
BCW Queen Of The North (2019)

BCW Queen Of The North

Gênero : Ação, Drama

Runtime : 2H 14M


After months of waiting, it's finally time for Brii Combination Wrestling's Queen of the North where we will crown the first ever BCW Women's Champion. Females from all over the world have come to the Bronx for a chance a history. The future of BCW will never be the same again. Plus you never know who will swing by the Shot of Wrestling table to have a chat with your boy Michael J Puddy!


Vannarah Riggs
Vannarah Riggs
Su Yung
Kristen Stadtlander
Kristen Stadtlander
Kris Stadtlander
Brandi Lauren Pawalek
Brandi Lauren Pawalek
Brandi Lauren
Genevieve Goulet
Genevieve Goulet
Faye Elise
Faye Elise
Faye Jackson
Latasha Harris
Latasha Harris
Tasha Steelz
Aja Perera
Aja Perera
Aja Perera
Darius Carter
Darius Carter
Darius Carter
Elizabeth D. Medrano
Elizabeth D. Medrano
Delmi Exo
Davienne Long
Davienne Long
Savannah Evans
Savannah Evans
Savannah Evans


Joel Arroyo
Joel Arroyo


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Perfect Blue
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O Ás da Bola
Fung (Man Tat Ng), uma estrela do futebol na sua juventude é hoje um simples auxiliar de uma grande equipa, constantemente humilhado pelo presidente, Hung (Patrick Tse). Mas o seu desejo é um dia chegar a treinador. Por seu lado Sing (Stephen Chow), antigo mestre de artes marciais, procura formas de reavivar o kung-fu de Shaolin, na Hong Kong dos dias de hoje. De um inesperado encontro entre Fung e Sing surge a ideia de treinar uma equipa de futebol, com base no kung-fu de Shaolin, e inscrevê-la no Torneio Nacional da Super Cup. Para tal, Sing precisa de recrutar os seus 'irmãos' (cinco homens que estudaram sob o mesmo mestre), cujas vidas não levam o melhor rumo...
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Despertar de um Pesadelo
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Em 2005 o esporte mais popular é o rollerball, um jogo violento e por vezes mortal que envolve skates e motos e é jogado em arenas espalhadas ao redor do planeta. Os principais astros do rollerball são Jonathan Cross (Chris Klein), Marcus Ridley (LL Cool J) e Aurora (Rebecca Romjin-Stamos), que decidem denunciar a corrupção existente por trás dos jogos após descobrirem que Aleci Petrovich (Jean Reno), o dono do principal time do rollerball, é capaz de fazer qualquer coisa para manipular os resultados dos jogos ao seu bel prazer. Porém, ao saber da intenção de Jonathan e seus colegas Aleci logo arma um plano para eliminar todas as provas existentes contra ele, incluindo os três jogadores.
Sedução em Manhattan
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After a shocking ambush, WWE Champion John Cena finds himself, for the first time, staring into the merciless eyes of Ryback. With his health in question, can Cena avoid succumbing to a 10-count at the hands of one of WWE's most dominant Superstars? Triple H and "The Beast" Brock Lesnar bring their rage inside the cage for a deeply personal tiebreaker that can only serve to intensify their bitter rivalry. Plus, The Shield, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, and the rest of the WWE Superstars step up to throw down in the one night where the only rules are Extreme Rules! All the action this year comes from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri.
Stumbling across an uncompleted 1939 film called "Princess Marushka", filmmaker Sam becomes intrigued with the young actor Sylvain Marceau, who last appeared in the film. Hoping to discover the mystery behind Sylvain's disappearance, Sam decides to make a documentary and sets off to interview those who knew Sylvain, including elderly Lisa Morain. Through her interview, Sam learns the story of Lisa and Sylvain's doomed love affair on the eve of World War II.
WWE: Hart & Soul - The Hart Family Anthology
Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology is a documentary produced and released by WWE Home Video in collaboration with Hart family members. The DVD chronicles the lineage of the Hart family beginning with the biography of patriarch Stu Hart. It gives a brief accounting of the lives of all twelve Hart children as well as parents Stu and Helen growing up in Calgary. It describes the deaths of Stu, Helen, Dean, Matthew, Owen, Brian Pillman and Davey Boy Smith with recollections from their loved ones. The DVD concludes with a feature on the Hart Dynasty and their future in WWE. The bonus discs feature matches from Stampede Wrestling and WWF/WWE as well as candid home footage and interviews from the Hart family.
Christina Noble overcomes the harsh difficulties of her childhood in Ireland to discover her destiny on the streets of Saigon. A true story.
Superargo vs Diabolicus
After accidentally killing an opponent on the ring, masked wrestler Superargo quits wrestling and, following the advice of his friend Col. Alex Kinski of the Secret Service, becomes a secret agent, using his superhuman abilities to stop villain Diabolicus' plans to wreck global economy by turning uranium into gold.
WWE Survivor Series 1989
The 1989 WWE Survivor Series was the third annual Survivor Series professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation. It took place on Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 1989 at The Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois. This was the first Survivor Series event to feature team names. It was also the first Survivor Series to feature four-on-four tag matches instead of five-on-five. The main event was a four-on-four Survivor Series match where The Ultimate Warriors faced The Heenan Family. The undercard also featured Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Matches.
WWE Survivor Series 1990
Survivor Series (1990) was the fourth annual Survivor Series pay-per-view professional wrestling event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 1990 at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. This Survivor Series saw the on-screen WWF debut of The Undertaker, who went on to become WWF Champion at the next Survivor Series one year later, and the debut of the Gobbledy Gooker. In addition, Sgt. Slaughter — who was then using an Iraqi sympathizer heel gimmick — delivered a promo where he insulted servicemen stationed in Iraq for Thanksgiving during Operation Desert Shield. Randy Savage, as the "Macho King", was interviewed by "Mean" Gene Okerlund, and issued a challenge to the Ultimate Warrior for the WWF Championship. Ravishing Rick Rude was replaced by Haku after being suspended by WWF President Jack Tunney for insulting the mother of the Big Boss Man.
WWE SummerSlam 1991
WWE SummerSlam '91 was the fourth annual SummerSlam. It took place on August 26, 1991 at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York. it is remembered for the on-screen wedding of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth, dubbed "A Match Made in Heaven" by announcer Vince McMahon. This was contrasted with "A Match Made in Hell", which was a handicap tag team match between WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior against Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Colonel Mustafa. Among the other on-screen highlights of the event was "The Legion of Doom" The Road Warriors defeating The Nasty Boys to win the WWE World Tag Team Championship. The team became the only tag team in wrestling history to have held the WWE World Tag Team Championship, the NWA World Tag Team Championship, and the AWA World Tag Team Championship. Another highlight was Bret "The Hitman" Hart going for his first singles championship in WWE when he faced Mr. Perfect for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.