
Stepping Into the Boundary (2019)

Gênero : Documentário, História

Runtime : 1H 19M

Director : Maider Oleaga


Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain, 2011. Maider, a filmmaker, moves to the very same flat where pedadogist Elbira Zipitria Irastorza (1906-1982) clandestinely established the first ikastola, a Basque school, under the harsh regime of dictator Francisco Franco. Despite of her pioneering work, developed throughout thirty years, her story is not well known, so Maider, intrigued, begins to research…


Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
Miren Tirapu
Miren Tirapu
Antón Mendizabal
Antón Mendizabal
Kontzita Beitia
Kontzita Beitia


Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
David Aguilar
David Aguilar
Director of Photography
Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
Executive Producer
Izaskun Arandia
Izaskun Arandia
Executive Producer
Lara Izagirre
Lara Izagirre
Executive Producer
Stéphane Garin
Stéphane Garin
Original Music Composer
Stephan Mathieu
Stephan Mathieu
Original Music Composer
Pello Gutiérrez
Pello Gutiérrez
Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
Luca Rullo
Luca Rullo
Sound Recordist
José Luis Rubio
José Luis Rubio
Executive Producer
José Luis Rubio
José Luis Rubio
Sound Designer
Izaskun Arandia
Izaskun Arandia
Production Manager
Loreto Agirre
Loreto Agirre
Production Director
Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga


Where Is Mikel?
Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain, November 26th, 1985, at night. Mikel Zabalza, a young bus driver, is arrested along with other people by the Guardia Civil as part of an operation against the ruthless terrorist gang ETA. When the other detainees are released, they denounce that they have been brutally tortured in the Intxaurrondo facilities. Besides, Mikel is not among them: Mikel has disappeared.
O Souvenir
Situado nos anos 80, o longa mostrará a história de uma jovem estudante de cinema, que se envolve em seu primeiro caso de amor sério e tenta separar os fatos da ficção no relacionamento com um homem complicado e pouco confiável.
Hitchcock E Truffaut
O documentário capta parte da famosa entrevista de Alfred Hitchcock e François Truffaut, em 1962, com contribuições de diversos cineastas, entre eles David Fincher, Martin Scorsese e Wes Anderson.
Sandy Bates (Allen), um lendário cineasta famoso por suas comédias, está cansado de ser engraçado. Em um fim de semana, à beira de um ataque de nervos, Bates comparece a uma retrospectiva de seus filmes, onde acaba tendo que se confrontar com o significado de seu trabalho, com as lembranças de seu grande amor, Dorrie (Charlotte Rampling), e com os méritos de um relacionamento sério com sua nova namorada, Isobel (Marie-Christine Barrault). Atormentado por alucinações, por estranhas visitas e pelos executivos impiedosos dos estúdios tentando reeditar seu novo filme, Bates luta para encontrar um motivo para continuar vivendo.
Spanish Affair
Um homem que nunca saiu de Sevilha se apaixona por uma jovem basca e decide acompanhá-la até o País Basco, onde tentar passar por um cidadão local.
Alternately hilarious and horrifying, Overnight chronicles one man's misadventures of making a Hollywood movie. It starts out as a rags to riches story as Troy Duffy, a Boston-bred bartender, sells his first screenplay for The Boondock Saints.
Por Que Você Não Vai Brincar no Inferno?
Hirata sonha em ser um grande diretor de cinema, enquanto uma guerra entre duas gangues em sua cidade explode. A esposa de um dos chefes massacra um grupo da gangue adversária e acaba presa; a repercussão acaba atrapalhando o sonho de sua filha pequena de ser uma atriz de cinema. Dez anos depois, para comemorar a soltura da esposa o marido está tentando fazer um filme cuja estrela é sua filha, e Hirata vê a chance de ter seu sonho realizado.
Full Tilt Boogie
A documentary about the production of From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) and the people who made it.
Ane Is Missing
The Basque Country, 2009. Lide is a security guard for the high-speed train works, a project that generates social protests in the streets. Coming home after work and partying all night, she makes breakfast for two, but her teenage daughter, Ane, is nowhere to be found. The next day, she’s still not back.
Nightmares in Red, White and Blue
An exploration of the appeal of horror films, with interviews of many legendary directors in the genre.
Operação Ogro
Espanha, 1973. O ditador Francisco Franco governa o país desde 1939 com um punho de ferro; mas agora é um homem muito velho e doente. O futuro do regime enfraquecido está em perigo. O almirante Carrero Blanco é seu sucessor natural. A quadrilha terrorista basca ETA decide que ele deve morrer para impedir que a ditadura continue.
Image Makers: The Adventures of America's Pioneer Cinematographers
Documentary following the history of America's first cinematographers.
The Demise of ETA
The chronicle of the process, ten long years, that led to the end of ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), a Basque terrorist gang that perpetrated robberies, kidnappings and murders in Spain and the French Basque Country for more than fifty years. Almost 1,000 people died, but others are still alive to tell the story of how the nightmare finally ended.
My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn
A documentary directed by Winding Refn's wife, Liv Corfixen, and it follows the Danish-born filmmaker during the making of his 2013 film Only God Forgives.
Sonhos de ouro
Michele criticizes the film industry and its inhabitants, and is particularly embattled with a Neapolitan director making a musical about the 1968 student demonstrations. At the same time, Michele has a creative block and struggles to finish his film titled "Freud’s Mother." Nanni Moretti’s self-inquiry into filmmaking, political ennui, and men’s relations with their mothers.
Manu Aranguren is a Basque politician who acts as a mediator for the Spanish government in its negotiations with ETA. Far from being a solemn, calculated occasion, unexpected occurrences, slip-ups or misunderstandings soon kick in to influence the dialogue. And the personal relationship between negotiators will be key in solving the conflict.
Portrait of a '60% Perfect Man': Billy Wilder
French film critic Michel Ciment interviews Billy Wilder about his life and filmmaking.
Flowers of Taipei: Taiwan New Cinema
With Taiwan remaining in the grip of martial law in 1982, a group of filmmakers from that country set out to establish a cultural identity through cinema and to share it with the world. This engaging documentary looks at the movement's legacy.
Escape From Segovia
In the summer of 1977, a political prisoner, living in exile, recounts the circumstances of his escape to a journalist: in April 76, a group of ETA members planned to escape from prison, but the project fails when, due to a tip-off, the guards discover the tunnel they are digging. The inmates, far from being discouraged, start a second tunnel.
Todos estamos invitados
Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss after being wounded in a shooting with the Spanish police. As he awaits for his trial, his condition is being treated at the prison hospital. Other inmates belonging to the same organization try to make him remember how brave a "gudari" -a Basque soldier- he is and how he must go back to the armed fight for the independence of their country as soon as he gets out of prison. Meanwhile, Xabier, a college professor who has been death-threatened by the terrorists due to his political views on the Basque situation, is having an affair with Francesca, a young psychologist who happens to end up trying to help Josu Jon recover his memory. A warm feeling of mutual affection grows between her and her patient. At a point, it doesn't seem to be clear whether Josu Jon really wants to recover his memory or rather forget forever who he actually is.