
Position Among the Stars (2011)

One family, three generations, facing globalisation in Indonesia

Gênero : Documentário, História

Runtime : 1H 49M

Director : Leonard Retel Helmrich


Through the eyes of grandmother Rumidjah, a poor old Christian woman living in the slums of Jakarta, we see the economical changing society of Indonesia and the influence of globalization reflected in the life of her juvenile granddaughter Tari and her sons Bakti and Dwi.



Leonard Retel Helmrich
Leonard Retel Helmrich
Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich
Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich
Ismail Fahmi Lubis
Ismail Fahmi Lubis
Camera Operator
Leonard Retel Helmrich
Leonard Retel Helmrich
Camera Operator
Jasper Naaijkens
Jasper Naaijkens
Jos Driessen
Jos Driessen
Paul van Leeuwen
Paul van Leeuwen
Line Producer
Danang Faturahman
Danang Faturahman
Fahmy Al-Attas
Fahmy Al-Attas
Ranko Pauković
Ranko Pauković
Sound Designer


Trabalho Interno
A crise financeira mundial que aconteceu em 2008, causou a perda de milhões de empregos e casas e mergulhou os Estados Unidos em uma profunda recessão econômica. Matt Damon narra um documentário que fornece uma análise detalhada dos elementos que levaram ao colapso e identifica peças-chave do mundo financeiro e político. O diretor Charles Ferguson realiza uma gama de entrevistas e traça a história dos Estados Unidos para a China para a Islândia e para outros mercados financeiros mundiais.
The Ascent of Money
British historian and author Niall Ferguson explains how big money works today as well as the causes of and solutions to economic catastrophes in this extended version The Ascent of Money documentary. Through interviews with top experts, such as former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and American currency speculator George Soros, the intricate world of finance, including global commerce, banking and lending, is examined thoroughly.
Os Mestres do Dinheiro
Os Mestres do Dinheiro é um documentário de 1996, com três horas e meia de duração, que conta a história e discute os conceitos de dinheiro, débito, impostos, e descreve o seu desenvolvimento desde os tempos bíblicos até agora. Ele também aborda a história do sistema bancário de reservas fracionárias, bancos centrais, política monetária, o mercado de títulos, e o Sistema de Reserva Federal (FED) dos Estados Unidos.
O Vidente das Finanças
MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser, used the number pi to predict economic turning points with precision. When some big New York bankers asked him to join the club to help them to take over Russia, he refused to join the manipulation. A few days later the FBI stormed his offices accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi Scheme - an attempt to stop him talking about the real Ponzi Scheme of debts that the US has build up over the years and which he thinks starts to collapse after October 1, 2015, a mayor pi turning point he is predicting.
Margin Call - O Dia Antes do Fim
Peter Sullivan (Zachary Quinto), Seth Bregman (Penn Badgley) e Will Emerson (Paul Bettany) trabalham no setor de riscos em uma corretora, que está realizando uma série de demissões. Cerca de 80% do setor em que trabalham foi demitido, entre eles o chefe do trio, Eric Dale (Stanley Tucci). Ao pegar o elevador Eric entrega a Peter um pen drive, que contém algo em que estava trabalhando no momento. O alerta para que tomasse cuidado com o conteúdo chama a atenção de Peter, que fica após o horário de trabalho para dar uma olhada no arquivo. Logo ele descobre que trata-se de uma análise da volatilidade da empresa, que indica que há duas semanas ela ultrapassou e muito o limite de risco o qual pode correr. Desta forma a empresa está prestes a falir, o que provoca uma reunião de emergência com diversos setores da empresa, entre eles seu dono, o acionista John Tuld (Jeremy Irons).
The True Cost
O colapso de uma fábrica de roupas no Bangladesh, em 24 de abril de 2013, fez capa nos principais meios de comunicação do mundo. Quem nunca se deparou com um “Made in Bangladesh” ou outros países subdesenvolvidos nalguma etiqueta de roupas? Para o cineasta americano Andrew Morgan o impacto foi tão grande que acabou por originar a ideia central para o documentário The True Cost.
Wanda Gosciminska – A Textile Worker
The life of a female weaver is thrown onto the socio-political canvas of pre-war and post-war communist Poland through the use of expressive allegorical and symbolic imagery in this imaginative take on the documentary form.
Visita ao Inferno
Werner Herzog e o vulcanólogo Clive Oppenheimer embarcam em uma jornada global para explorar alguns dos vulcões mais míticos do mundo na Indonésia, Etiópia, Islândia e Coreia do Norte. Falando com os cientistas e os povos indígenas, eles buscam entender a relação complexa e profundamente enraizada entre a humanidade e uma das maiores maravilhas da natureza. O documentário combina reportagem, história e filosofia em uma experiência cinematográfica fascinante.
Money for Nothing - Inside the Federal Reserve
