
Evadu Thakkuva Kaadu (2019)

A New Age Revenge... A Story of Bravehearts..

Gênero : Drama, Ação

Runtime : 2H 5M

Director : Raghu Jaya
Escritor : Sarath Mandava


It follows the story of four friends who face the wrath of a powerful man after their actions inadvertently result in a loss of face for him. They must now fight back against him for survival.


Madhusudhan Rao
Madhusudhan Rao
Raghu Karumanchi
Raghu Karumanchi
Priyanka Jain
Priyanka Jain
Vikram Sahidev
Vikram Sahidev


S. D. Vijay Milton
S. D. Vijay Milton
Original Story
Lagadapati Sirisha Sridhar
Lagadapati Sirisha Sridhar
Raghu Jaya
Raghu Jaya
Sai Karthik
Sai Karthik
Original Music Composer
Hari Gowra
Hari Gowra
Original Music Composer
Sarath Mandava
Sarath Mandava
Sarath Mandava
Sarath Mandava
S. D. Vijay Milton
S. D. Vijay Milton
R. Srikanth Patnaik
R. Srikanth Patnaik
Sarath Mandava
Sarath Mandava
Executive Producer


The Wheel
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The Stork Nest
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Evadu Thakkuva Kaadu
It follows the story of four friends who face the wrath of a powerful man after their actions inadvertently result in a loss of face for him. They must now fight back against him for survival.
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Seguiré tus pasos
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O Traidor
Palermo, Sicília, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, membro da Máfia, decide mudar-se para o Brasil com sua família fugindo da guerra constante entre os diferentes clãs da organização criminosa. Mas quando, após viver várias desgraças, ele é forçado a voltar para a Itália, toma uma decisão ousada que mudará sua vida e o destino da Cosa Nostra para sempre.
O Que Ficou para Trás
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Dias Melhores
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Aprendiz de Espiã
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O Fio Invisível
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