
Shut Him Down: The Rise of Jordan Peterson (2018)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 44M

Director : Patricia Marcoccia


Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world, psychology professor Jordan Peterson has become a polarizing paradox. After sparking both outrage and support for his stand against Canadian human rights legislation in late 2016, Peterson quickly transformed into a famous public intellectual and internationally best-selling author. SHUT HIM DOWN offers an intimate look into the controversy that started over alternate gender pronouns and left us with two stories about Peterson: Is he a heroic cultural warrior who pushes boundaries and transforms people's lives for the better? Or is he a bigoted peddler of regressive ideas that cause harm?


Jordan B. Peterson
Jordan B. Peterson


Patricia Marcoccia
Patricia Marcoccia
Maziar Ghaderi
Maziar Ghaderi


Kids in America
A diretora Weller não tem deixado os alunos se expressarem livremente, discursando contra o sexo e proibindo namoros na escola. Agora, ela está se preparando para ser a nova superintendente do distrito escolar e com isso poderá aplicar seus métodos retrógrados em outras escolas, além do colégio Booker. Por sorte, os alunos não estão sozinhos. Eles têm como importante aliado o Sr. Duckeer, um de seus professores, que os incentiva a lutar pelos seus direitos. Mas, a diretora não gosta nada disso e o demite. Disposto a não deixar por menos, o professor se une a um grupo de estudantes e decide produzir um filme sobre as experiências dos adolescentes e as situações que ocorrem na escola.
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Shut Him Down: The Rise of Jordan Peterson
Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world, psychology professor Jordan Peterson has become a polarizing paradox. After sparking both outrage and support for his stand against Canadian human rights legislation in late 2016, Peterson quickly transformed into a famous public intellectual and internationally best-selling author. SHUT HIM DOWN offers an intimate look into the controversy that started over alternate gender pronouns and left us with two stories about Peterson: Is he a heroic cultural warrior who pushes boundaries and transforms people's lives for the better? Or is he a bigoted peddler of regressive ideas that cause harm?
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