Mosebacke monarki (1967)
Gênero : Comédia, Drama, Família, Cinema TV
Runtime : 0M
In the first film in the series, in May 1908, famed Professor Henry Jones Sr. is invited to give lectures all over the world. He takes along his wife and son, and invites his former tutor Miss Helen Seymour to teach Henry Jr. during the trip. Their first stop is Cairo, Egypt. When Junior, who prefers to be called 'Indy' and Miss Seymour visit the pyramids, they are invited by T.E. Lawrence (another former student of hers) to join an archaeological dig. When the mummy disappears and a priceless headpiece is stolen, young Indy gets his first taste of adventure. On their next stop in Tangiers, the family stays with Professor Jones' former class mate Walter Harris. Indy befriends a young slave named Omar who belongs to Emily Keen. The two of them get into trouble when they Indy insists on visiting the market place to see a salted head displayed on a pole. Caught by slave traders, they are end up at an auction from which only Harris can attempt to rescue them.
In the sixth film in the series, in February 1916, high school student Indy's plan of taking his girlfriend Nancy is sidetracked when a mysterious break-in, the theft of an electric motor, and rumors of German spies result in a mystery that only young Indy and Nancy can unravel. Indy and his father then head to the southwest to visit family in Albuquerque, where Junior is taken captive by Pancho Villa and his riders.
In the fifteenth film in the series, in October 1917, working with a beautiful lady spy, Indiana Jones is assigned to assist the British forces in their attack on the Turkish-occupied town of Beersheba. With a regiment of the Australian Lighthorsemen approaching, Indy must defuse the explosives the Turks have placed throughout the town.
In the eleventh film in the series, in December 1916, Indy, still stationed in Africa, is promoted to Captain and then ordered to cross the jungle with Remy and Captain Boucher to pick up a shipment of weaponry. Along the way, Ubangan Sergeant Barthélèmy picks up the sole surviving child from a disease-ravaged village despite Boucher's orders against it. On the way back, Indy and company succumb to disease themselves, and are picked up by Albert Schweitzer and the orderlies from his jungle hospital. At first resistant to being treated by a German, Indy soon begins to realize that Schweitzer is not interested in war, only attempting to cure people against all odds.
In the twelfth film in the series, in 1917, Indiana Jones transfers from the Belgian army to the French intelligence service, where his first assignment is as a reconnaissance photographer for the 124th Squadron, a group of volunteer American pilots in the French army. When his plane is shot down, Indy encounters the infamous "Red Baron," Manfred von Richthofen. After a daring escape, Indy is parachuted back into Germany on a mission to convince aircraft designer Anthony Fokker to defect to France, and he discovers a new German superweapon - a new airplane intended to bring the war overseas.
In the eighth film in the series, in August 1916, using the name "Henri Defense," 17-year-old Indiana Jones has enlisted in the Belgian army to fight in the Great War. After his commanding officers have all been killed in battle in Flanders, Corporal "Defense" is left in charge of what's left of the 9th Belgian Infantry. They are assigned to the French 14th Company and dispatched into the Battle of the Somme. When Indy is captured by the Germans, he quickly gains a reputation as an escape artist, and is sent to the maximum security prison at Dusterstadt on the Danube.
In the fourth film in the series, in 1910's Russia, a few acts of clumsiness puts Indy at odds with his father who is greatly displeased with Indy. Indy runs away into the Russian countryside and wakes in the morning on a haystack. He encounters colorful Gypsies, fierce Imperial Cossack troops, and an odd, cantankerous old man named Leo Tolstoy, who is in full agreement that "hell" is other people. Later, in Greece, Indy meets Nikos Kazantzakis, the writer who would some day write Zorba the Greek.
In the fifth film in the series, in 1910, the Jones family attends a meeting of the Theosophy movement in Benares, India. There young Indy befriends a young boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti who is presented by the society to be the next world teacher and possible messiah. Traveling on to China, mother Jones takes Miss Seymour and Indy on a sightseeing trip while father meets with Chinese translator Yen Fu. Indy becomes ill during a rain storm and the travelers seek shelter with a poor Chinese family. Despite the misgivings of his mother, a local doctor is allowed to treat the boy with acupuncture.
In the second film in the series, in 1908, ten-year-old Indiana Jones is on safari in British East Africa. Here, he befriends a Massai boy named Meto who helps him in his search for the little seen Fringe-Eared Oryx for former US President Teddy Roosevelt. Later, he and his family and tutor travel to Paris, France where Indy meets a young Norman Rockwell and gets involved in a quarrel between the painters Edgar Degas and Pablo Picasso. The young American boys get a fascinating insight into modern art as Picasso schemes to one up the old master Degas.