Quase 100 anos após a sua criação, o poder do Federal Reserve dos EUA nunca foi tão grande. Os mercados e os governos de todo o mundo seguram a respiração na expectativa de cada palavra do presidente do Fed. No entanto, a maioria das pessoas sabe muito pouco sobre o mais poderoso, e menos compreendida, instituição financeira na terra. Narrado por Liev Schreiber, Money For Nothing é o primeiro filme a levar o espectador para dentro do Fed e revela o impacto das políticas do Fed - passado, presente e futuro - em nossas vidas. Junte-se a funcionários atuais e antigos do Fed ao debater as críticas, e uns aos outros, sobre as decisões que ajudaram a levar o sistema financeiro mundial à beira do colapso em 2008. E por que pode estar indo para lá novamente.
Buffalo Boys
Traído pelas forças coloniais holandesas, Arana consegue escapar junto com seus sobrinhos Jamar e Suwo, os filhos recém-nascidos de Hamza, um dos últimos sultões indonésios lutando contra a tirania estrangeira. Em 1860, depois de vagar por anos nas planícies do Velho Oeste americano, Arana e os dois irmãos retornam à Indonésia para vingar seus entes queridos mortos e punir o homem mau que causou sua desgraça.
Da Magia à Sedução
As mulheres da família Owens tem poderes mágicos. Mas uma maldição as persegue há mais de duzentos anos: qualquer homem que se apaixona por uma delas, morre. Descendentes da bruxa que começou este feitiço, Sally (Sandra Bullock) e Gillian (Nicole Kidman) são duas irmãs que foram criadas por suas tias (Dianne Wiest e Stockard Channing). Já adultas, enquanto Sally se mostra bastante reservada, Gillian foge de casa para ter o primeiro de muitos namorados. Após algum tempo, Sally se casa e tem duas filhas, mas seu marido acaba morrendo atropelado. Até que chega o momento em que ela deve ajudar Gillian, que se envolveu com Jimmy Angelov (Goran Visnjic), um búlgaro agressivo que as ameaça. Sentindo que correm perigo, as duas o envenenam, mas, temendo as conseqüências de tal ato, Gillian convence Sally que o melhor é trazê-lo de volta a vida. Uma decisão que trará uma série de complicações com polícia e com seus próprios poderes.
Máfia Digital
Um jovem agente anti-lavagem de dinheiro é encarregado de investigar uma densa rede de corrupção em Nova York. Uma enorme fraude envolvendo criptomoedas, negociantes e nomes poderosos da cidade.
O jovem Billy ganhou um novo bichinho de estimação e com ele três conselhos que nunca... nunca poderia esquecer. 1) não deixe que ele se molhe 2) mantenha-o afastado da luz forte 3) não importa o quanto ele chore, o quanto ele suplique, nunca lhe dê comida após a meia-noite. Prepare-se para muita confusão pois alguma coisa vai dar muito errado.
Jogo do Dinheiro
O apresentador de um programa de televisão sobre finanças, Lee Gates, e sua produtora Patty vivem uma situação extrema ao vivo. Um desconhecido armado invade o show e os obriga a continuar a transmissão, caso contrário todos no estúdio morrerão.
007 - Ao Serviço de Sua Majestade
Após impedir o suicídio de uma jovem numa praia portuguesa, Bond recebe uma proposta do pai dela: ele tem informações sobre como chegar até Blofeld, líder da SPECTRE, mas só lhas dá se o agente se casar com ela. E se inicialmente era um acordo por interesse, Bond rapidamente aprende a amá-la à medida que esta o ajuda a lutar contra o vilão, que planeia ameaçar a Humanidade com um vírus.
Comer Orar Amar
Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) é uma mulher moderna que, após o divórcio, decide fazer uma viagem pelo Mundo, de modo a redescobrir-se a si própria. Retira-se do trabalho pelo período de um ano e entra numa zona de risco, de forma a mudar a sua vida. Nos lugares exóticos que visita, ela vive o simples prazer de comer em Itália, sente o poder de rezar na Índia e, inesperadamente, descobre o amor em Bali.
After: Depois do Desencontro
Embora a história de amor entre Tessa Young e Hardin Scott tenha passado por muitas complicações, desta vez o problema é mais complexo do que nunca. Agora que Tessa tomou uma das decisões mais importantes de sua vida, tudo mudou completamente. Os segredos que vêm à tona sobre suas famílias colocam em risco seu relacionamento e seu futuro juntos. Embora a jovem saiba que Hardin a ama, os dois estão cercados de ciúme, ódio e perdão. Será que o amor entre os dois será o suficiente para manter seu relacionamento?
O Banqueiro
Texas, década de 1950. Joe Morris e Bernard Garrett são dois empresários afro-americanos que resolvem contratar Matt Steiner, um homem branco da classe trabalhadora, para se passar por chefe deles. Assim, eles conseguem contornar as limitações raciais da época e se tornar dois dos proprietários de imóveis mais ricos e bem-sucedidos do país.
A Lenda do Tesouro Perdido: Livro dos Segredos
Para provar a inocência de seu antepassado e encontrar a Cidade Perdida de Ouro, Ben Gates e sua equipe devem tecer seu caminho em direção a um livro misterioso e altamente guardado contendo séculos de segredos. Mas só há uma maneira de encontrá-lo: Ben deve sequestrar o presidente.
A Noite nos Persegue
Após poupar a vida de uma garota durante um massacre, um assassino de elite se torna o alvo do ataque de criminosos.


