
Turning 18 (2019)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 27M

Director : Ho Chao-ti


Two girls in the bloom of youth meet at a vocational training program. Afterwards, their lives move in completely different directions.



Ho Chao-ti
Ho Chao-ti
Chou Cheng
Chou Cheng
Sound Designer


Vida tardia: a história de Chien-Ming Wang
O primeiro e único jogador taiwanês do New York Yankees, Chien-Ming Wang, detinha muitos títulos: Liga dos Campeões da América, Campeão da World Series, Olímpico, Time 100 Most Influential e The Pride of Taiwan. Ele tinha tudo - até que uma lesão de 2008 alterou para sempre o curso de sua carreira. Late Life: A história de Wang Chien-Ming - nomeada após a ação tardia de afundar em seu campo de assinatura - segue a ascensão e queda do ícone internacional enquanto ele luta para voltar às principais ligas através de programas de reabilitação sem fim e longos períodos longe de casa , carregando o peso do mundo em seu ombro machucado. Um relato pungente e íntimo da busca constante de Wang, Late Life conta a história de um homem que não está disposto a desistir e incapaz de deixar ir.
Um Dia Quente de Verão
Baseado em uma história verídica sobre um conflito entre duas gangues de jovens, a namorada de um garoto de 14 anos entra em conflito com o chefe de uma gangue por uma razão pouco clara, até que finalmente o conflito atinge um clímax violento.
Massacre no Bairro Chinês
Jackie Chan faz o papel de um fugitivo do Japão que se torna um assassino para a máfia. O longa é focado na vida de imigrantes chineses que vivem no Japão.
Millennium Mambo
The beautiful Vicky drifts through her empty life in the neon-lit Taipei, maintaining a pointless relationship with her loser DJ boyfriend, Hao-Hao, and an unsatisfying career as a nightclub hostess. As her romance becomes increasingly strained, she decides to take up with Jack, a caring but criminally connected businessman. But this new relationship can't change Vicky's aimless nature, and her future remains as doubtful as ever.
Holiday Heart
After losing his police officer lover, Christian drag queen Holiday Heart meets 12-year-old Niki and her drug-addicted mother, Wanda. Heart finds relief from heartache and a renewed sense of purpose when he steps in as a father figure to Niki and welcomes the two women into his life. But when Wanda becomes romantically involved with her drug dealer, Silas, it may endanger Niki and threaten to destroy the makeshift family.
Who Killed Cock Robin
An ambitious journalist who witnessed a hit-and-run years ago reboots his investigation led by newly emerged clues. As he beats the clock to save the only survivor after her sudden disappearance, layers of unimaginable dark truths around a corrupted system start peeling.
O Banquete de Casamento
Wai (Winston Chao) é um homem de negócios jovem e bem sucedido de Taiwan que mora em um belo apartamento no Brooklyn com seu namorado americano Simon (Mitchell Lichtenstein). Seus pais não sabem que ele é gay, e com isso ele sofre constantes pressões para se casar, então Simon o incentiva a se casar com a inquilina Wei Wei (May Chin) por conveniência. Em troca, ela conseguiria o seu green card, já que Wai é naturalizado americano. No entanto, o belo plano dos três começa a dar bem errado e render engraçadas situações quando a família do noivo chega de Taiwan na véspera do casório.
Sakura Killers
Chuck Connors stars in this routine martial arts feature as the Colonel. He sends agents Sonny (Mike Kelly) and Dennis (George Nichols) to Taiwan in search of microfilm containing experiments on genetic engineering. The agents soon find themselves up against Japanese killers known as the Sakura who plan to sell United States secrets to the Soviet Union. Sonny and Dennis train with a martial arts master in order to fight the enemy and obtain the coveted microfilm.
Um Tempo para Viver, um Tempo para Morrer
O filme apresenta a história de uma família chinesa que se muda para Taiwan. A princípio temporária, a nova moradia acaba se tornando definitiva.
Unfinished Progress
Giraffe-like construction cranes are avid eaters. They forage around in the woods and fields for their feeds: the collective longing for development and prosperity. As they crane their necks longer, they make the fantasy of progress more alluring. And that is what Chung-Ming Wang steps forward to fight. Left his stable life behind, he devoted himself into local environmentalism in his hometown Tamsui(Danshui), tried to keep it distant from developmentalism that Taipei had been suffered for long. Few years later, he decided to change his way of political participation. This documentary film depicts his third attempt to run in the City Council Election in 2014, including the difficulties and conflicts he encounters and the diverse imaginations toward progress. The film also tries to brings up an important question: do we need more edifices in our city, or we need to find a way to edify ourselves?
Eight people try to end their loneliness by searching for that one person to love, who can make their life complete.
Apolitical Romance
A China-Taiwan cross-cultural rom-com with an excellent, unforced chemistry between its leads, Apolitical Romance follows Mainland girl (Huang Lu) as she visits Taiwan and gets involved with a local guy (Bryan Chang) who helps her track down her grandmother’s first love from 60-odd years ago.
Paradise in Service
Set in the island Kinmen, often seen as the most dangerous military base because it’s geographically close to China, "Paradise in Service" follows the adventure of a boy who serves his military service in Unit 831 from 1969 to 1972, in preparation for a war that could erupt anytime. Through an unlucky lottery draw result, Pao, a twenty-something young man from Southern Taiwan has to serve the military in the remote and perilous Kinmen. Moreover, he is assigned to the Sea Dragon (ARB), a unit noted for the toughest physical training. It never occurs to Pao, however, that the greatest challenge in his military service lies not in the Sea Dragon but in Unit 831, a special task he is later appointed to… In this peculiar assignment, Pao vows to keep his virginity against all odds.
Pinoy Sunday
The discovery of a discarded sofa, in Taipei city, transforms a routine Sunday into a capricious adventure of perseverance and self-discovery for Filipino guest workers Manuel and Dado.
The Most Distant Course
Tang goes on a trip to Taitung to record the sounds of nature, hoping the tape may save his relationship with his girlfriend who is leaving him. What he does not know, is that she has already moved away and another girl, Yun, has moved into that apartment. Yun is trapped in a hopeless love triangle, and troubled by all the issues she faces in life. After listening to the tape that Tang sent, she feels as if the kindness of nature is calling her, and travels to Taitung to find the mysterious man who sends her the tape.
Ilusão de Morte
Uma série de crimes macabros acontece em Taiwan. Sem especialistas no assunto, as autoridades locais importam um agente do FBI para ajudar na resolução dos assassinatos. Colocado ao lado de um agente taiwanês, a investigação os conduzirá a um submundo caótico.
In Our Time
Four vignettes, each set in different decades from the 1950s through the 1980s, deal with protagonists at different stages of life between childhood and young adulthood.
Apenas Nós
Vi é uma adolescente que precisa lidar com as complexidades de sua família perturbada desde muito nova. Os problemas vêm à tona durante a estadia da família em uma cidade litorânea. A jovem passa a ter que cuidar da mãe, Aisha, que está doente e não consegue sair da cama, e também de Troy, seu desobediente e rebelde irmão mais novo.
Flowers of Taipei: Taiwan New Cinema
With Taiwan remaining in the grip of martial law in 1982, a group of filmmakers from that country set out to establish a cultural identity through cinema and to share it with the world. This engaging documentary looks at the movement's legacy.
Codinome Cougar
A commercial airliner on a routine flight between Taipei and Seoul is hijacked and taken to mainland China by the Taiwan Revolutionary Army Front. Chinese authorities cannot seize the plane because of the presence of an important business figure on board, but agree to cooperate with Taiwanese authorities to defuse the tense situation.