Come Home Gary Glitter (2005)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 58M

Director : Joel Wilson, Jamie Campbell


Searching for the disgraced pop star


Jamie Campbell
Jamie Campbell
Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson
Jonathan King
Jonathan King
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan


Jane Taylor
Jane Taylor
Production Executive
Alan Hayling
Alan Hayling
Executive Producer
Ben Gale
Ben Gale
Executive Producer
Stuart Cabb
Stuart Cabb
Toby Sculthorp
Toby Sculthorp
Sonny Sheridan
Sonny Sheridan
Tamer Osman
Tamer Osman
Online Editor
Danny Collins
Danny Collins
Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson
Jamie Campbell
Jamie Campbell
Jamie Campbell
Jamie Campbell


Laranja Mecânica
Em uma Inglaterra do futuro, um membro de uma gangue de delinquentes tenta desligar-se, mas é espancado pelos demais e deixado ao abandono para ser apanhado pela polícia. Na prisão, ele é submetido a um tratamento experimental para recuperar criminosos, expondo-os às mazelas que eles mesmos infligiam à sociedade.
Em Silêncio
Um professor tenta denunciar publicamente os crimes encobertos de docentes e diretores que abusam sexualmente de alunos com deficiência auditiva.
El diario de una prostituta 2
Two university students try to make a documentary about a prostitute and her origins, but they enter an unknown world where sex, drugs and death are the daily bread.
Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam
A documentary crew from the BBC arrives in L.A. intent on interviewing Heidi Fleiss, a year after her arrest for running a brothel but before her trial. Several months elapse before the interview, so the crew searches for anyone who'll talk about the young woman. Two people have a lot to say to the camera: a retired madam named Alex for whom Fleiss once worked and Fleiss's one-time boyfriend, Ivan Nagy, who introduced her to Alex. Alex and Nagy don't like each other, so the crew shuttles between them with "she said" and "he said." When they finally interview Fleiss, they spend their time reciting what Alex and Nagy have had to say and asking her reaction.
Viol, la grande peur
A newspaper editor wants to sell more newspapers using sex crimes as a way to attract more readers.
Secrets Exposed
Single mom, Joanna, teams up with a professor to track down her missing daughter Lizzie, a college student who’s also been working as a cam girl, before it’s too late.
Come Home Gary Glitter
Searching for the disgraced pop star
Pay Back
Ziba and three of her prison cohorts, recently released from a Tehran prison, settle in an out of town doctor's house posing as house sitters and embark on a get rich quick scheme. They plan to mug the lecherous men who give a ride to ladies waiting at street sides for a pickup, which was- and is, to some extent, now- how some prostitutes found work back in the time in Iran. The film portrays the characters as well as the social origins of these men, and as it progresses, explores the backgrounds of these women.
Coleção de Humanos Mortos
Inspirado nos filmes de terror dos anos 70 e crimes reais, Coleção de Humanos Mortos é um banho de sangue que segue um assassino em série perturbado e seus hábitos sádicos.
Le Sous-sol de nos démons
Every day, at Lapeyronie hospital in Montpellier, France, a psychologist and a psychiatrist treat pedophiles and child sexual offenders. Behind closed doors, hidden away from sight, they listen to their stories, help put words to acts and impulses. And they fight for basic prevention systems to be funded and put into practice.
Nothing But the Truth
A polygraph examiner has an affair with a murder suspect after her test clears him, but new evidence then suggests that he's guilty after all.
Avatar Spirits
Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, co-creators of the hit television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, reflect on the creation of the masterful series.
His teachers, coaches, childhood friends and Barça teammates, together with journalists, writers and prominent figures from the history of football, come together in a restaurant to analyze and pick apart Messi's personality both on and off the field, and to look back at some of the most significant moments in his life. Viewed from Álex de la Iglesia's unique perspective, Messi recreates the player's childhood and teenage years, from his very first steps, with a football always at his feet, through to the decision to leave Rosario for Barcelona, the separation from his family, and the role played in his career by individuals such as Ronaldinho, Rijkaard, Rexach and Guardiola.
Cartel Land
O documentário coloca questões políticas e pessoas através dos vigilantes dos dois lado da fronteira entre EUA e México que lutam contra os ferozer cartéis de drogas mexicanos. Com acesso sem precendentes, o documentário profundos questionamentos sobre a ilegalidade, a quebra da ordem e se os cidadão podem combater violência com violência.
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th
Taking inspiration from Peter M. Bracke's definitive book of the same name, this seven-hour documentary dives into the making of all twelve Friday the 13th films, with all-new interviews from the cast and the crew.
Once Upon a Time: The Super Heroes
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
Zumbis Uma História Viva
A maioria das pessoas acredita que os zumbis são um fenômeno recente, que surgiu a partir das histórias em quadrinhos, de filmes e da televisão. A verdade é muito diferente. Este especial de duas horas explora a sua verdadeira história desde os primórdios da civilização até a atualidade. Veremos como o Antigo e o Novo Testamento da Bíblia revelam inúmeras histórias de mortos-vivos, e vamos detalhar como a Peste Negra na Europa tornou-se um dos períodos mais prolíficos em mitos e lendas sobre zumbis. Examine conosco ainda outras lendas sobre essas criaturas, incluindo as histórias secretas da China e os rituais do vodu no Haiti.
Samsara se apresenta como uma meditação guiada não-verbal que trasformará os espectadores em todos os países do mundo conforme eles são carregados através da jornada da alma. Com poderosas imagens fotografadas cuidadosamente em 70mm e uma trilha sonora dinâmica, o filme ilumina as conexões entre a humanidade e o resto da natureza, mostrando como nossos ciclos de vida espelham o ritmo do planeta.
Capturing Avatar
Capturing Avatar is a feature length behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Avatar. It uses footage from the film's development, as well as stock footage from as far back as the production of Titanic in 1995. Also included are numerous interviews with cast, artists, and other crew members. The documentary was released as a bonus feature on the extended collector's edition of Avatar.
Get up close and personal with 16 of the most successful women in the adult film industry as they shed their clothes for an intimate photo shoot with director Deborah Anderson. As questions are asked, personal stories about their lives are revealed, from why they chose the business of sex to how they got into it in the first place. These porn stars have always been discreet about their private lives in the past, yet Anderson has a way of opening up a dialog allowing them to share more than just their naked skin on screen. Their true inner vulnerability is touching, yet the characters they have created are confident and intoxicating. Once you hear their stories, you'll never look at them in the same way again.