Heroes Like Us
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
Every kid wants to be cool and fit in - life's a blast even when you're different. When Mo's reflection is revealed, he sees a body that doesn't quite resemble any of his peers. Here, he tells the tale of his youth, growing up on the south shore of Long Island, New York
A young Jewish boy travels europe in search of the grave of his Great Grandfather who was killed by the Nazis in the War.
Matei copil miner
Matei lives with his grandfather in Romania. His parents have gone to work in Italy. After arguing with his grandfather, he leaves. A poignant, beautifully shot film on the illusions and disillusionments of childhood.
My Winter Journey
“My best friend, Anna, asked me if I would mind taking her fifteen-year-old son Itvan to Berlin with me. I accepted immediately.” An elegant, refined man in his forties sets off with Itvan on a long, enjoyable journey, his Winter Journey. They cross snowbound Germany by car. As the man drives the boy through cities and countryside, Itvan discovers the past and the vast job of reunification now underway. Poetry and culture are also part of the journey, which is accompanied by classical German music. When their paths cross with the man's former lovers or the journey provides unexpected encounters, Itvan also gets to know more about the man's own life. When they finally arrive in Berlin, their ways must part. Itvan watches the man leave, taking the melancholy of his existence with him. However their journey together has created an unbreakable tie between the two men. Itvan will never be the same again.
The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear
The story begins with an experiment. A filmmaker in the country of Georgia posts an ad inviting youth to audition for her film. Facing the camera, the hopefuls confess their struggles and dreams. These raw interviews unfold seamlessly into cinematic slivers of Georgian life.
The Last Battle
A group of boys, roughly seven to eleven years of age, go skinny-dipping in a river near their small Mexican town one afternoon and there find themselves the butt of an old vagabond's practical joke, the man stealing all their clothes from them. Humiliated about having to walk home in the buff, the tykes decide to get even, declare war. Yet, as the generations battle it out, a mutual respect develops, the depth of which is evident once the man has a heart attack during one of his romps with the kids. Will the boys' older pal recuperate so that they can engage in one final battle.
Myths of My Childhood
The story takes place in a small village on the beach of Sea of Azov at the beginning of 1960s. Adolescents passionately dream of love about which they have heard from their elder experienced friends. 16 year-old Ignat is the first to find out what the real feeling is. His love for an adventuress who pretends to be a singer from capital becomes destructive.
If the scorpion could see and the viper could hear, there would be no escape". The viper is deaf and the scorpion can't see, so it is and so shall be, the same way the countryside is peaceful and the city bustling and the human being impossible to satisfy. Lacrau demands the return "to the curve where man got lost" in a journey from the city towards nature. The escape from chaos and emotional void we call progress; matter without spirit, without will. The search for the most ancient sensations and relationships of mankind. The amazement, the fear of the unknown, the loss of basic comforts, loneliness, the meeting with the other, the other animal, the other vegetable. A dive looking for a connection with the world. Where beginning and end are the same, but I am not.
1919, Chronicle of Dawn
In 1939, José Garcés is in French prison camp after the defeat of Spain's Republicans. To entertain and inspire his fellow prisoners, he tells the story of becoming a man in 1919, the year he realized that learning to live is the same as learning to die. His stiff and demanding father loses a fortune in German war bonds, takes a job in Caspe, and leaves José on his own in Zaragoza to finish high school while apprenticing in a pharmacy. José courts his beloved Valentina via letters, becomes intimate with Isabel, a maid he meets in a cinema who shares his ideas of free love, and comes under the influence of El Checa, an anarchist and gentle teacher who leads a doomed revolt.
