
Carcereiros: O Filme (2019)

Gênero : Drama, Crime

Runtime : 1H 40M

Director : José Eduardo Belmonte


Adriano é um carcereiro íntegro e avesso à violência, ele tenta garantir a tranquilidade no presídio, mesmo sofrendo com grandes dilemas familiares. A chegada de Abdel, um perigoso terrorista internacional, aumenta ainda mais a tensão no presídio, que já vive dias de terror por conta da luta entre duas facções criminosas. Agora, Adriano terá que enfrentar uma rebelião além de controlar todos os passos de Abdel.


Rodrigo Lombardi
Rodrigo Lombardi
Jackson Antunes
Jackson Antunes
Coronel Moreira
Bianca Muller
Bianca Muller
Tony Tornado
Tony Tornado
Milton Gonçalves
Milton Gonçalves
Dr. Louveira
Kaysar Dadour
Kaysar Dadour
Dan Stulbach
Dan Stulbach
Paulo Pereira Garcia
Rômulo Braga
Rômulo Braga
Isaac Bardavid
Isaac Bardavid
Ricardo Dantas
Ricardo Dantas
Rafael Portugal
Rafael Portugal
Ivan de Almeida
Ivan de Almeida
Similião Aurélio
Similião Aurélio
Carlão da Motoserra
José Trassi
José Trassi
Germano Pereira
Germano Pereira
Rainer Cadete
Rainer Cadete
Creo Kellab
Creo Kellab
Maxwell Nascimento
Maxwell Nascimento
Arieta Corrêa
Arieta Corrêa
Delegada Mendes
Douglas Simon
Douglas Simon
Giovanna Rispoli
Giovanna Rispoli


José Eduardo Belmonte
José Eduardo Belmonte
Marcelo Starobinas
Marcelo Starobinas
Dennison Ramalho
Dennison Ramalho
Fernando Bonassi
Fernando Bonassi
Marçal Aquino
Marçal Aquino
Alexandre Ramos
Alexandre Ramos
Director of Photography
Bruno Lasevicius
Bruno Lasevicius
Raoni Rodrigues
Raoni Rodrigues
Guilherme Garbato
Guilherme Garbato
Original Music Composer
Gustavo Garbato
Gustavo Garbato
Original Music Composer
Caio Gullane
Caio Gullane
Fabiano Gullane
Fabiano Gullane
Ana Gabriela
Ana Gabriela
Cadu Ciampolini
Cadu Ciampolini
Fernando Grostein Andrade
Fernando Grostein Andrade
Victor Quintanilha
Victor Quintanilha
Dialogue Editor