In the twentieth film in the series, in 1950's Wyoming, middle-aged Indiana Jones and his friend Grey Cloud have obtained a sacred ceremonial pipe and end up in a snow-logged cabin. When Jones uncovers a soprano sax, he is reminded of his college days in 1920's Chicago, waiting tables at Colosimo's restaurant and becoming obsessed with Jazz music. When Colosimo was murdered, young Indy got caught up in the investigation together with his roommate Eliot Ness and young reporter Ernest Hemingway.
In the sixteenth film in the series, in 1917, Indiana Jones is working to get Austrian deserters safely to the allies side in the Italian Alps. In his spare time, he is wooing an Italian beauty named Guiletta. When he finds out another man is vying for her attention, Indy and his new pal, ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway, make plans to crush Indiana's competitor by smothering Guiletta with presents and compliments. Afterwards, Indiana is begrudgingly ordered to Casablanca to find a traitor who is selling arms to the Berber rebels. Traveling incognito, he is joined by American novelist Edith Wharton and journalist Lowell Thomas. Indy and Edith soon find themselves attracted to each other despite their age difference.
In the nineteenth film in the series, in May 1919, Indy is working as a translator at the historic Paris Peace Conference. He meets up with T.E. Lawrence once more, but finds his ideals have changed a lot since the start of the war. Indy then decides to finally head home to Princeton - even though it means having to face his father. He gets reacquainted with his childhood friend Paul Robeson, who becomes the target of racism when they visit New York City.
In the third film in the series, in 1908, Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On their next stop in Florence, Anna Jones becomes the object of affection for the persuasive opera composer Giacomo Puccini. With her husband away in Rome, Anna is torn between her feelings for her husband and the impulsive Italian.
Izzy Daniels é um adolescente do Brooklin que está treinando para ser um campeão de boxe e assim realizar o sonho de seu pai. Entretanto, curioso com os movimentos empolgantes do "Double Dutch", ele concorda em ajudar sua vizinha Mary que precisa de alguém para substituir um dos "puladores de corda" do time. O esporte exige mais talento e trabalho em equipe do que Izzy imaginava, mas com o passar do tempo, ele percebe que seguir seu coração é o mais importante.
A tranqüila vida de Flynn é transformada quando ele é escolhido para integrar uma ordem secreta responsável por manter em sigilo alguns dos grandes segredos da humanidade. Designado a proteger uma suposta coleção de artefatos místicos ele é surpreendido por inimigos de uma irmandade que roubam um dos três fragmentos da Lança Sagrada. Sem saída, Flynn, com a ajuda da sexy Nicole parte para a América do Sul com o objetivo de encontrar o primeiro fragmento sagrado antes de seus inimigos. Mas, com o rapto de Nicole, Flynn logo perceberá que essa é uma missão que ele deverá realizar sozinho e só então descobrir se realmente é a pessoa certa para ser o guardião.
In the ninth film in the series, in September 1916, young Indiana Jones - going by the alias of "Henri Defense" - has become a motorcycle courier stationed near the trenches at Verdun. His friend Remy is still in the trenches, and both grow more disillusioned about the war each day. Chosen to sneak into enemy territory on account of his gift for languages, Indy overhears German officers speaking of the imminent arrival of their most powerful artillery guns, nicknamed "Big Bertha." A month later, Indy and Remy are granted leave to Paris, where Indiana meets the exotic dancer Mata Hari at a dinner party. He falls for her immediately, but soon finds out she is dating other men as well, including the French Minister of War.
Uma massa de tornados infestados de tubarões ameaça Orlando em pleno Spring Break. Com seus filhos na cidade, Fin terá que arriscar sua vida para salvá-los, mas, enquanto ele e sua motosserra lutam para chegar até a Flórida, os sharknados se fundem e ficam com tamanhos monumentais.
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As Trix estão de volta: elas querem sentar no Trono do Imperador para proclamar o seu grande poder. Mas fazendo isso, elas acidentalmente evocam Politea. A malvada ninfa que ainda está viva e pronta para fazer um acordo com as três bruxas. Ela as diz precisam ativar o Trono do Imperador. As Trix tem que liberar Tritannus da Dimensão do Esquecimento, mas antes disto, precisam da força vital de um Rei e as Trix pensam em Sky, o Rei de Eraklyon, detalhadamente, o noivo de Bloom. As Trix aparecem em Gardênia, onde Bloom e Sky estão aproveitando o dia juntos. Bloom sozinha não pode fazer nada, e assim as Trix sequestram Sky e o levam para o Oceano Infinito. As três bruxas libertam Tritannus e o convencem de ser o seu aliado de novo para conseguir a poderosa Pérola do Abismo. As Winx se unem a Bloom e juntas decidem ir resgatar Sky.
O arqueólogo Indiana Jones tem acesso à um misterioso envelope que contém informações sobre a localização do lendário Santo Graal, o cálice que Jesus Cristo teria utilizado na Última Ceia. Quando seu pai, o professor Henry Jones, é sequestrado pelos nazistas, o aventureiro irá embarcar numa missão perigosa para salvá-lo e impedir que a relíquia sagrada caia em mãos erradas.