
Save Kolya! (2020)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 35M

Director : Dmitry Gubarev
Escritor : Anna Kurbatova, Elya Korsakova


For student Masha Matushkina, everything in life could be fine, if not for one big problem: her father who raised her alone is in command of the military registration and enlistment office. Because of this, not a single guy near Masha lingers for a long time - one after another they leave to undergo military service by conscription to the farthest corners of Russia. And although Masha sincerely loves her stubborn dad, the final clash of characters is inevitable. And so it turns out that this epic battle will happen on the day of the anniversary of the respected military commissar ...


Dmitriy Nagiev
Dmitriy Nagiev
Anna Rodonaya
Anna Rodonaya
Ivan Zlobin
Ivan Zlobin
Kuzma Saprykin
Kuzma Saprykin
Ivan Pisotsky
Ivan Pisotsky
Aleksey Zolotovitskiy
Aleksey Zolotovitskiy
Galina Polskikh
Galina Polskikh
Nonna Grishaeva
Nonna Grishaeva
Yuliya Dzutseva
Yuliya Dzutseva
Vladimir Sychev
Vladimir Sychev
Raisa Ryazanova
Raisa Ryazanova
Vladimir Afanasyev
Vladimir Afanasyev
Pavel Grigoryev
Pavel Grigoryev
Kirill Khovrin
Kirill Khovrin
Artyom Leshchik
Artyom Leshchik
Sergey Evdokimov
Sergey Evdokimov
Bulat Shamsutdinov
Bulat Shamsutdinov
Natalya Lyzhina
Natalya Lyzhina
Igor Ugarov
Igor Ugarov
Mikhail Titorenko
Mikhail Titorenko
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov
Andrey Pavlyutin
Andrey Pavlyutin


Dmitry Gubarev
Dmitry Gubarev
Anna Kurbatova
Anna Kurbatova
Elya Korsakova
Elya Korsakova
Mikhail Kurbatov
Mikhail Kurbatov
Anna Kurbatova
Anna Kurbatova
Dmitry Fiks
Dmitry Fiks
Mikhail Kurbatov
Mikhail Kurbatov
Igor Tryshkov
Igor Tryshkov
Production Design
Sergey Orlov
Sergey Orlov
Mariya Snetkova
Mariya Snetkova
Costume Design
Andrey Vorobyov
Andrey Vorobyov
Director of Photography


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