Cartazes e fundos



One in a Million: The Ron LeFlore Story
The true story of baseball star Ron LeFlore, from his days as a street-corner punk with no future to his days behind bars on a petty robbery conviction to his ultimate once-in-a-lifetime chance with the Detroit Tigers, where he became an outstanding baseball player.
This fact-based prison drama tells the tale of a band of prisoners living in the innovative 2,600-acre prison at Chino, California. The place takes a humanistic approach to reform and there are no armed guards, no lockups and no uniforms. The underlying philosophy is that if these things are not there, the prisoners will not want to escape, and will instead accept their punishment. A new inmate arrives and soon accustoms himself to the new idea. The story includes the Oscar nominated song Unchained Melody.
The Last Judgement
A man is facing a trial for murdering a Latvian union leader, which more likely than not will end with a death sentence. A close-up look at his emotional journey through the trial, imprisonment and beyond.
A Caça
Duas crianças testemunham um assassinato durante um acampamento com os amigos de seus pais e os irmãos que cometeram o crime pretendem silenciá-las.
118 Dias
Maziar Bahari é um jornalista iraniano que trabalha para a revista americana Newsweek e vive em Londres, ao lado da esposa grávida. Ele é enviado para cobrir as eleições presidenciais no Irã em 2009, onde o atual presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad corre o risco de não se reeleger. Após uma vitória folgada de Ahmadinejad, rumores de que a eleição teria sido fraudada provocam diversas manifestações populares, algumas repelidas com violência pela polícia local. Bahari consegue filmar um destes ataques e veicula o material para ser divulgado mundo afora, o que o transforma em alvo do governo iraniano. Preso por tempo indeterminado, ele passa a ser torturado para que confesse que estava agindo em nome de uma conspiração ocidental para derrubar o presidente iraniano
Louis, ex-chefe de uma gangue de presidiários, está a poucas semanas de cumprir sua pena de 24 anos por assassinato.
Welcome to Curiosity
Um assalto seguido de traição, um serial killer à solta, um lunático fora do asilo, uma garota saindo com um homem muito mau e um vendedor com uma imaginação vívida. Quatro contos acompanhando cinco pessoas cujos destinos estão todos interconectados sem que eles saibam, mas todos compartilhando uma coisa em comum: a curiosidade mata.
The Man Without Tomorrow
After Murat is released from prison, he will do illegal deeds to help street kids.
Prison on Fire: Life Sentence
A group of prisoners were doing a variety of activities on the courtyard. Big Fool (William Ho) and Crazy Bill (Tommy Wong) were playing basketball where Bill kicks the ball towards Tung (Ben Wong), who kicks it away. Bill felt humiliated by it and stars a fight with Tung where Tung ends out hospitalized. During hospitalization, Tung thinks about the time when his family moved to another house and opened a food stall nearby. However, their stall was burnt by triad leader Sing (Bill Lung), who constantly bullies Tung's family and also raped Tung's girlfriend, Sau (Iris Wong). Unable to tolerate Sing's bullying, Tung kills Sing by chopping him to death, which leads Tung to being imprisoned.
The Rat Tamer
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The Violent and the Damned
When chain gang prisoners attack their guards, some of the hardened criminals escape Brazil's infamous Anchieta Prison amidst all the pick-ax carnage. The government dispatches a machine-gun squad to round up the fugitives, who have fled by foot and boat and now have begun to turn on each other.
A Man's Past
A Man's Past (1927)
Ao ser libertado temporariamente da prisão, um criminoso de rua consegue enganar os guardas e, em busca de vingança, vai atrás de sombras de seu passado, atrás de quem o transformou em um assassino sem piedade. Em uma batalha épica e sangrenta, ele busca de alguém que ele perdeu anos atrás, nas ruas de uma cidade que não perdoa.
Sister Hearts
Maryam Henderson-Uloho spent thirteen years in prison in Louisiana, seven in solitary confinement. After her release she struggled to find housing or employment. She began selling secondhand goods out of a suitcase on a street corner in New Orleans. In just three years, she grew her business to a brick-and-mortar thrift store—one that also provides housing and employment for other formerly-incarcerated women. She calls those women—and her store—Sister Hearts.
Cuerda de presos
For three months, the journalist Jesús Quintero visits more than thirty prisons and interviews more than a hundred prisoners in order to discover what life is like for those who live in them.
The final months of pregnancy and the first ones after the birth of a baby are unique experiences in a woman's life. And when this daily life is lived inside a prison?
Prison on Fire: Plaintive Destiny
The Jail having a new comer, Uncle Pui, he got life-time lock up since was charged murder his daughter. He was an owner of BBQ Shop, his daughter Man came from Mainland China, hooked up Pui's student Yat in a short time. But the truth is Man want to cheat all Yat's money. It makes Yat committed suicide. Pui was in great anger and killed Man…
Upon completing his six years in jail, after taking the wrap for his brother Chris's crime, Rick finds his family in financial hardship and he is unable to acquire a job to help provide. In the hopes of finding financial freedom for their family, Rick is lured by Chris into a uniquely well devised and low risk method of bank robbing, and the boys quickly become successful career criminals. Their success is short lived as Rick is unaware that his older brother stole this full-proof method from another career criminal, who is now demanding full compensation, drawing the brothers into a high-stakes conflict for their freedom, family, the money, and redemption.
The True History of Billie the Kid
Billie visits her ageing father in jail, revealing that her childhood in his care was not as safe and happy as he might have believed. Will she get her revenge?
Girl Overboard
A young man is sentenced to prison for a term of eight years, yet he's allowed out if he promises not to get married for those eight years, lest he be forced to complete his sentence behind bars. He goes to live on an old ship in the harbor with an old sea captain. One day a homeless girl is fished out of the water and brought to live on the boat, soon marrying the young man. All is well until his parole officer finds out.