
The Emissary (2018)

Gênero : Ficção científica, Drama

Runtime : 22M

Director : Bryan Tan


Liv Laika embarks on a solitary mission to a distant planet in search of her ancestors who fled the earth nearly a century prior. After days of radio silence, Liv begins to question whether or not they even want to be found.


Viviana Chavez
Viviana Chavez
Liv Laika
Jonathan Horne
Jonathan Horne


Bryan Tan
Bryan Tan
Bryan Tan
Bryan Tan


O Céu da Meia-Noite
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Interstellar: Nolan's Odyssey
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A 20 Milhões de Milhas da Terra
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O Planeta dos Vampiros
Em um futuro não muito distante, uma missão de investigação de um misterioso planeta chamado Aura, lança duas naves no espaço, Argos e Galliot. Chegando ao planeta desconhecido, a tripulação da Galliot começa a lutar entre si sem motivo aparente. Os impulsos agressivos passam e eles decidem procurar pela nave Argos porém, quando a encontram, descobrem que toda a tripulação morreu lutando entre si. Eles descobrem que o estranho planeta é habitado por seres alienígenas sedentos por sangue, que desejam fugir de seu mundo.
Terror que Mata
A primeira espaçonave tripulada, lançada de uma plataforma de lançamento inglesa, some do radar, depois de volta à Terra, cai no campo de um fazendeiro, e é encontrada com apenas um dos três tripulantes. Ele é incapaz de falar, mas parece estar passando por uma metamorfose física e mental torturante.
It! The Terror from Beyond Space
In 1973, the first manned expedition to Mars is marooned; by the time a rescue mission arrives, there is only one survivor: the leader, Col. Edward Carruthers, who appears to have murdered the others! According to Carruthers, an unknown life form killed his comrades during a sandstorm. But the skeptical rescuers little suspect that "it" has stowed away for the voyage back to Earth...
The Farthest
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Monstro do Planeta Perdido
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Planet of Dinosaurs
A spaceship gets lost and is forced to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet. The planet looks much like Earth, only with no trace of civilization. Soon the crew discovers that there are bloodthirsty dinosaurs on the planet. The crew hopes to be found and rescued, but until then, they must fight to survive.
Last and First Men
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Viagem ao Planeta das Mulheres Selvagens
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A Conquista do Espaço
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MARTE: Por Dentro da SpaceX
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Queen of Blood
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Final Space
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Battle Beyond the Sun
In the distant future, the post-nuclear holocaust Earth is divided into two rival superpowers, North Hemis and South Hemis. Both empires are engaged in competitive race to reach Mars. When a badly under-equipped rocket malfunctions and begins drifting toward the sun, its helpless crew is rescued by the rival mission team. The combined crew continue the flight to mars, when colossal monsters lies in wait on the Martian moons!
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet
In 2020, after the colonization of the moon, the spaceships Vega, Sirius and Capella are launched from Lunar Station 7. They are to explore Venus under the command of Professor Hartman, but an asteroid collides and explodes Capella. The leader ship Vega stays orbiting and sends the astronauts Kern and Sherman with the robot John to the surface of Venus, but they have problems with communication with Dr. Marsha Evans in Vega. The Sirius lands in Venus and Commander Brendan Lockhart, Andre Ferneau and Hans Walter explore the planet and are attacked by prehistoric animals. They use a vehicle to seek Kern and Sherman while collecting samples from the planet. Meanwhile John helps the two cosmonauts to survive in the hostile land.
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