
Insecticide, mon amour (2015)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Guillaume Bodin




Guillaume Bodin
Guillaume Bodin
Scenario Writer
Guillaume Bodin
Guillaume Bodin
Guillaume Bodin
Guillaume Bodin
Director of Photography
Guillaume Bodin
Guillaume Bodin
Sound Engineer


The Mystery of Marriage
The courtship rituals of animals and plants are compared to those of contemporary society, with educational and frequently humorous results.
A Lenda da Terra de Loach
Era uma vez um homenzinho que estava tomando o seu gostoso e quentinho banho, quando, bem debaixo de seus pés, uma minúscula população de uma cidade subterrânea estava sendo terrivelmente prejudicada pelo inocente ato desse senhor... Decididas a ensinar-lhe uma lição, essas criaturinhas resolvem transformá-lo num ser tão pequeno quanto elas! Desse castigo, nasce uma grande aventura e um precioso ensinamento para todos: sempre é bom não se esquecer de valorizar as pequeninas coisas ao nosso redor!
This classic from Rolf Forsberg, in the style of Fellini and Bergman, tells the story of a gardener who decides to introduce ants to his garden, because they will benefit what grows there. He is disturbed when the ants spend all their time fighting. He sends his son to teach them how to live peacefully.
It Started with Trees – Revolt in the Gezi Park
Protesters diary from Gezi Park - Taksim Square, Istanbul. Occupy Gezi movement started when the government decided to build shopping mall in place of the last green area that remained in the middle of Taksim Square.
As Maiores Incógnitas
Nove cientistas estudam várias disciplinas, da física à psicologia, e trocam ideias enquanto investigam dúvidas existenciais profundas.
The utterings of a faceless narrator are intercut with the tale of an estranged woodland inhabitant, who makes a peculiar discovery.
Guardianes del manglar
Outro Fogo
Um registro sensorial das relações de afinidade e inimizade com o fogo na conservação do bioma Cerrado. Na companhia de moradores locais contratados para atuarem como brigadistas e, mais recentemente, como agentes de manejo, o curta-metragem explora os afetos estabelecidos com o fogo em meio às pirofobias do combate e às pirofilias do manejo. Além de documentar a luta contra incêndios e as técnicas de manipulação, o experimento cinematográfico aponta para uma antropologia visual mais que humana, onde forças ambientais como o calor, a vegetação e o vento compõem uma alteridade cuja condição permanece ambígua.
Microscopic Mysteries
This short film takes a look through a microscope's lens at insect life.
Kiruna - A Brand New World
What if you got the chance to build a new society from scratch, what would it look like? Located more than 200 km above the polar circle, the Swedish mining town Kiruna is built on the world's largest and most modern iron ore mining tunnel, which created a significant income for the Swedish government. However, due to the mining the city has started to collapse and in order to save the industry, the city council together with the mining company LKAB have decided to move the town and its citizens 3 kilometres to the east. In doing so, the town has turned a potential disaster into a great opportunity. The new Kiruna will be an even more progressive, even better society for the future. But is it even possible to plan an ideal world?
Big Booom
The history of humanity and of our planet in four minutes. An eco-friendly statement developed in a single shot that has it all: humor, action and tragedy.
The Aurora
Deep-sea archeologist Hiroshi Ibuki is the member of the digging team working at the bottom of the sea hoping to uncover the origins of Earth's existence but instead uncovers a mysterious colony of bacteria which gives off light similar to the Aurora Borealis. The ancient bacteria, once revived, attempt to make the world habitable for themselves - a process that would bring Earth back to its early primal form, killing all current life in the process.
Les nouveaux guerriers des champs
Venus 90
A film crew travels out in a future Europe to make a documentary about the birds and threats to the ecological contexts. The motto of the film has been downloaded from the Indian chief, Chief Seattle's famous words from 1855; "You can not sell the sky, and everything that affects the Earth affect the humans".
Uma Verdade Mais Inconveniente
Dez anos após "Uma Verdade Inconveniente" ter alertado sobre a necessidade da união entre países para tratar a crise iminente envolvendo o aquecimento global, Al Gore retorna ao tema para mostrar não apenas as consequências práticas da crise climática, mas também os avanços obtidos na obtenção de energia através de fontes limpas.
A mysterious bomb blast in a business tycoon's factory prompts the state CM to hire an NIA officer. He meets an ex-army man seeking revenge for his dead daughter and a journalist demanding justice for her slain boyfriend. Nothing is what it seems. The film raises contemporary ecological issue with lot of thrill.
A young, unnamed woman, while biking home from the bank she works at, happens upon a weakened tree goddess whose native shrine is being demolished for construction work. She rescues her and brings the goddess home with her. The two form a relationship, but what will happen to the goddess as the construction progresses?
The High Cost of Cheap Gas
The environmental problems caused by fracking in America have been well publicized but what's less known are the gas industry's plans for expansion in other countries. This investigation, filmed in Botswana, South Africa and North America, reveals how gas companies are quietly invading some of the most protected places on the planet.
Hummingbirds: Jewelled Messengers
David Attenborough narrates this close up look at these tiny pollinators captured in flight as never before. Acrobats of the air - flying jewels - iridescent partners of countless plants: hummingbirds are amongst the most remarkable creatures on our planet.