Queens Of Combat QOC 10 (2016)

Queens Of Combat QOC 10

Gênero : Ação, Drama

Runtime : 1H 16M


Volume 10 of the Battlefield Queen was held on April 1, 2016 at WrestleCon 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Mandy Leon vs Brittany Blake Savannah Evans, Ariel Monroe and Devin Nicole vs Miss Diss Lexi, Angel Blue and Amanda Rodriguez with "The Meanestful Handsome" Zayn Riley Rebel vs. Rozita Leva Bates and Solo Darling vs. "Crazy" Mary Dobson and Su Jung Yung Su Jung Su and Yung Su Rogue Leeds Bates and Solo Darling vs. "Crazy" in the world (Joey Ryan and Candice Lera) against Colt Cabana and Heidi Lovelace Mikey James against LuFisto Fighting Championship "Queens of Combat" 3-Way Match Taeler Hendrix (c) against Jessica Havok against Tessa Blanchard.


Amanda León
Amanda León
Mandy Leon
Jeanne Killjoy
Jeanne Killjoy
Brittany Blake
Devyn Nicole
Devyn Nicole
Devyn Nicole
Savannah Evans
Savannah Evans
Savannah Evans
Amanda Carolina Rodriguez
Amanda Carolina Rodriguez
Amanda Rodriguez
Nikki Armstrong
Nikki Armstrong
Angel Blue
Miss Diss Lexia
Miss Diss Lexia
Miss Diss Lexia
Zane Riley
Zane Riley
Zane Riley
Tanea Brooks
Tanea Brooks
Thea Trinidad
Thea Trinidad
Sarah Bridges
Sarah Bridges
Crazy Mary Dobson
Vannarah Riggs
Vannarah Riggs
Su Yung
Leva Bates
Leva Bates
Leva Bates
Christina Garibaldi
Christina Garibaldi
Solo Darling
Candice Gargano
Candice Gargano
Candice LeRae
Joseph Ryan Meehan
Joseph Ryan Meehan
Joey Ryan
Scott Colton
Scott Colton
Colt Cabana
Dori Elizabeth Prange
Dori Elizabeth Prange
Heidi Lovelace
Mickie James
Mickie James
Mickie James
Genevieve Goulet
Genevieve Goulet
Taeler Conrad-Mellen
Taeler Conrad-Mellen
Taeler Hendrix
Jessica Cricks
Jessica Cricks
Jessicka Havok
Tessa Blanchard
Tessa Blanchard
Tessa Blanchard
Aerial Monroe
Aerial Monroe



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Fuga de Nova York
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O Lutador
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