Hedda Gabler (1978)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 50M

Director : Jan Decorte


Jan Decorte's second feature film is an adaptation of the play Hedda Gabler by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Decorte moved the locus of action of Ibsen's realistic play from 1890 to 1950, twenty-eight years earlier than when the film was shot. The story begins when Hedda returns home from an overly long honeymoon with her newly wed but colourless husband Tesman. She is pregnant and will be courted by the writer Eljert Lövbor, an old lover who is about to break through with an exceptional novel of autobiographical quality [Avila].


Bert André
Bert André
Eljert Lövborg
Rita Wouters
Rita Wouters
Jos van Gorp
Jos van Gorp
Jan Pauwels
Jan Pauwels
Jörgen Tesman
Rezy Schumacher
Rezy Schumacher
Thea Elstved
Cara Van Wersch
Cara Van Wersch
Julia Tesman
Sigrid Vinks
Sigrid Vinks


Jan Decorte
Jan Decorte
Rufus Bohez
Rufus Bohez
Richard Verthé
Richard Verthé
Benoit Boelens
Benoit Boelens
Jan Decorte
Jan Decorte
Jan Decorte
Jan Decorte
Sigrid Vinks
Sigrid Vinks
Jan Decorte
Jan Decorte


Birdman ou (A Inesperada Virtude da Ignorância)
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