
The Last Real Men (1995)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 0M

Director : Ulrich Seidl


Disappointed by failed relationships and the demands set by local women, more and more Austrians search for happiness in a marriage with women from Thailand and the Philippines. Asked about the positive properties of their Asian spouses, the answer of the Austrian husbands quite often is, "They don't talk back." Protagonist of the film is Karl S., a teacher in Vienna in his forties. Following his failed marriage he is now seeking a durable partnership and is on the lookout for a wife who doesn't question her traditional role. His solution: a wife from the Far East. Karl S. rounds up experiences and visits several mixed couples to get a clearer picture and to have his idea proven right. The film accompanies him on his search for the ideal woman and gives an insight into the imagination of these "last real men" who at the beginning seem to have hit the jackpot with their decisions



Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl
Peter Zeitlinger
Peter Zeitlinger
Director of Photography
Peter Zeitlinger
Peter Zeitlinger
Ekkehart Baumung
Ekkehart Baumung
Wernfried Natter
Wernfried Natter
Production Manager
Erich Lackner
Erich Lackner


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Uma Verdade Inconveniente
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Tiros em Columbine
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