sun-soaked summer days, Malcolm and Sofia travel on an epic urban adventure involving black market spray cans, illicit bodegas, stolen sneakers, a high stakes heist, and a beautiful, stoned girl whose necklace is literally their key to becoming the biggest writers in the City.