
Far in the Mountains (1958)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 0M



Muratek Ryskulov
Muratek Ryskulov
Сарыгул хищный и жестокий бай
Dzhamal Sejdakmatova
Dzhamal Sejdakmatova
Mukhtar Bakhtygereev
Mukhtar Bakhtygereev
Asanbek Umuraliev
Asanbek Umuraliev
Sh. Tumenbayev
Sh. Tumenbayev
Абыл - Мулла
Kemel Albanov
Kemel Albanov


Alexander Karpov
Alexander Karpov


A Última Ordem
General Czarista, responsável pela queda do Império Russo, é deposto do cargo. Mais tarde, antigo adversário o contrata para dar continuidade aos seus ideias revolucionários.
Quiet Flows the Don
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist — Grigoriy Melekhov.
Imagens mostram a devastação que a Primeira Guerra Mundial causou aos ucranianos.
Srubov é agente da CHEKA, a polícia secreta de Lenin montada após a Revolução Bolchevique. Eles prendem, interrogam por um minuto, decidem em dez segundos, e executam. Executam intelectuais, aristocratas, padres, judeus e suas famílias. No porão do edifício, cinco pessoas são executadas ao mesmo tempo enquanto estão nuas de frente para portas de madeira. Ninguém se lembra de pedir suas últimas palavras; não há mártires, apenas corpos anônimos. Diariamente temos o julgamento rápido, as execuções, o carregamento de corpos para os vagões. Srubov é frio, distante, sexualmente disfuncional, e um pensador profundo, odiado por ex-amigos e por sua família. Enquanto ele tenta argumentar a natureza da revolução e da finalidade da CHEKA, ele lentamente vai enlouquecendo.
An Englishman falls in love with a Russian spy.
O Amor Nasceu do Ódio
British agent working in Russia is forced to remain longer than planned once the revolution begins. After being released from prison in Siberia he poses as a Russian Commissar. Because of his position among the revolutionaries, he is able to rescue a Russian countess from the Bolsheviks.
All My Lenins
Young and active nationalist Aleksander Kesküla makes up his mind to use Lenin, the Bolsheviks' leader, in order to start a revolution in Russia with German money and create a new national state of Estonia in the north-east of Russia. For security reasons, five doubles will be found and trained for Lenin. All of them are finally sent to Russia to instigate the revolution. How will the real Lenin put up with all this?
Dreams, Life, Death of Filip Filipović
The life and death of an educated communist activist who brought Bolshevik ideas to his native Serbia upon his arrival from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
Dress Rehearsal
The film recreates the events of 1905. In the center of the picture is the struggle of the proletariat, led by the Bolshevik party, against tsarism. The demonstration of labor unrest is replaced by episodes of the Russo-Japanese war, Black-Hundred demonstrations, accompanied by a pogrom of Jews, and beating of the intelligentsia. The film paints the attitude of the Mensheviks towards armed insurrection, reproduces the picture of barricade battles, the arrest of the Council of Workers' Deputies and the brutal reprisals of the tsarist autocracy with revolutionaries.
Into Her Kingdom
In Czarist Russia, a young peasant boy is sent to Siberia for insulting the Grand Duchess. Released years later, he joins the fighting to overthrow the royal family. The entire royal family is condemned to death when fighting ceases.
1917 - Der wahre Oktober
Thrilling Drill
Jerry Flannigan and Mr. Givney encounter some bellicose mosquitoes.
Leon Trotsky: A Personality in the 20th Century
Leon Trotsky is considered one of the most controversial revolutionary figures of his time. Was he a practical revolutionary or a naive idealist? On the practical side, he was the mastermind behind the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917, and was totally ruthless during the ensuing Civil War. As an idealist, he was committed to the pursuit of international revolution, but created many political enemies. After Lenin's death, Trotsky lost in a power struggle with Stalin, and later was expelled from the Communist Party. Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union, eventually finding refuge in Mexico. In 1940, Stalin ordered his assassination, and Trotsky died after being struck in the head with an ice-pick. History records that Trotsky was a master theoretician, a skillful propagandist and a brilliant orator.
Far in the Mountains
Lover of the Last Empress
The story of an innocent girl who is destined to become one of the emperor´s concubines. Initially she suffers from a loss of innocence and the intrigues of the other concubines but over the course of time she becomes less and less scrupulous and finally is impregnated by the emperor and thus becomes his wife - the empress of China. However, her "career" has corrupted her once innocent soul and so, after the emperor dies she rules the land with terror.
Cidades de Papel
A história é centrada em Quentin e sua enigmática vizinha e colega de escola Margo Roth Spiegelman. Ele nutre uma paixão platônica por ela. E não pensa duas vezes quando a menina invade seu quarto propondo que ele participe de um engenhoso plano de vingança. Mas, depois da noite de aventura, Margo desaparece – mas não sem deixar pistas sobre o seu paradeiro.
Perdido em Marte
Durante uma missão tripulada a Marte que tem de retirar às pressas para a Terra, o astronauta Mark Watney é dado como morto. Sobrevive, mas fica preso e sozinho no planeta. Com escassos mantimentos, terá que contar com a sua criatividade, inteligência e espírito de sobrevivência para se manter vivo e comunicar com a Terra.
Aquela Idade Maliciosa
Gardener Nino Castellano takes a job in a southern-Italian villa and quickly finds himself embroiled in a menage-a-trois with Gloria Guida and Anita Sanders which soon leads to sex, death and mayhem!
O Zoológico de Varsóvia
Polônia, 1939. O zoológico de Varsóvia é mantido sob o comando de Jan Zabinski e cuidados de Antonina, sua esposa. Quando o país é invadido pelos nazistas, eles são forçados a se reportar para o zoologista, Lutz Heck. Logo, Jan e Antonina começam a trabalhar com a resistência e planejam salvar centenas de vidas ameaçadas pela invasão.
O Caçador e a Rainha do Gelo
Traída por sua irmã má, Ravenna, Freya decide retirar-se para um reino ao norte e criar um exército de caçadores para serem seus protetores. Dotada de poderes capazes de congelar seus inimigos, Freya ensina seus jovens soldados a nunca se apaixonarem. Quando Eric e sua companheira de guerra, Sara, descumprem esta regra, a rainha faz de tudo para detê-los.