
James Brown - The Night James Brown Saved Boston (2008)

Gênero : Documentário, Música

Runtime : 1H 0M

Director : David Leaf


On April 5, 1968, soul legend James Brown performed a concert in Boston that many say shielded that city from the kinds of devastating riots that ripped other cities apart after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Cornel West
Cornel West
Self (as Dr. Cornel West)
James Brown
James Brown
Self (archive footage)
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali
Self (archive footage)
Michael Ambrosino
Michael Ambrosino
Tom Atkins
Tom Atkins
Charles Bobbitt
Charles Bobbitt
Self (as Charles Bobbit)
Bobby Byrd
Bobby Byrd
Self (archive footage)
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Self (archive footage)
Coretta Scott King
Coretta Scott King
Self (archive footage)
Robert F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson
Self (archive footage)
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
Self (archive footage)
Harry Reasoner
Harry Reasoner
Self (archive footage)
Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton
Hubert H. Humphrey
Hubert H. Humphrey
Self (archive footage)
Dennis Haysbert
Dennis Haysbert
Self - Narrator (voice)


David Leaf
David Leaf
Morgan Neville
Morgan Neville
Morgan Neville
Morgan Neville
Nicola Marsh
Nicola Marsh
Director of Photography
Peter S. Lynch II
Peter S. Lynch II
Arlene Wszalek
Arlene Wszalek
Shelly Tatro
Shelly Tatro
Executive Producer
Brenna Sanchez
Brenna Sanchez
Associate Producer
Jeff Olde
Jeff Olde
Executive Producer
David Leaf
David Leaf
Eric Kulberg
Eric Kulberg
Toby Byron
Toby Byron
Executive Producer
Brad Abramson
Brad Abramson
Executive Producer


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