All the Ways of God
A contemporary evocation of Judas Iscariot trying to escape from his own guilt after betraying his best friend. He wanders into a forest and lost in himself, meets a mysterious young man. The young companion will accompany him on this path of repentance and penance and help him deal with his feelings, understand his guilt and cope with he has done. This is the story of the last three days of a repentant.
Two of Us
Matthew is a boy who just left school. He is handsome and athletic and believes himself to be gay. He retains a friendship with only one school friend, Phil, who has stuck by Matthew despite hostile reactions from his peers. As their relationship grows more intense, Phil's girlfriend Sharon and his classmates become vindictive and aggressive. The two friends find themselves ostracized by both friends and family and decide to run away.
Jay is the name of the two protagonists in the film, one is living, the other dead. The living Jay is producing a documentary of the dead Jay, a gay teacher who was brutally killed. As Jay recreates and examines the life of his subject, his own life is affected when he unravels his subject's hidden life and secret love.
Coming of Age
In the Lesotho highlands, a 15-year-old boy tends his family's flock of sheep alone through the winter. His younger brother might have to quit the village school to help him. And two girls attempt to maintain their unique friendship when one of them goes off to attend a better school and the other stays in the village. Over the span of two years the film accompanies four teenagers in an isolated mountain village on their path to adulthood - a path between individuation and tradition.
Alejandro Gerber Bicecci's "Vaho" (Becloud) tells the story of three childhood friends, Andres, Felipe, and Jose, and their lives in a dusty, run down corner of Mexico City. The boys were inseparable until they witnessed a tragedy that haunts them to the present day. The tragedy shaped each boy differently, and had a profound effect on their lives.
Lakki... The Boy Who Could Fly
Surreal tale of a 14 year-old boy who dreams of escaping the loneliness from an unhappy home & sexual abuse (from his mother's boyfriend who is also his school swimming coach). One day his back mysteriously sprouts feathers and he can metaphorically fly away from it all.
John Hron
The story takes place in the summer of 1995 outside of Gothenburg, Sweden, during the rise of Neo-Nazi violence that was sweeping across the country. The film "John Hron" is the true story about a teenager, his friends and family. John is caught up in defense of a student being bullied in school. As the conflict with the bully escalates it soon causes strain between John and his friends.
Moritz, Dear Moritz
15-year-old Moritz lives in a posh area of Hamburg, but his parents did not care about it. The teenager suffers from ridicule of his classmates and finds refuge in his dreams and playing the saxophone. Only when he joins a band and began performing there Moritz pulled out of the vicious circle, and finds love with new friends...
The Children Thief
Although he was once a colonel in Argentina, the principal character in this film is now a wealthy exile living in Paris with his beloved wife, who has been unable to bear children. To fill this void in their lives, he feeds and clothes abandoned children, raising them in his mansion as if they were his own. As would never be the case in real life today, in this fantasized story set in 1925, no one objects to this behavior, and they live pleasantly and enjoyably together. Things grow considerably more animated when a stage magician places his very attractive daughter in the colonel's household, which stirs a lively romantic interest from his boys and from the great man himself.
The Tree
A family finds itself in a dead-end situation. They are only safe behind the walls of their own house and yard. As time vanishes from their home, the shelter slowly turns into a prison. However, nothing can keep the children from dreaming and yearning to be free and the urge to make a decision seems inevitable.