
Eat, Fast and Live Longer (2012)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 59M

Director : Kate Dart


British journalist and physician Michael Mosley sets an ambitious goal: to become healthier and lose weight while making as few changes as possible to his life. In working toward these goals, Mosley discovers a powerful new science behind the old idea of fasting, a program that still allows him to enjoy his favorite foods. He takes a road trip across the U.S. to investigate how a little hunger can turn on the body’s “repair genes” and, of course, tries the new science himself. Mosley learns that a diet based on feast and famine has powerful effects on the body, reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. The diet seems to pack the anti-aging clout of calorie restriction while still allowing for a taste of the good life. And it turns out to be not only good for the body; it may also be good for the brain.


Michael Mosley
Michael Mosley
Self / Presenter / Journalist
Fauja Singh
Fauja Singh
Self / 100+ year old marathon runner
Luigi Fontana
Luigi Fontana
Self / Professor, Washington University School of Medicine
Joe Cordell
Joe Cordell
Self / Calorie Restrictor on Optimal Nutrition (CRONy)
Valter Longo
Valter Longo
Self / Professor, USC
Krista A. Varaday
Krista A. Varaday
Self / Professor of Nutrition, University of Illinois Chicago
Mark P. Mattson
Mark P. Mattson
Self / Professor, National Institute on Aging
Clare Mosley
Clare Mosley
Self / Wife / General Practitioner / Consultant


Kate Dart
Kate Dart
Kate Dart
Kate Dart
Emma Chapman
Emma Chapman
Production Coordinator
Laura Davey
Laura Davey
Production Executive
Marie O'Donnnell
Marie O'Donnnell
Production Manager
Aidan Laverty
Aidan Laverty


Com a Bola Toda
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Lying to Be Perfect
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O Que é Saúde
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Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
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Fat Fiction
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Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
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Food Matters
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Paradise: Hope
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The Perfect Human Diet
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5
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O Gorducho
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Tomorrow We Diet
Indeed, man craves to eat and George Geef (Goofy) is no exception. He eats like it's going out of style. Finally, his reflection in the mirror tells him he's getting too fat. Goofy starts showing all the signs of being overweight. When he gets into a taxi, the back tires deflate. When he gets into an elevator, the elevator remains grounded. Goofy's reflection "helps" him lose weight by refusing to let him eat. Geef thinks he can resist but is soon upset by all manner of temptations. He goes to bed but sleepwalks to the refrigerator only to discover it is empty. It turns out his reflection ate all the food telling him, "Eat, drink, and be merry, and tomorrow we diet!"