
4,000-Year-Old Cold Case: The Body in the Bog (2013)

Gênero : Documentário, História

Runtime : 52M

Director : Edward Hart


Documentary following the discovery and investigation of a 4,000-year-old body that was preserved in a peat bog in Cashel in the Irish midlands



Edward Hart
Edward Hart
Edward Hart
Edward Hart


A Escavação
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Diego Maradona
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O Último Duelo
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Quanto Vale?
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O Soldado que Não Existiu
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Marvel Studios: Expanding the Universe
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Naruto to Boruto: The Live 2019
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O Bombardeio
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Sigmund Freud: A Jew Without God
An account of the life and work of the influential Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an iconic figure and a godless demigod who dared to enter the darkest depths of the human mind; through his correspondence and his own voice, and that of his family and friends.
Jesus é a versão para cinemas do musical produzido pela Sight and Sounds. Inteiramente gravada no palco, o musical retrata a história de Jesus de Nazaré, desde seus primeiros milagres até sua ressurreição..
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Animais Fantásticos Uma História Natural
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O Dilema das Redes
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Peaky Blinders: The True Story
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Friends: A Reunião
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